Video Transcript: Tammy's Story
I chose education because I believe it gave me the greatest opportunity to change my life. And it gave me skills and experiences that have taken me on a career that I couldn't have dreamed of.
My school community is vibrant, it's fun, it's dynamic. It's a place where students want to be and it's a school community where everyone's welcomed. It has been a melting pot of diversity for people from all different nations and I think we've found a spot where everyone feels valued, where people's own stories are honoured, and we really work towards helping someone create the best narrative for themselves that they possibly can.
I want my students to remember me as being brave. And I want them to be brave. I want them to step out. And I want them to know that they were prepared enough to be brave.
For me it boils down to a very simple saying, which is you can't be what you can't see. And I believe that having Aboriginal people in schools was pivotal in shaping me feeling like I belong and feeling like I have a space and place in a New South Wales public school.
I feel very honoured to work in a community like mine and it is an honour that I never take for granted.
My name is Tammy and I lead in a New South Wales public school.