Are you looking for a temporary teaching opportunity that gives you the flexibility to work across a number of school settings? If so, apply for the Classroom Cover Stream of the Teachers in the Field Program and expand your teaching experience. Temporary positions are available for Years K - 6, Years 7 - 12 or Years K - 12 across a range of regional, rural and remote NSW public schools.

Under the Classroom Cover Stream of the Teachers in the Field Program, temporary teaching opportunities are available for up to three years at either one school (inbuilt relief) or across a geographic hub of schools (hub and spoke).

Teachers engaged as part of the Classroom Cover Stream may benefit from:

  • reduced commuting time for teachers who previously travelled longer distances to provide casual relief
  • longer engagements for staff who may have previously been employed on a casual basis
  • appointments that include leave and other benefits
  • greater employment certainty.

Temporary positions under the Classroom Cover Stream are currently accepting applications. Vacancies will be listed below as they become available in participating schools. Applicants must have a valid approval to teach and be willing to teach as a generalist (years K -12).

Hub and spoke model

Temporary teachers employed under this model are assigned to a group of schools with one school designated as the 'hub' school. Hub and spoke schools are grouped according to travel distance, so that teachers’ commuting time is, on average, no more than an hour.

Teachers will be based in their 'hub' school and will travel to 'spoke' schools, providing relief and release as required. Temporary teachers employed under this model must hold a valid NSW driver's licence, have access to their own vehicle and be willing to travel to participating schools.

Inbuilt relief model

Temporary teachers employed under this model are based solely at their designated schools, providing day-to-day relief and release as required.

Participating schools

Rural North

Hub school

Southern Cross Public School Years K - 6

Spoke schools

Ballina Public School Years K - 6

Ballina Coast High School Years 7 - 12

About the Hub School

Southern Cross Public School is situated in East Ballina on the Far North Coast. The school has enrolments of 385 students, including 4 support classes and 8% Indigenous students. Our school is well resourced with modern facilities and specialised learning spaces. Staff maintain high standards of performance and professionalism to provide a quality education for all students in a harmonious learning environment. Specific programs and initiatives that meet the needs of a contemporary learner are a feature of the school. Our school has a strong focus on collaboration through functional teams in the development of curriculum-based learning and within instruction through cooperative structures.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Blakebrook Public School embraces authentic teaching and learning programs where students, teachers, parents and the school community, plan and work cooperatively to provide responsive, supportive and challenging learning experiences in a safe, caring environment. Blakebrook Public School is nestled in a quiet, rural setting on Rosehill Road 10km north west of Lismore. Our school provides a quality learning environment for students from the Nimbin, Jiggi, Koonorigan, Keerrong, Rock Valley and Lismore areas. Our school has a proud history and currently supports 60 pupils in Kindergarten to Year 6.

Hub school

Bonalbo Central School Years K - 12

Spoke schools

Casino High School Years 7 - 12

About the Hub School

Bonalbo Central School is located in the beautiful Upper Clarence Valley, sitting proudly on Wahlubal land. A small but cohesive staff work together to improve the wellbeing and life opportunities of the 79 K-12 students from Bonalbo, Old Bonalbo, Drake, Tabulam and Mallanganee. 30% of our students identify as Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander. The school continues to pursue and consolidate partnerships with the community including the AECG and P&C, and works closely with other ‘West of the Range’ schools. Our school has excellent facilities, including multi-purpose hall, sporting grounds, outdoor gym and quality ICT resources. Extensive agriculture facilities and a successful Ag Show Team are key features of the school. The school offers individualised learning in small composite classes and supports senior student learning in a variety of Stage 6 subjects including VET and TAFE. The Trade Training Centre includes a commercial kitchen and metal fabrication and timber construction workshops. Our Strategic Improvement Plan focuses on student growth and attainment, wellbeing and community connections.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Kathryn Taylor (Principal, Bonalbo Central School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Collarenebri Central School is a small rural school catering for the learning needs of the local community and surrounding farms. It has a primary and secondary cohort of students. The secondary students have access to Stage 6 options as the school is a part of the Northern Borders Access Program. This provides options for students from the four partner schools. There is a Preschool located next to the school that caters for early learning needs of children.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Coonabarabran Public School is located on the Newell Highway is the stargazing capital of Australia. The small country town is on the edge of the iconic Warrumbungle National Park, which was officially recognised as an International Dark Sky Park in 2016, the first in Australia. Coonabarabran has a population of approximately 2500 people and has all the modern facilities you would expect to see in a rural community. Schools in the model consist of 2 primary schools, 1 high school, 3 central schools and the Warrumbungle Environmental Education Centre.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Dungay, Condong and Carool Public Schools are dynamic small schools on the outskirts of Murwillumbah and Bilambil. These schools have an ongoing focus on providing a safe and happy student learning environment. We provide comprehensive learning opportunities catering for all students' independent social, cultural and intellectual needs through the efforts of a highly experienced and committed staff. We aim to prepare students for responsible citizenship, to further their learning and encourage them to strive to do their personal best in all endeavours.

Hub school

Goonellabah Public School Years K - 6

Spoke schools

Lismore Heights Public School Years K - 6

Albert Park Public School Years K - 6

About the Hub School

Our school is located on the northern ridge residential area of Lismore. The school grounds are well established and identified by Lismore City Council as having heritage value because of the tree plantings. Koalas are often found in the playground trees. Buses from across Lismore and the adjoining district, service the school. A number of students walk or ride bikes to school. Statement of School Purpose: Goonellabah Public School exists for the children. The purpose of Goonellabah Public School is to foster in every child a sense of worth and dignity as a person, by providing a quality education through active participation. The school's statement of purpose and the values upon which our discipline and welfare procedures are based were developed in consultation with our parents and school community. Our school's values are: respecting yourself; respecting others' rights; respecting your own and others' safety; respecting others' property; respecting others' differences. Our beliefs and goals are detailed on our website.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Inverell Public School is a rural K-6 school, situated in northwest NSW on the land of the Kamilaroi people. The school has 542 students, with 26% who identify as Aboriginal along with 2 x MC and 1 x EI class. The school is committed to a culture of success. Our dedicated staff members participate in contextually relevant and valuable professional learning to ensure students benefit from a high-quality school environment that fully develops the capabilities of all students. Inverell Public School embeds Play is the Way framework across all school systems to enhance academic, social and emotional intelligence outcomes for all students. The CORE values of Inverell Public School are Cooperate, Achieve, Respect and Excel.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Moree Public School is located in the North West NSW. The school is set in large, attractive and well–maintained grounds. It has a population of 518 students, with 40% identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. The school maintains high standards for student learning and behaviour and prides itself on having quality programs and practices in place. Our students benefit from a broad range of academic, creative and performing arts and sporting programs. The school enjoys close ties with and is very highly regarded and well supported by the local and wider community. Students are drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds. Our school values are Equity, Excellence and Community.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Mullumbimby High School is located near the township of Mullumbimby in the Byron Shire of northern NSW. It is a comprehensive high school that serves a community rich in diversity, talent and character. Our students benefit from impressive facilities and picturesque grounds set against a stunning backdrop of riverbanks and rainforest. Mullumbimby High school enjoys a long tradition of our students achieving academic, creative, performing and sporting excellence. We achieve this by offering a broad ranging curriculum delivered by an experienced and committed teaching staff within a school wide culture of positive behaviour that is underpinned by our core values of respect, responsibility and learning.

