Application form 3

To seek approval for a scientific licence to keep a native animal that is not one of the five species covered by the school sector scientific licence.


Enter the required information into each field or tick the appropriate choice button. The ‘tab’ key can be used to move to the next field.

This form will automatically save as you enter information.

When the application is complete, click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the form. If you have missed a required field or entered incorrect data the application will not be submitted.

Any documents needed to support the application can be emailed to

When the application has been successfully submitted a message will be displayed. You will receive a confirmation email and the school principal will receive an email containing a copy of the application.

The submission will be sent to the Animal Welfare Coordinator who will contact you regarding the application.

Please read the information provided below to assist you to complete this form. Please email any photos that will assist your application.

A scientific licence issued to the three school sectors allows teachers at schools to hold any of the following five species in accordance with the guidelines provided for each of the species:

No individual application is required to keep any of these species but completion and submission of Declaration form 6 is required.

If a teacher wishes to keep any other species of native animal (also known as a legacy species) in a school, a separate scientific licence must be sought by the teacher responsible for the care and management of the animal. This separate scientific licence must be issued by the Wildlife Licensing unit of the National Parks and Wildlife Service once approval from the Schools Animal Care and Ethics Committee has been granted. This approval must be sought by the submission of a completed Application form 3.

Assistance to complete the form

Assistance in completing Application form 3 is provided below. Advice is not provided for all questions only for those questions that have proved to be most problematic for applicants or require particular information that is difficult to request in a concise unambiguous manner.

After completing the form make sure that both the teacher requesting the scientific licence and the Principal read and agree to the declaration.

Poorly or inadequately completed application forms will result in rejection of the application by the SACEC.

Both scientific and common names of all species that are to be covered by this licence should be provided.

You need to paint an image for the committee of where the animals will be housed. Answers such as in the library do not provide the committee with any idea of how the animals will be monitored or secured. Students may be able to knock on the enclosure or drop objects into the enclosure without any supervision by staff.

The committee needs to gain a full understanding of the location of the animals in the school situation. Your answer should include the exact location within the school and then dependent on where that location is you may need to include information about the level of security of the housing and the supervision of the animals in relation to the level of interaction with the students.

A scientific licence allows the animals covered by the licence to be transported to provide for holiday and weekend care. Ideally this transport should be to the home of the holder of the scientific licence.

The animals may be cared for by other staff members provided that these staff members are adequately trained to care for the animals over the required period of time. Students are only permitted to take these animals home if they are experienced in the care of the species, hold an individual reptile or amphibian licence and have provided signed written permission from their parents.

Care during school holidays may be provided by named staff members coming into the school, e.g. General Assistant, Farm Assistant, other teachers or even students or community members. It is important that the committee knows who will be providing this care and that the designated persons for this care are adequately trained to care for the animals over a period of time.

Description of the housing should include dimensions, substrate type, any environmental enrichment, heating, lighting, provision of food and water, security and any other housing requirements appropriate for the species.

Attaching photos to an email,,will enhance your application and provide a clear description of the housing.

The SACEC need to see a direct syllabus link, e.g. Science and Technology syllabus, Stage 2 – Identifies and describes the structure and function of living things and ways in which living things interact with other living things and their environment.

The Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes states that animals may be used for teaching only when there are no suitable alternatives available for achieving the educational outcomes.

The four learning outcomes that may be derived for inclusion in the school’s curriculum that justify the use of animals are:

  • Objective 1: Developing students’ skills in relation to responsible animal care and management.
  • Objective 2: Developing students’ skills in observing animals to enhance their understanding of the behavioural characteristics of species.
  • Objective 3: Developing students’ skills of investigation where the purpose is to improve methods of animal management or to improve production.
  • Objective 4: Assisting students to develop empathy with and respect for animals.

Your answer should address how the animals covered by this licence will be used to achieve any of these four learning outcomes.

An example of a suitable answer is presented below.


Display in the classroom

Amelioration of impact

Position the enclosure at the front of the classroom near the teacher’s desk to maximize visibility and reduce the chance of students negatively impacting on the animals.

Complete the form

Open application form 3 and enter the required information. Submit the form when all the information has been entered.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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