Rules and regulations
Apprenticeships and traineeships in NSW are administered under the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001.

This Act provides the framework which protects and supports employers and their apprentices and trainees.
Qualifications from nationally agreed training packages are identified by industry as being suitable to be delivered as an apprenticeship or traineeship. They are established in New South Wales using a Vocational Training Order (VTO). The VTO specifies the qualification, length of apprenticeship or traineeship and probationary period.
Commissioners Information Bulletins (CIB) which contain the Vocational Training Orders are published on the Training Services website.
The CIB specifies:
- if the qualification is an apprenticeship or a traineeship
- job descriptions to help you decide which qualification is suitable for you
- industrial arrangements and awards
- licensing requirements for the industry
- any additional regulatory requirements
- links to resources for registered training organisations
- links to training providers available to deliver the training.
Advice and support
During the apprenticeship or traineeship you can obtain advice and support from Training Services as well as your local Apprentice Connect Australia Provider.
Initially, staff from an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (ACAP) will help you to establish your apprenticeship or traineeship with NSW Department of Education - Training Services, and advise you on the funding or other assistance that may be available to you as an apprentice or trainee.
Once registered, ACAP staff and Training Services field staff will monitor your apprenticeship or traineeship and assist with training aspects. If things don't work out, and you (or your employer) want to cancel, suspend or transfer the apprenticeship/traineeship to another employer, Training Services staff will assist in resolving the situation and make necessary arrangements.
For more information you can visit the Australian Apprenticeships web site.