Hub school

Spoke school

About the Hub School

Narrabri High School is a comprehensive co-educational high school which caters for 530 students from Years 7 to 12 including 26% who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. It is situated in North-Western NSW, midway between Sydney and Brisbane on the Kamilaroi Highway. The school provides educational opportunities for students from the town as well as adjacent rural areas. Narrabri High School provides a broad and comprehensive curriculum and there is a tradition of high achievement in sports, the visual and performing arts, student leadership and a range of other extra-curricular activities. The school is well equipped with a number of specialist facilities. It has a farm, a large hall, computer laboratories, sporting oval and well-kept grounds. Narrabri High School enjoys close ties with the local community which enable the school to provide additional opportunities for students.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Simon Warden (Principal, Narrabri High School).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Gillwinga Public School is a modern, well equipped school, with exemplary facilities and extensive playing fields including playground equipment. We have a strong emphasis on quality Literacy and Numeracy programs, and those that support student wellbeing. Although in the centre of South Grafton the school is set in a quiet street with a scenic bush setting. This provides a calm, serene environment allowing for maximum learning opportunities. The school provides quality academic, cultural and sporting programs to students from South Grafton and surrounding areas. Our ongoing focus is on providing opportunities and encouraging students to be the best that they can be. Gillwinga is part of the Low SES National Partnerships program and receives additional funding to help cater for the needs of the students. Our students are taught explicitly and systematically in the academic areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Computer Technology. The school has an established creative arts program with individual musical tuition by qualified staff from the Regional Conservatorium. Students also have the opportunity to be involved in the dance and choir groups, who have received accolades and awards when performing at local eisteddfods and community events.

Hub school

Spring Ridge Public School Years K - 6

Spoke schools

Blackville Public School Years K - 6

Premer Public School Years K - 6

Tambar Springs Public School Years K - 6

Walhallow Public School* Years K - 6

Werris Creek Public School Years K - 6

Quirindi Public School Years K - 6

About the Hub School

Spring Ridge Public School, with an enrolment of 25 students, is situated southwest of Tamworth on the fertile Liverpool Plains. The school services a supportive rural community which is proud of its school and the achievements of its children. The school enjoys the support of an active P&C. Parents are active participants in school life, helping out regularly in classrooms with literacy activities, sporting carnivals, travel to and from external activities and the school canteen.

At present the school has two full time teachers and a part time teacher who is employed four days per week to support our infant's students. Student participation in sport is enthusiastic and they regularly participate in the Premier's Sporting Challenge. The Student Representative Council meet each term. Students provide input into purchasing equipment and learning activities.

Spring Ridge Public Schools is part of the WARRAMA - LI Alliance, consisting of Blackville Public School, Walhallow Public School, Willow Tree Public School, Werris Creek Public School and Wallabadah Public School. Each term all schools in the alliance meet to participate in extracurricular learning experiences based around STEM, cultural, academic and sporting activities.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Tenterfield High School, situated 18 km south of the Queensland border, is a rural school catering for the needs of approximately 245 students including 18% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students. The school caters for students with a range of abilities and includes two multi–categorical classes. Quality teaching and learning form the basis for excellent educational initiatives. Explicit teaching and high expectations is a focus across the school and literacy and numeracy is embedded in all KLA's. The school achieves excellent HSC results, above state average in several subjects. In 2021 we were recognised for showing some of the most improved HSC results in the state. Agricultural and successful vocational education programs is a feature of the school. The students are highly active within the community and reach state level in a variety of sporting events. Staff range from experienced to early career and are committed to improving the educational opportunities at Tenterfield High School to reflect future focused teaching and learning. The school enjoys very strong parent and community support with significant ties to the local Aboriginal community, and has in place a highly developed student welfare system.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Walcha Central School Years K - 12

Spoke schools

Niangala Public School* Years K - 6

Bendemeer Public School Years K - 6

Woolbrook Public School Years K - 6

Yarrowitch Public School Years K - 6

About the Hub School

Walcha Central School promotes a ‘one school K-12' culture and continuum of learning. The student enrolment is 268 with student population comprised of 60% K-6, 40% 7-12 and 25% identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander along with a number of other cultural backgrounds. The school is strongly supported by an active P&C and multiple community partnerships. An enthusiastic staff of all career levels, strive to lead learning for all students supported with extensive professional learning. Walcha Central School fosters strong partnership with surrounding small schools to provide the best learning opportunities for all students. Teachers are supported to develop self and leadership. Established in 1859, the school in partnership with its community, provides a quality and progressive education in safe and supportive environment based on the school values of Respect, Engagement, Achievement and Leadership for learning. The school has high participation in sport, debating and extra curricula pursuits as well as cultural, community and creative opportunities.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Tamworth West Public School is located near the centre of Tamworth and services the needs of approximately 395 students from very diverse backgrounds within the city of Tamworth. We have undergone significant growth over the past few years, increasing in population by approximately 40 percent.

We currently house 14 mainstream classes, two moderate intellectual disability/autism support classes and a support class for students with mild intellectual disability.

Our staff is caring and supportive. We enthusiastically embrace and implement innovations in many areas of school life to ensure the best possible learning opportunities for our students.

We are an inclusive and student-centred school that offers a positive, spacious and well-equipped environment. Our physical environment is inviting and interesting. We offer indoor and outdoor learning environments and are fortunate to be able to continue to improve our aesthetics through the dedication of our hard-working P&C.

As a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school, our community supports and promotes the development of students who are respectful, resilient and responsible.

Rural South and West

Hub school

Ardlethan Central School* Years K - 12

Spoke schools

Ariah Park Central School Years K - 12

Barellan Central School Years K - 12

About the Hub School

Ardlethan Central School is a K-12 rural school on the lands of the Wiradjuri people, in the Riverina Region, South Western NSW. Ardlethan is a town that has continued to contract in size due to traditional family farms being bought by farming conglomerates. The population of the town is made up of predominately retired couples who have moved off the farms or younger families who have been attracted to the town due to more affordable housing. Dedicated teachers and support staff create a supportive, safe and inclusive learning environment for our students. Teachers receive ongoing professional development focusing on current research in what works best to deliver quality learning experiences to all students. Students are provided opportunities to succeed in all areas, including cultural, sporting and academic pursuits. Ardlethan Central School is part of the Riverina Access Partnership (RAP), one of five access programs that run in NSW. RAP provides a shared curriculum for senior secondary students across six central schools that deliver Yr 11 and 12 studies across all six participating schools. The cohorts of students interact with each other and their co-ordinating teacher through online platforms and collaborative technologies, while being supported in their home school by co-teachers. This enables rural students to complete their secondary education at their local school with the support of their community without having to live away from home. The focus and strength of our school is the ability to provide tailored and individualised learning opportunities for every child from Kindergarten to year 12.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Grant Lloyd (Principal, Ardlethan Central School).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Barham Public School is located on the banks of the Murray River, only 3 hours drive from the city of Melbourne. Our student population of 136 students includes 5% Aboriginal students. Our dedicated staff are committed to using data to inform quality, differentiated teaching and learning programs. Our calm, nurturing learning environment is testament to our well-established Positive Behaviour for Learning framework which successfully meet the needs of our students.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Batlow Technology School has a student population of 120 students across the K - 12 setting. We have a Trade Training Centre, computer labs and a multi-purpose tennis/netball court. The school hall also has a basketball court within it.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Michelle Wainwright (Principal, Batlow Technology School).

