How does it work?

Apprenticeship and traineeship options
Apprenticeships and traineeships are available to anyone of working age, and most can be done full-time or part-time.
You may choose to work with your current employer, a small business or a government organisation. You might also work for a Group Training Organisation that employs you and places you with a host employer— a bit like a recruitment agency.
Your training contract
As a part of your apprenticeship or traineeship, you’ll sign a training contract with your employer to work and learn under their supervision. Training Services administers these contracts.
Your contract also includes training through a registered training organisation. You can choose from TAFE NSW, an adult or community education provider, a private provider, and in some cases, your school.
What is a GTO?
Group Training Organisations (GTOs) directly employ apprentices and trainees and then place them with a host employer.
They make sure you have consistent employment and training so you can complete your training contract and qualification.
You’ll benefit from working for a GTO if you would like to try out a range of host employers over the course of your apprenticeship or traineeship. They provide opportunities for employers who can’t support an apprentice or trainee for the full term of their training contract.