For schools

The SBAT Establishment Process for NSW Government Schools

Step 1 - The parent/carer completes and signs the “Application to Establish an SBAT” form and returns to the school (link to form).

Step 2 - The school’s SBAT contact completes the sections of Training Plan Proposal (TPP) mandated for schools.

Step 3 - Once the mandated fields of the TPP have been completed the school's SBAT contact forwards the TPP to their SBAT Officer except when the student is employed by a "large employer". Where a student's employer is designated as a "large employer" the school's SBAT contact forwards the TPP to A list of large employers can be found here.

Step 4 - The school’s SBAT Officer confirms with the school SBAT contact a training provider has been confirmed by receipt of a TPP signed by the RTO. Once confirmation is received schools can release a student to attend the workplace and training.

Step 5 - The Apprenticeship Connect Australia Provider (ACAP) undertakes pre-establishment processes, completes the TPP and organises the parent, student, and employer to sign the Training Contract. Once signed the ACAP forwards the Training Contract and TPP to Training Services for approval.

Step 6 - Once approved by Training Services the ACAP notifies the SBAT Officer who then notifies the school that the SBAT has been approved.

Step 7 - The RTO sends the Training plan to the SBAT officer for approval, once approved the Training Plan is to be signed by the employer, student, parent/carer and school. Once signed, the establishment process ends.

Apprenticeship Connect Australia Providers (ACAPs)

The Commonwealth Government has engaged several organisations to deliver an increased level of apprenticeship support services to apprentices and trainees including SBATs. These organisations are referred to as Apprenticeship Connect Australia Providers or ACAPs. These replace the Apprenticeship Network Providers referred to as ANPs or ASSNs.

ACAPs have the responsibility for the SBAT training contract sign up process and submitting the training contract and TPP to Training Services for approval and providing a range of support services to the student and employer throughout the duration of the training contract.

ACAPs will also work with schools, SBAT Officers and SBAT Engagement Officers to promote apprenticeship and traineeship pathways to students including SBATs.

Enquiries regarding the new SBAT establishment process

All enquiries about the new SBAT establishment process should be forwarded to your local SBAT Officer.


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