Hub school

Condobolin High School* Years 7 - 12

Spoke schools

Condobolin Public School* Years K - 6

Bogan Gate Public School Years K - 6

About the Hub School

Condobolin High School is an inclusive comprehensive secondary school in the township of Condobolin on the lands of the Wiradjuri people. It has provided education to the to the students of Condobolin and its surrounds for over 150 years. It is considered to be a remote school and is located close to the geographic centre of New South Wales. Condobolin is home to approximately 3 500 people. Farming, trades, mining, shire workers, education and local retailers are just a few of the common occupations held within the area. The school provides a significant range of experiences for students to engage in extracurricular activities focused on expanding opportunities to engage with and contribute to the local community, including community beautification projects, broadening capacity for positive citizenship and the development of positive values. The school has historically maintained exceptional community partnerships with local businesses and cultural organisations, strengthened through involvement in work experience programs for students. The Parents and Citizens' Association and Aboriginal Education Consultative Group are both integral parts of the school, committed to working collaboratively with the staff to enhance learning and cultural opportunities.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Wendy Scarce (Principal, Condobolin High School).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Holmwood Public School is situated on the Mid-Western Highway seven kilometres from Cowra. It was established in 1880 and now serves the local community and surrounding district. The school's aim is to provide an education to develop students intellectually, physically and emotionally. It prepares students for secondary education and gives them the confidence and experience necessary to adapt to future life. The school's clientele now comes from a wide area and draws children not only from the local community but also from Cowra to Holmwood. Through commitment and professionalism the staff aim to create an attractive learning environment which is safe, tolerant and supportive. We also aim to provide a curriculum which is relevant, comprehensive and innovative.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Finley Public School is caring, supportive and strives to achieve excellence in student outcomes. At the end of their primary education we want our students to be: literate; numerate; technologically aware; proud Australians. The school provides an enjoyable, stimulating and challenging learning environment for all of its students.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Owen Gill (Principal, Finley Public School).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Forbes North Public School provides quality teaching and learning in a safe and caring environment offering back to basics in literacy (reading, writing and spelling) and numeracy. Technology as an integral part of the curriculum including full student access to the internet, individual programs to cater for students with disabilities and learning difficulties. Special early support programs including reading recovery to ensure early reading success, clearly defined learning outcomes for students and effective student welfare programs with a clearly stated fair discipline code. A learning community with high levels of parent participation and a safe school with a focus on healthy lifestyle through sport and fitness.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Gol Gol Public School is an effective school with a strongly motivated staff that takes pride in a high level of community participation. There is a focus on safety and student learning. The students see relevance in their schooling and strive to achieve high standards. Teachers are perceived as being caring and fair as evidenced in student and parent Quality of School Life Surveys. Our purpose is to encourage all students to achieve to the best of their ability and to be valued members of the community. The school is committed to developing student literacy, numeracy and technology skills.

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Our school aims to encourage lasting responsible attitudes and values, through a learning environment that is happy, safe, positive and challenging to the individual. There is an expectation that community, parents, teachers and students will work together striving for excellence. Griffith East Public School nurtures and develops children to maximise their full potential. The school has an Italian Community Language Program involving the students from Year 3 to Year 6. This program reflects the large percentage of students with an Italian background.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

This position will provide classroom teaching support to eight schools in the Junee, Coolamon and local surrounding areas, including the townships of Eurongilly, Illabo, Marrar and Nangus. The position will be based out of Junee High School and will require travel to support other schools. Individual school contexts are varied and consists of one comprehensive high school, one central school, two primary schools, and four small schools. All schools engage in high levels of collaboration and shared learning experiences and enjoy strong community support. Each school has dedicated and energetic teaching staff with programs to support staff and deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

With the support of the community and a committed and professional staff, Lake Cargelligo Central School strives to provide an innovative and challenging teaching and learning environment for all our students. The school fosters a culture of mutual respect in a supportive, safe and caring environment which enables each student to reach their full potential. This vision statement was developed following consultation with the total school community in 1998. Together with the mission statement, core beliefs and exit outcome statements, it represents the ideals of this school. The school values academic and sporting achievement, student welfare and Aboriginal education.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Eliza Cooper (Principal, Lake Cargelligo Central School).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

At Parkview Public School we enjoy a pleasant rural environment in which we provide relevant, meaningful and enjoyable education for all students. We offer a variety of comprehensive educational programs that cater for students with a wide range of ability levels and provide classroom programs that reflect all aspects of the curriculum together with individual educational programs for students with special needs.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

The school staff is motivated by the strong belief that all children can learn and should be provided with the conditions to do so. Therefore, Parkes Public School continues to cater for individual needs and talents, operating a highly effective, inclusion program for students with both severe disabilities and those in the upper range of abilities. Whilst overall class arrangements do not vary extensively, innovative organisation and strategies are put in place to address particular needs. Further main beliefs that underpin our operation are: poor literacy skills affect self-esteem and therefore, relationships; early intervention is vital; behaviour is a personal choice and one must take responsibility for one's own actions; what a teacher expects is what a child will give; success creates success; and there is always more to know about teaching and learning.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Coral O'Neill (Principal, Parkes Public School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Queanbeyan is centrally located 10 minutes from the city centre of Canberra. Canberra has an International and Domestic airport. It is 2.5-hour drive in a car to the snowfields and a 2-hour drive to the Eurobodalla south coast.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Wendy Attwood (Principal, Queanbeyan Public School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Temora High School is a comprehensive secondary school with a Support Unit which has three classes located in the Riverina on Wiradjuri country, one hour north of Wagga Wagga. The student population is 320 and 7% of all students identify as having an Aboriginal background. Students participate in a wide range of learning experiences focusing on positive relationships, aspirations and high value evidence-based learning in the pursuit of academic improvement and excellence. Our vision is to create a positive and respectful learning environment that fosters individual opportunities and aspirations, providing time, support and space, in which to challenge students to set goals, engage fully and achieve their potential.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Tocumwal Public School is located along the mighty Murray River in South-Western NSW, 730km from Sydney on traditional Yota Yorta land. With an enrolment of 153 students (9% Aboriginality), Tocumwal Public School is a community school with committed teachers and rigorous curriculum programs focused on academic growth and development.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Tumbarumba Public School will collaboratively support the needs of the schools within the program and manage administration. It will also be responsible for mandatory training, professional learning and the Performance Development Plan for the teachers. Tumbarumba Public School is centrally placed to enable the Classroom Cover Stream teacher to travel to all schools.

Hub School

Spoke Schools

About the Hub School

Wentworth Public School has provided education to the Wentworth community for one hundred and forty years. The school is situated on the western banks of the Darling River, not far from the junction of this river with Australia's other major river, the Murray. The school services an isolated area of the state which is subject to extremes of climate, being situated in a semi-arid area. A majority of students access the school by foot or bicycle from the town of Wentworth. Two small buses bring children from isolated station properties up to two hours travel time away from the school. Two larger buses bring children from horticultural blocks in the nearby settlements of Pomona and Curlwaa. The school's Mission Statement is developed from the School Motto, "I Strive" and states, "Wentworth is a caring school, striving to achieve the best for all its children".

