Ready Arrive Work (RAW) program

Ready Arrive Work (RAW) program

The Ready Arrive Work (RAW) is a career development program offered by the NSW Department of Education to secondary schools. The program supports newly arrived migrant students and students from refugee backgrounds in exploring the workplace and:

  • learn about the changing nature of the Australian workforce
  • build employment-related skills
  • increase work readiness through hands-on activities
  • get practical experience through industry visits.

Expression of interest

Program delivery

The RAW program is delivered by experienced JobQuest staff and includes in-school workshops tailored to meet the specific needs of the school and students, industry visits, and the Career Connections Day (previously F.R.U.I.T Day) . Career Connections Day is a fun, interactive day where students from participating schools come together to explore further education and employment options, whilst using the employability skills they have developed over the course of the program. Students can interact and engage with industry experts through activities and sessions, and gain knowledge that will prepare them for future pathways.

Schools can choose from the following delivery options:

  • 3-day block: 3 consecutive days from 9am-3pm, or
  • Weekly sessions: one period of class time for 10 consecutive weeks (minimum 2 hours per week, 1 full-term).

Industry visits will be organised in negotiation with schools.

2025 Career Connections Day will be held at two locations:

  • Thursday 20 November 2025, at the NSW Department of Education office, 105 Phillips St, Parramatta.
  • Second date and location to be confirmed

Note: Attendance of Career Connections Day is a compulsory part of the program for all participating students and schools.

There is no cost to schools for the delivery of the RAW program, however, participating schools are required to:

  • provide a supervising teacher such as an EAL/D teacher, career adviser, transition adviser or a KLA teacher to support program delivery.
  • provide a suitable workshop space, and preferably access to computers.
  • offer additional assistance as required.

Submit the Expression of Interest form and a team member from the JobQuest team will be in touch.

Contact Career and Workplace Learning for further information.

Explore further information:

  • RAW evaluation University of Western Sydney 2019 summary (PDF 486 KB).
  • UNDER REVIEW: RAW teachers manual
Ready Arrive Work video


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Skills and Workforce Programs
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