Balancing your work-study life
Juggling work, study and a social/family life is challenging, but with a little planning and self-discipline, you can do your best.

Plan for what's expected and unexpected
Talk to your trainer about how much coursework you’ll have and when your deadlines will be so you can plan ahead.
Your training provider should provide details of the expected delivery dates for each of the Units of Competency that you need to complete for your qualification. You can use it to schedule and keep on track with your coursework.
Study tips
- Clearly mark all your study and work deadlines on your calendar.
- Work out your top priorities and how long you have. Divide up your tasks so you can avoid a last minute rush.
- Start your assignments early in case unplanned events come up.
- Let your friends and family know about your training schedule. Ask for help when you need it, remember two heads are better than one.
- You may want to create a dedicated study space at home, to help you remain focused and work uninterrupted. If you find it difficult to study at home, you could go to a library or use a quiet place at work.
- Try setting aside certain time slots for home study so you’re used to a routine.
- Build a routine you can stick to, but can also remember you can change this schedule if you have to adapt to new assignments, unexpected errands and/or sudden work pressures.
- Plan for enough study time so if something comes up, you can shift your study to another time slot.
Learn how to manage stress
While stress is usually referred to as a negative experience, not all stress is bad. Some stress can be helpful as it can motivate you to finish a task.
However, if stress continues over a long period, it can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health.
Make sure you look after yourself
- Get around eight hours of sleep, take regular breaks, eat well, stretch, and take a walk. Allow yourself time to enjoy some of the good things life has to offer.
- At the beginning of each week schedule a social activity with your friends for the weekend - it will give you something to look forward to
- Take time out to do some kind of physical activity, whether it’s walking in your local park, doing weights at the gym or fitting in a swim, exercise helps you release stress and get out of your head
- Avoid nights out during the week so you can get enough sleep and feel energised and focussed at work.
- Keep track of your progress
- Save copies of your assignments and assessments so you can see what you’ve achieved so far
- Keep a record of the competencies you've completed so you know which units you still need to complete to get your qualification
- If your qualification is updated, your training organisation will explain the difference between the old and new qualification and if you need to study any new subjects.
Ask for help
If you’re finding your training too hard, talk to your lecturers or trainers about your workload. If work's getting to you, talk to a colleague, your supervisor or your employer. The first step to making the situation better is talking to someone about it.
How can we help? Contact us.