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Wyalong Public School* Years K - 6

Spoke schools

Weethalle Public School* Years K - 6

Tallimba Public School* Years K - 6

Barmedman Public School years K - 6

About the Hub School

Wyalong Public School, also known as 'Toppy', is a vibrant learning community situated on Wiradjuri lands. It has a current enrolment of 84 students. There are four stage-based classrooms that are well supported by a dynamic team, including an AP C&I and an Instructional Leader. The school ensures a safe, caring and positive learning environment, where every student is known, valued and cared for. The school community has high expectations that are underpinned by our PBL values of respect, responsibility and resilience. This promotes a strong emphasis on striving for personal best and on the holistic development of every student and staff member. Our school aspires to develop students who will thrive as responsible citizens.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

West Wyalong High School* Years 7 - 12

Spoke schools

West Wyalong Public School* Years K - 6

About the Hub School

West Wyalong High School is a comprehensive rural education school in the north western part of the Riverina, situated on the lands of the Wiradjuri people, 155 kms North East of Griffith. The school serves the town of West Wyalong and surrounding villages in the Bland Shire. The enrolment 7 to 12 has ranged between 265-310 over the past 5 years. In 2022 we have a population of 287 students of which 48 identify as having an aboriginal background and 22 students are EAL/D (English an additional language or dialect).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Regional North

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Castlereagh Public School is a small school located on Darug land, in a semi-rural setting between Penrith and Richmond. It is comprised of 5 classes including cross stage and composite classes. In 2022, the school had 105 enrolments across Years K - 6, with 8% Aboriginal students and 4% of students having language backgrounds other than English. The school is well known for its academic focus and strong community involvement. The core values of the school are to be 'Safe, Respectful, Learners' which is consistently embraced by students, staff and the community.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Hawkesbury High School (Hub School) is located on traditional Darug land approximately 70 km North West of the Sydney CBD, on the outer edge of the Sydney Basin. The school is surrounded by Cumberland Plain Forest in a semi-rural setting. The current enrolment is 470 students including 11% Aboriginal students. The school has 45 teaching staff and seven ancillary and support staff. The school has excellent facilities with up-to-date technology in all faculties, an Agricultural Farm, Drama Performance space, multi-purpose hall and Trade Training Facilities for teaching Hospitality and Metals and Engineering. The school provides a wide variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities available to students. The school values its connection to Aboriginal cultures and history and the local community and it supports all students to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Glenorie Public School (Hub School) is located in Regional North Performance Directorate on the land of the Darug nation and has a student enrolment of 293 students. Students come from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds with 2% of students identifying as Aboriginal and 16% from an English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) background. Extra-curricular opportunities are provided in Sport, Science, Italian, STEM, and Creative and Performing Arts. The school culture is that of connectedness, inclusion and belonging with students, staff, parents and the wider community working together to promote school excellence. The school has a continued emphasis on embedding quality teaching practices in literacy and numeracy and using high impact teaching strategies to improve teacher practice and to support students to excel in their learning. The wellbeing and engagement of students is a priority and the school is supported by a committed P&C.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Comleroy Road Public School (Hub School) is located in the hills of Kurrajong in a semi - rural area of the Hawkesbury district. The school has 137 students, accommodated in modern buildings on an eighteen-acre bush land site, providing a pleasant, welcoming and aesthetically pleasing learning environment. The school community is very supportive, participating in many aspects of school life. The incorporation of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), aims at creating an environment that fosters school success and inclusion for all. Our school-wide discipline plan aims at promoting and role modelling positive, resilient and inclusive behaviour amongst all school stakeholders. Comleroy Road Public School is well resourced and offers a wide range of learning opportunities and extra-curricular programs across all Key Learning Areas to enable students to reach their full potential. We will be focusing resourcing and professional learning towards deeply embedding evidence-base practice and explicit teaching, the effective use of data, collaborative learning communities and strengthening community engagement to enhance student learning. This has been a consultative process with students, staff, community and key stakeholders. The school will focus on striving to ensure that every Aboriginal student achieves their full potential through personalised learning and cultural experiences. Each Aboriginal student will feel a sense of belonging through engagement and collaboration.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Windsor South Public School (Hub School) is located in the Hawkesbury, on the traditional lands of the Boorooberongal people of the Darug Nation. There is an enrolment of 256 students, including 34% Aboriginal students and 11% from a language background other than English. The school community interacts within a 'Respectful, Responsible and Safe' learning environment consisting of 10 mainstream classes and an Early Intervention class. An enthusiastic and collaborative staff are committed to achieving optimum student learning outcomes through quality teaching, inspiring every student to reach their potential. The curriculum is supplemented by learning support programs, enrichment projects, creative and performing arts classes, sports initiatives and a comprehensive technology program. Student wellbeing is paramount at Windsor South and the school prides itself on ensuring every student is known, valued and cared for and wellbeing is supported by Positive Behaviour for Learning and Trauma Informed Practice.

Regional North and West

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Kelso High Campus of Denison College is located in Bathurst, a large regional centre in the Central West of New South Wales, three-hours’ drive from the Sydney CBD. Bathurst boasts a rich heritage and beautiful natural environment, an affordable lifestyle, a wide range of career opportunities and a thriving, inclusive social scene. Kelso High Campus forms an innovative college structure with Bathurst High Campus as part of the Denison College of Secondary Education. Kelso High Campus is a comprehensive secondary school with an enrolment of 840 students, including 140 Aboriginal students and a Support Unit meeting the needs of 72 students across 9 classes. Kelso High Campus has three identified strategic directions: Growth and Attainment, Rigour and High Expectations and Partnerships and Collaboration. There is an emphasis on a deep and shared understanding of the individual needs and backgrounds of students and families, supported by positive relationships between staff, students and families, and teaching and learning that is aligned to student learning data and is responsive to student needs. We work in partnership with our community to build educational aspiration and prepare students for pathways beyond Kelso High Campus.

