Business Services: Business Operations
The nationally recognised Certificate III in Business will empower you with the essential knowledge and skills you need to build your career in business operations.

Is this course right for me?
Transferrable skills gained in the study of this course will support roles across multiple sectors in the industry.
Business Services graduates need both technical and enterprise skills. These skills can generally be grouped as follows:
- Business competence – financial literacy, entrepreneurship and small business, business sustainability, and business operations.
- Critical thinking and problem solving – enabling a person to gather, assess, and apply information to develop effective solutions.
- Social competence – teamwork, oral and written communication, leadership and emotional intelligence.
As new ways of working emerge across the Business Services sector (including remote teaming and the gig economy) these skills will become increasingly important for success in the workplace.
Qualification | Course name / code | ATAR eligible | Mandatory placement hours | Virtual delivery available |
Full Certificate | BSB30120 Certificate III in Business | Yes | 70 | Yes |
Where can this course take me?
According to the Department of Jobs and Small Business, the projected employment growth for administrative and support services in Australia is 6.6%.
- Office administration
- Personal or executive assistant.
This course can lead to further study, such as:
- BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- BSB50120 Diploma of Business.
Subjects that support this career path
- Economics
- Legal Studies
- Business Studies
- Design and Technology.
Industry related websites
Speak to your school to find out more.