The 18th Annual NSW Department of Education Nanga Mai Awards

The NSW Department of Education Nanga Mai Awards celebrates and recognises the outstanding achievements of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal teachers, other departmental staff, Aboriginal community members and schools that demonstrate excellence across a diversity of areas.
Award Winners
Thank you to our partners and sponsors for their generous support:

Award Categories

Aboriginal students who are currently a student in NSW Public Schools are eligible to be nominated for one (or more) of the following awards:
Outstanding All Round Student (Primary and Secondary award winners)
Presented to an Aboriginal student who has demonstrated outstanding commitment and excellence across a range of activities, including attendance, leadership, academic commitment and progress, community service, cultural commitments and a positive attitude to school.
Outstanding Academic Excellence (Primary and Secondary award winners)
Presented to an Aboriginal student who has demonstrated outstanding academic excellence in any curriculum area in 2022 and who have displayed a positive attitude to school and a commitment to their future.
Outstanding Student Leadership (Primary and Secondary award winners)
Presented to an Aboriginal student who has demonstrated exceptional skills in promoting, encouraging and supporting student participation across their school and in their community.
Outstanding Achievement in Public Speaking (Primary and Secondary award winners)
Presented to an Aboriginal student who has demonstrated exemplary skills in public speaking. The award recognises Aboriginal students’ ability to speak with authority and confidence and the ability to maintain audience interest.
Outstanding Achievement in Performing/Creative/Visual Arts (Primary and Secondary award winners)
Presented to Aboriginal student who has demonstrated outstanding talent and application in the performing, creative or visual arts.
Outstanding Achievement in Sport (Primary and Secondary award winners)
Presented to an Aboriginal student who has represented their school and community, demonstrated fairness, integrity and outstanding achievement in sport.
NSW DoE Outstanding School-Based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year
Presented to an Aboriginal student who has maintained outstanding commitment, effort, and application in completing their School Based Traineeship, which includes high application to workplace training and VET course, alongside their HSC.
NSW DoE Outstanding VET in Schools Student of the Year
Presented to an Aboriginal student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement, commitment, effort and application to completing their VET and HSC commitments.
Staff who are current employees of the Department are eligible to be nominated for one (or more) of the following awards:
Outstanding contribution to educational achievement by an Aboriginal staff member
Presented to an Aboriginal employee of the NSW Department of Education who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal students, their families and communities.
Outstanding contribution to early educational achievement by an Aboriginal staff member
Presented to an Aboriginal employee within the NSW Early Education and Care sector who delivers authentic, culturally responsive care for Aboriginal students, showing outstanding commitment to improving the educational outcomes for the students, their families, and communities.
Outstanding contribution to educational achievement by a non-Aboriginal staff member
Presented to a non-Aboriginal employee of the NSW Department of Education who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal students and a commitment to working with Aboriginal students, their families and communities.
Outstanding leadership in Aboriginal education
Presented to a NSW Department of Education employee who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and capacity building among staff, schools and the school community and an ongoing commitment to improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal students.
Outstanding leadership in Aboriginal languages
Presented to a NSW Department of Education employee who has demonstrated strong commitment to improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal students through the implementation of a school Aboriginal languages program.
Outstanding contribution to educational achievement by a non-school based staff member
Presented to a non-school based employee of the NSW Department of Education who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the well-being and educational achievements of Aboriginal students.
NSW Public Schools and Aboriginal community members are eligible to be nominated for one (or more) of the following awards:
Outstanding Early Education and Care service
Presented to a service that has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to creating a respectful and culturally responsive learning environment for students, staff, families, and their local Aboriginal communities.
Outstanding contribution to educational achievement by an Aboriginal community member
Presented to an Aboriginal community member who has contributed significantly to the successful educational achievement of Aboriginal students.
Outstanding school and community partnership
Presented to a school that has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to respectful and productive partnerships with students, staff, parents and their local Aboriginal communities.
Outstanding commitment to increasing knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal histories, culture and experiences of Aboriginal people
Presented to a school or a community of schools that have demonstrated a strong commitment to establishing a culture of respect, caring and inclusive teaching practices which recognise, value and meet the diverse needs of Aboriginal students.