Hub school

Bombala Public School* Years K - 6

Spoke schools

Bombala High School* Years 7 - 12

Delegate Public School* Years K - 6

About the Hub School

Bombala Public School, established in 1863, is the only public primary school in Bombala. At present we have an enrolment of about 137 students. The community and the parent body are extremely supportive of the school and an effective open door policy is in place. Student welfare is of the utmost importance with such things as Peer Support, Rewards system, Child Protection and Sun Smart programs in place. The Country Areas Program provides significant funds, which enable the school to provide both staff and students with quality opportunities that may otherwise be out of our reach. A middle school program runs in conjunction with Bombala High School and other district primary schools. There are also Kindergarten to Year 12 Assemblies shared with Bombala High to celebrate such things as Education Week. The school grounds are delightful, making a pleasant working environment for both students and staff.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Tyalla Public School has a modern, well-planned learning environment where classrooms are vibrant and well resourced. Staff, parents, and the wider community work together to promote school excellence. We are a member of the Lighthouse Community of Schools and have a strong culture of inclusion, connection and belonging. Our spacious, well-kept sporting fields and play areas welcome students from a diverse range of backgrounds. Our enrolment of 272 students includes 33% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island students and 15% students who have language backgrounds other than English. This diversity provides a rich cultural environment which is celebrated and valued. The school has two multi-categorical classes catering for students with a range of mild and moderate disabilities. Teachers work collaboratively within professional learning teams using spirals of inquiry to analyse data, plan learning and evaluate impact of teaching. The school has a renewed focus on Positive Behaviours for Learning.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Hernani School is a small school situated 95km north-east of Armidale, 105km south west of Grafton and 115km west of Coffs Harbour. The school services a totally rural environment and mainly draws its students from farming and grazing properties in the Hernani area. There is no public transport or school bus requiring 100% of the students travel to school by private car. Access to shops and services requires private transport and communication technology. Hernani Public School provides a wide range of educational experiences in the six Key Learning Areas catering for the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of students. A focus is the appreciation of the advantages of isolation and meeting its challenges. A range of programs and activities provide for individual needs and abilities. The small school environment is recognised as a special attribute of this school. It is utilised in cross-curriculum and cross-grade programming. This friendly, 'family' environment is evident in the tremendous support and enthusiasm given by the school community to school activities, cultural, sporting and academic excursions and other organised events.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Dungay, Condong and Carool PS are dynamic small schools on the outskirts of Murwillumbah and Bilambil. These schools have an ongoing focus on providing a safe and happy student learning environment. We provide comprehensive learning opportunities catering for all students' independent social, cultural and intellectual needs through the efforts of a highly experienced and committed staff. We aim to prepare students for responsible citizenship, to further their learning and encourage them to strive to do their personal best in all endeavours.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Gulgong High School is a comprehensive high school located in a diverse rural setting and has a focus of 'Quality Teaching and Learning in a Safe, Caring Environment'. Students are drawn from the immediate rural and urban surroundings and from various walks of life. The school caters for individual differences by creating a wide choice of curriculum that is both academic and vocationally based. A range of one year, two year and vertically-integrated curriculum structures in the junior school is on offer, to allow a great deal of flexibility and choice that encourages engagement of students in learning. For a small school, Gulgong High School offers a particularly wide range of student electives in both the junior and senior school and enjoys small class sizes in all senior courses and many junior courses. All students are encouraged to strive to achieve at their optimal level and effective student welfare programs are at the forefront of supportive structures to this end.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

The school serves a diverse community drawing its students from both urban and rural areas. Many children travel to school by bus each day. A school priority is to ensure that all children are provided with relevant and challenging teaching programs. Students are encouraged to participate and give their best performance in all aspects of school life.

The development of skills which will allow students to become valued and respected community members is continually fostered. In addition to the key learning areas, students are provided with opportunities to participate in excursions, perform in the school band, choir and dance group, use technology, and participate in a variety of sporting activities. An emphasis is placed on improving student literacy and numeracy skills.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Lithgow High School is a comprehensive public high school, located on the eastern boundary of the Lithgow Network, at the foothills of the Blue Mountains and the gateway to the Central West. The student population of approximately 700 is reflective of an evolving and diverse community. We have a strong representation of First Nations students, representing approximately 19% of the school, and a small but growing EAL/D component. Nestled in a heritage listed area with important links of cultural significance; Lithgow High School has a strong history of sporting, academic, and cultural community links. Students participate in a wide range of learning experiences in the pursuit of their personal excellence. The Special Education Unit is comprised of 10 classes, themed and strongly supported by the DP Inclusion and Support, the award-winning Wellbeing Centre, and our unique Wellbeing Hub. Lithgow High School is currently undergoing significant executive restructuring, curriculum redesign and cohort redevelopment around enrichment streaming and future-proof upskilling of student skillsets. It is a pivotal and exciting time to join our school community.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Foty Loupos (Principal, Lithgow High School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Muswellbrook High School, located in the Upper Hunter Valley, is built on the land of the Wanaruah and Kamilaroi people. With a population of 905 students, approximately 20% of whom identify as Indigenous, our highly qualified and dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff work together to create an environment that truly embodies our school motto, 'Striving for Excellence in a School that Cares'. We enjoy a proud history of educating families from the Upper Hunter, drawing students from the Muswellbrook, Denman, Sandy Hollow and Martindale communities. The school is committed to developing the whole person through a broad curriculum which nourishes academic, sporting, cultural and performing arts achievement. We have strong relationships with the mining, agriculture, viticulture and equine industries to further enhance our school curriculum. We are an inclusive school community, catering for the diverse learning needs of all students, including our Support Unit, providing successful pathways into tertiary study or into employment, fostering the talents of our gifted and talented students, and providing enrichment opportunities for all students throughout their high school journey. We are a PBL school, utilising positive education to further develop student wellbeing and achievement. Our school programs and initiatives are well supported by an active parent community.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Kylie Fabri (Principal, Muswellbrook High School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Nabiac Public School is a small school (166 enrolments) which is centrally located in the village of Nabiac on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, approximately 300km from Sydney. We work collaboratively with the schools in our area and are proud members of the Great Lakes Learning Community. Our experienced and dedicated staff are committed to providing a high-quality education that caters for all students’ learning needs. Staff, families and students work in partnership to maintain high expectations and a positive environment where every student is known, valued and cared for.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Students at Hastings Secondary College have the confidence and qualities to inspire, achieve and succeed in an environment where they know they belong. Our multi-campus college (Westport Campus) and (Port Macquarie Campus) offers an extensive curriculum and high quality, comprehensive extra-curricular programs for every child. Our students excel in creative and performing arts, sport, community volunteering, leadership and academic extension. Our caring and experienced staff consistently challenge students to reach their personal best and provide them with tailored support when they need it. This includes access to specialist classes, resources, programs and events.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Repton Public School is a small school located on the Bellinger River in the Mid Coast Valley Network on the Mid North Coast. Our school has a current enrolment of 69 students including 10 Aboriginal students. Our school has a teaching Principal, 3 class teachers, a Learning and Support Teacher, a Librarian and Relief From Face to Face Teacher for each class teacher for 2 hrs per week. We have a Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI) of 85 and the school supports students from low socio-economic backgrounds, those with additional needs and students with Aboriginal backgrounds. Repton Public School continues to focus on the quality of student outcomes in literacy and numeracy, environmental education through the implementation of Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program, creative arts, music, sport and Gumbayngirr cultural programs. Repton Public School works in partnership with the community and other small schools in the area to deepen academic opportunities and social support for staff and students. The school prides itself on providing students with opportunities to excel and reach their potential by effectively resourcing a wide range of sporting, cultural, vocational and academic programs. The Rutherford Learning Community supports the school to have strong links with partner primary schools to support student transition to high school, community engagement and collaborative teacher practice. The school’s Senior Leadership team works to build and sustain strong partnerships with other government agencies and community organisations to support improved outcomes for all students.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Rutherford Technology High School located respectfully on the traditional lands of the Wonnarua People, is a large comprehensive high school supporting students from West Maitland to Branxton. Positive Behaviour for Learning is a focus supporting all members of the school community to be respectful, responsible and committed to learning. Current enrolment is 1354 with 22% students Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and students from a variety of cultural backgrounds, some with English as a second language. The school currently has 10 Support Classes. The school’s Family, Occupation Education Index is 139 with an Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage of 903 in 2022. The school prides itself on providing students with opportunities to excel and reach their potential by effectively resourcing a wide range of sporting, cultural, vocational and academic programs. The Rutherford Learning Community supports the school to have strong links with partner primary schools to support student transition to high school, community engagement and collaborative teacher practice. The school’s Senior Leadership team works to build and sustain strong partnerships with other government agencies and community organisations to support improved outcomes for all students.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Simone Hughes (Principal of Rutherford Technology High School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Chatham High School is a large welcoming comprehensive school that services the town of Taree and adjacent rural and coastal areas with an enrolment of approximately 580 students. A large Support Unit of seven classes including IM/IO, IS and MC provide a comprehensive range of educational opportunities for students with specific support needs. Approximately 40% of students enrolled at Chatham High School are of Aboriginal descent and the school enjoys a close connection to the local community through cultural programs including delivery of Gathang, the traditional language of the Biripi people on whose traditional lands the school is built. The school has an experienced and dedicated teaching, support, administrative and executive staff, noted for their caring attitude to all students, and their strong commitment to high expectations for all students. A broad academic and vocational curriculum is supported by diverse cultural and extra curricula programs offered by the school to enhance student retention and attainment. Student leadership is an active and valued aspect of school life and enhances the positive perception of the school in the community.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Daryl Irvine (Principal, Chatham High School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Toormina Public School has an enrolment of 195 (including 17.3% Aboriginal Students) and is located in Toormina, 9km south of Coffs Harbour. The school ensures a high academic, cultural and sporting profile whilst catering for students with learning disabilities and gifted and talented skills. There is an Opportunity Class which attracts students from the surrounding areas. Students are drawn from a range of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds and the FOEI is 121. The highly dedicated, innovative and creative staff are a mix of experienced and beginning teachers and support staff who work in partnership with the school community.

Regional South

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Appin Public School (Hub School) is a harmonious, steadily growing school that retains its country atmosphere located between Wollongong and Campbelltown. Our school staff is a mix of early career and experienced teachers who are hard-working, caring and innovative and work to provide a range of high-quality learning opportunities to stimulate and challenge the individual needs and talents of their students. This is done within a collaborative culture, creating a sense of community and united support.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Campbelltown Performing Arts High School is a specialist performing arts high school with an enrolment of approximately 1100 students serving a diverse area of South West Sydney. 35% of our student population come from a non-English speaking background and 112 students identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Our school draws 60% of its enrolments from local schools and 40% through open audition in the areas of dance, drama, music and circus. Our main focus is to improve student learning outcomes through the consistent application of quality teaching practices underpinned by whole-school, and targeted, teacher professional learning. The school has a strong reputation for future-focused learning informed by sustained national and global partnerships and comprehensive evaluation and processes. The school is committed to continually improving effective classroom practices with high impact professional learning supporting a culture of continuous improvement.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub school

Goulburn Public School (GPS) is the oldest school in Goulburn and was established by the NSW Department of Education in 1868. The school is set within attractive grounds with beautiful heritage buildings, close to the centre of town on Bourke Street. The student population is made up of approximately 50% girls and 50% boys with a comprising 25% of the students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. Goulburn Public School continues to build upon its proud tradition of working with the community to provide the best possible learning outcomes for all students. The school makes valuable use of its excellent facilities by offering a wide range of educational opportunities, with students and teachers working to ensure that everyone reaches their full potential while experiencing success within a harmonious and supportive educational environment.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Kim Smith (Principal of Goulburn Public School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Kanahooka High School is a secondary comprehensive school, established in 1974. The school has an excellent reputation for sound academic and sporting achievement and innovative student welfare initiatives. It enjoys a close relationship with the local community. The school has many excellent academic, sporting and welfare programs which contribute to the overall development of students. Kanahooka High School is a school which is strong in technology and has a well-developed curriculum which caters for the particular and diverse needs of our students.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Suzanne Richards (Business Manager of Kanahooka High School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Warragamba Public School is situated in a semi-rural area. Anticipated enrolments for 2023 is 392 students, with 16 classes K-6 being formed. Aboriginal student enrolments are increasing totalling 7.6% of students. We currently have 7% of students from language backgrounds other than English. Student participation in sport is enthusiastic and the school enjoys Diamond status in the Premier's Sporting Challenge as well as solid performances in PSSA Cross Country and Athletics. Student participation and performance in CAPA (musicals, drama and visual arts) is strong internally and externally. Our school has completed a situational analysis that has identified three areas of focus for the Strategic Improvement Plan. These areas will build upon what we have achieved in our previous planning cycle.

How to apply

We have a 0.8 FTE vacancy available for 2025, from Tuesday to Friday. Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Lloyd Kusa (Principal, Warragamba Public School).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

The successful applicant will be based at Picton High School. Picton High has approximately 1100 students of which 140 have identified as Aboriginal. We also operate nine support classes. Wellbeing, IT, Literacy and Numeracy feature heavily in teaching and learning and school operation. The successful applicant will be allocated to our teacher administration team and allocated access and resources accordingly.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Luke Farthing (Principal of Picton High Schooll).

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Woonona High School is a vibrant and innovative, proudly comprehensive high school that values strong community partnerships. Student success is driven by excellence in teaching and learning delivered by world class educators in a safe, nurturing and supportive learning environment. Our students are confident, creative individuals who enrich our local and global community.

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Yass High School is an inclusive, comprehensive and growing school close to Canberra with an enrolment that has varied around 540-550 in 2020 with 11% Aboriginal students. The school benefits from strong community relationships and is committed to a personalised success pathway for every student. Yass High School is proud of the inclusivity of our programs and facilities. Our students benefit from a broad curriculum that provides post-school opportunities in academic, technological, vocational and creative fields. Yass High School’s culture of high expectations and wellbeing underpins the individual guidance we offer each to student to help them select courses appropriate to their personal aptitudes, interests and aspirations. Our rich curriculum is ever-evolving and extensive to ensure it is relevant to today’s world, and continues to encourage students to think deeply and logically, and to excel at both independent and team work. Yass High School graduates young people who use their skills and experiences to care for their community, seize opportunities with confidence and embrace difficulties as they build success and make positive contributions to the world beyond school.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Andrew Facer (Principal, Yass High School).

Connected Communities schools

Hub school

Spoke schools

About the Hub School

Brewarrina Central School is located 800kms north west of Sydney and caters for 150 students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Ninety-seven percent of students identify as Aboriginal. The students come from the township of Brewarrina and outlying villages of Gongolgon and Weilmoringle. At Brewarrina Central School every student is known, valued and cared for. There is a strong focus on school/community partnerships supported by the Connected Communities Strategy, School Reference Group and Aboriginal Education Consultative Group. We are well supported by our families and community. The school is well-resourced and has excellent facilities including well-maintained classrooms in pleasant, green surroundings. The school has recently installed a contemporary Yarning Circle and Remembrance Area to acknowledge our community history and culture. We support students and families to ensure that all students are ready and equipped for school and provide a wide range of opportunities for students both within and outside the classroom.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Rebecca Williams (Deputy Principal, Brewarrina Central School).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

Inbuilt relief schools

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Albury Public School was first established in 1850, the community is proud of the history of the school. Whilst recognising its heritage, the school is committed to providing educational programs for today's students which will adequately prepare them for their place in society in the new millennium. The school aims to develop children who are self motivated learners who work both cooperatively and independently while striving to reach their full potential. The academic, cultural, physical, social and moral development of each child is encouraged.

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Alma Public School* is situated in Broken Hill, 1220 kilometres west of Sydney, in a city of approximately 18,000 people. Mining is a major employer in Broken Hill and enrolments in the school are heavily influenced by the state of the mining industry. There are 5 other public primary schools and 2 high schools in the city. There is one Catholic primary school in town. Nearly 31% of our 273 main site student enrolment is Aboriginal and the school operates a DoE Aboriginal designated preschool for up to 40 children on a separate site.

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Ashmont Public School is located on the western side of Wagga Wagga on Wiradjuri land, with a student population of 275, 58% being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background. An environment of high expectations for all staff and students exists as well as a strong focus on First Nations Culture. The school has a highly trained staff including 2 Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction. The use of funding from the School Budget Allocation Resource has enabled us to employ additional staff to support our students through reduced class sizes, School Learning Support Officers, an Aboriginal Education Officer and Literacy and Numeracy Interventionists. As a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school, a focus on student wellbeing underpins a positive learning environment, in which experienced and early career teachers work collaboratively to provide quality teaching and learning experiences for students.

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Broken Hill High School* is a comprehensive high school with 480 students (21% Aboriginal) in Far West New South Wales. The school is proud of its academic, cultural and sporting achievements as well as catering for all students. The school has 5 support classes for students with learning support needs and off-site resource the Broken Hill West Campus (tutorial centre) class. The school has an ongoing partnership and shares some senior curriculum with a neighbouring high school. Strong community ties are evident through the Parents and Citizens Committee as well as the “Golden Oldies” group, which is made up of past alumni who attended the school over fifty years ago. The school has a strong welfare focus. The Clontarf foundation has set up an academy at the school to assist Aboriginal boys with their education and career pathways.

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Broken Hill Public School* has a tradition of excellence in cultural, academic and sporting achievement. The school is well known for its care and concern for students. The school has an inclusive philosophy catering for the needs of students from a wide range of backgrounds from within the community. Our agreed purpose is to meet these needs by improving the educational opportunities our students enjoy and thereby improving the outcomes of their learning. The school provides a diverse range of programs focusing on effective learning skills, remediation and extension, teach tolerance, understanding and the value of individual differences. Learning opportunities are provided to ensure that each student can reach his or her full potential. Our curriculum is balanced in order to meet students' social, physical, artistic and intellectual needs. Individual development is carefully monitored and the partnership with parents highly valued.

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Broken Hill North Public School* provides an inclusive learning environment for all members of the school community. We believe students learn effectively when:

  • schools are safe, caring and positive environments
  • their individual learning needs are met; the curriculum is relevant, balanced and child-centred
  • they experience success as a learner
  • they believe learning is a life long process; parents and teachers develop mutual trust and partnerships
  • they are self-confident and encouraged to grow as an individual
  • staff are committed to professional training and development
  • change initiatives which offer improved learning out comes and programs for students are valued
  • the school community is involved in consultative and collaborative decision making.

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Burke Ward Public School* is a proud and well-respected educational institution located in the Far West of NSW in Broken Hill. Established in 1895, Burke Ward has a long history and is proud of its achievements academically, culturally and in sporting endeavours. Burke Ward has an anticipated enrolment of approx 170 students in 2023. 28% of students identify as coming from an Aboriginal background. The school caters to students from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds. The school caters for students from kindergarten to year six. In 2023 there will be nine mainstream classes and two Multi-Category (MC) classes and the town primary tutorial centre class. Burke Ward has an inclusive school structure where students with disabilities are enrolled in mainstream classes or integrated from our special education classes to mainstream lessons and activities. The core values of 'respect, responsibility and honesty' underpin high expectations of both staff and students.

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Canobolas Rural Technology High School is a comprehensive high school located in Orange with an enrolment of 697 students, including 45% Aboriginal students. The Family Occupation and Employment Index (FOEI) is 150. The school has recently undertaken a school development review with a specific focus on school-based initiatives, community engagement, quality teaching, and school-wide processes and practices. The findings, conclusions, recommendations, and strategies developed from that process have driven the new Strategic Improvement Plan and provided a clear roadmap of priorities for the school in the coming years. The school provides core academic subjects in all stages of learning along with a broad range of elective courses which are proven to engage students positively in their learning. A strong student well-being structure exists within the school and this is managed by a committed Learning and Support Team. The school has nine support classes across multiple classifications with students working towards mainstream and life skills outcomes.

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Clare Public School* continues to be an integral part of a small isolated community in far western NSW. The support given by the community supports the school, staff and all students in all aspects of school life. Students are encouraged to achieve their full potential in all areas of learning as well as social development. By providing a safe, secure and disciplined environment, Clare Public School aims to provide all students with the necessary knowledge, understanding, skills and values for productive and rewarding lives.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Deniliquin High School* has a student population of 500 and a dedicated staff who have a strong commitment to supporting students to achieve success. Teachers enjoy small class sizes, which facilitates quality teaching and learning. The integration of technology is a major focus within the school. The school has a strong connection to its community and the local Indigenous culture. The school has an Aboriginal population of 60 students and has implemented a Project-Based Learning initiative on Culture into Year 7. This project involves support from members of our local community the initiative with a focus on the language and culture of the local Wamba Wamba and Perrepa Perrepa people for all Year 7 students. Our Year 8 students are all involved in Sustainability, a Project-Based Learning initiative, where they work with experts to study the local lagoon system and the School Farm to learn about sustainable practices. This project was awarded a Secretary’s Award for an Innovative Project in 2020.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Glen Warren (Principal, Deniliquin High School).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Dubbo College South Campus caters for students from Year 7 to 10 and is geared towards meeting the learning needs of students in the middle years of school. A well-developed transition program ensures students moving from primary schools into secondary school education are supported in a friendly and caring way, with Campus staff highly skilled in working with teenagers in the 12 to 16 years age bracket. Transition planning is also integral to the successful movement of students from Year 10 into Year 11 and is undertaken in tandem with staff at Dubbo College Senior Campus. As well as having a strong history in creative and performing arts and sport, South Campus focuses on discipline through its South CARES strategy, where students learn self-respect, cultural awareness and understanding and acceptance of fellow students and members of staff. Academic achievement is a top priority with individual success encouraged and applauded. Developing a love for lifelong learning is one of the school's most important goals, with Year 10 students leaving the school as mature and responsible citizens, ready to tackle the challenges of further education. We always look forward to welcoming new students and parents to Dubbo College South Campus.

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Gilgandra High School is a school that is committed towards the provision of an education that meets the needs of all students and one that allows them to focus on creating a future. Gilgandra High School has a very well deserved positive academic reputation with a majority of senior students undertaking tertiary studies at a university or TAFE level due to outstanding higher school certificate (HSC) results. Our school offers a curriculum that offers students the opportunity to focus on their future, set goals and achieve success. The school is staffed by a group of enthusiastic, committed professionals dedicated to the delivery of quality teaching. The school has a strong and open relationship with parents and the local community. The school has a strong Parents and Citizens association and school council. The Student Representative Council is also a very important body in the school that influences the strategic direction of the school. Gilgandra High School is focused on students and ensuring they achieve success.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Sharon Kenaly (Principal, Gilgandra High School).

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Girilambone Public School* is a small rural school situated 45kms from Nyngan. Girilambone Public School provides students with quality educational programs delivered by highly qualified, dedicated teachers and support staff. Our students are disciplined learners. Our dedicated staff implements quality education programs that give every student the opportunity to reach their potential. Our small size makes for a great school spirit and pride amongst students, families and teachers. The peaceful rural setting is an ideal learning experience. We offer flexible programs tailored to the individual learning styles and needs of all students. We are well resourced and provide students access to the latest technologies. Our exceptionally well maintained and attractive grounds compliment our excellent learning facilities. Our school encourages students, parents, staff and the wider community to work together as a team to enhance the learning experiences of all students. Effective and extensive support programs are developed for children identified with special needs. These programs are monitored by an experienced learning support team.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Glen Innes Public School is a large primary school located on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales. The school caters for approximately 400 students from Kindergarten to Year Six. The students come from homes based in the town of Glen Innes, from rural holdings in the surrounding shire and from smaller villages, whose residents use Glen Innes as their major goods and services centre. Having been established on its present site in 1875 the school features a range of architectural styles from its oldest building, a former Presbyterian Church (1870) to a more modern open-plan library built in 1982. The school has extensive grounds, beautifully populated with native and exotic trees and shrubs that add to its historical ambience.

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Guyra Central School is a progressive school with highly motivated staff providing exceptional learning opportunities for all of our students from Kindergarten to Year 12. We aim to ensure that our students are provided with a wealth of opportunities to achieve success in academic, sporting, cultural and vocational pursuits. As a central school, teaching expertise and skills can be shared across primary and secondary contexts to enrich the learning of our students. An extensive and challenging curriculum is offered, with a strong middle school program to foster the continuity of learning as students move from primary to the secondary school.

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Hermidale Public School* focuses on providing quality learning opportunities for all children. We strive to provide a well rounded education that values and supports the intellectual, creative, physical and emotional development of each child. We have a commitment to ensure that quality learning and teaching are the central focus of our classroom. Education is an essential part of today's social fabric. At Hermidale PS we acknowledge this and encourage our students to work towards lifelong learning. We recognise the importance of community and are proud to be part of the Hermidale community. We encourage our students to be positive role models now and in the future and to always 'Reach for the Stars'.

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*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Hillston Central School* is a central school with students from Years K - 12. Our school aims to provide a safe and positive environment which encourages all students to achieve academic outcomes, and reach their individual full potential.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Inverell High School is a rural, comprehensive, co-educational high school with an enrolment of 506 students. A significant number of our students are from a low SES backgrounds and 29.6% identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. Our school provides learning environments that cater for individual student learning needs, as well as opportunities that allow all students to develop to their full potential. We have a Support Unit including classes for mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities, as well as three Multi-Categorical classes. A strong and well-recognised culture of inclusion and achievement is supported by extensive wellbeing initiatives. The school ensures students have a balanced, well-rounded education with access to a diverse range of academic, sporting, creative and cultural opportunities. There is a strong tradition of student and parent participation, and the school maintains productive links with local businesses and organisations.

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Merriwa Central School* is a small rural K-12 school in a supportive community 2.5hrs from Newcastle.

It is a split site school with a separate primary and secondary campus. The role would mostly provide support to the primary campus.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Darren Noonan (Principal, Merriwa Central School).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Morgan Street Public School* a K-6 school on a split site has developed in consultation with parents and staff, a statement of purpose. The school aims to provide educational programs that are relevant, enjoyable, developmental and sequential in all subjects. Foster a secure, caring learning environment where the rights, beliefs and values of all are to be respected and the needs of students and staff developed. Encourage parent participation within the school through communication and through its decision making groups and create a safe, aesthetically pleasing and functional environment to support the teaching and learning programs. Morgan Street encourages and acknowledges success across all areas of school life. It has strong representation at district level among staff and students and promotes success as a valued aspect of its culture.

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Scott Sanford (Principal of Morgan Street Public School).

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Murrumbidgee Regional High School is a large, 7-12 comprehensive secondary school in Griffith with 1180 students, including 12% Aboriginal and 22% Pacific students. Situated across two sites, both offering a 7-12 curriculum, largely aligned to provide improved choice and specialisation. The school has a strong academic and vocational curriculum with a focus on the development of capabilities, innovation and evidence informed practice. The school is renowned for and extremely proud of its strong community support. We deliver gifted and talented, acceleration and extension subjects so that students can pursue academic excellence. There is a strong emphasis on learning and career pathways with a focus on hospitality, engineering and agriculture to meet the growing employment opportunities in Griffith.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to David Crelley (Principal, Murrumbidgee Regional High School).

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Narromine High School is situated in the Macquarie Valley 40 km from Dubbo. The school draws its student population from a wide area. The school aims for excellence and success. The school's motto Successus Honore (success with honour) epitomises our ideal. The school sets a challenging curriculum that is designed to provide success for all students. Students excel not only academically but also culturally and on the sporting field. Our priority to maintain a safe and happy school environment has led to optimum learning conditions for our students.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to David Stuart (Relieving Principal, Narromine High School).

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Nowra Public School is part of the Shoalhaven District on the South Coast of New South Wales. Nowra high school is a highly successful comprehensive school with a long history of academic, cultural and sporting achievements.

  • fostering a strong school spirit
  • broad, creative, relevant programs
  • encouraging students to reach their full potential

The purpose of the school is to ensure that students:

  • exhibit high self esteem as learners and individuals
  • be self directed as learners and responsible members of the community
  • achieve academically through the development of thinking, appraisal and understanding skills
  • generalise learning and knowledge to a wide variety of contexts
  • demonstrate concern for the environment, self and others
  • establish and maintain positive interpersonal relationships
  • lead a healthy lifestyle
  • demonstrate teamwork skills and attitudes.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to email a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your suitability for the role and a current resume, including contact details for two referees, to Nicole Humphreys (Principal, Nowra Public School).

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Railway Town Public School* is committed to maximising the individual's potential in a caring environment.

Railway Town Public School seeks to provide quality education for all students, taking into account their age, background, ability and interests. Railway Town Public School assists students to become self-directed, life-long learners who can create a positive future for themselves and the wider community. The school is supported by the Railway Town community. The small size of the school means that staff, students and families have the opportunity for personalised interaction, and children work together in many situations. Our motto of Scholarship, Citizenship and Sportsmanship is the foundation of our school community.

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

About this Inbuilt Relief School

Willyama High School* (enrolment 572 students, including 125 Aboriginal students) is a comprehensive high school located in Broken Hill in Far West NSW. Our school has established positive relationships and strong connections with our local community with a focus on evidence-based teaching and learning practices that inspire our students to excel through academic, sporting, extra-curricular and cultural endeavours. There is a strong focus on using technology in the classroom and improving literacy and numeracy throughout our school. Our school’s core values of respect, responsibility and cooperation are explicitly taught and regularly reinforced.

Information about the Far West region can be found here.

*Benefits and incentives may apply

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