Ready Arrive Work (RAW) program

The Ready Arrive Work (RAW) Program is a targeted vocational educational program for students delivered in high schools across New South Wales. The program complements support already provided to students through the Refugee Transition Program running in schools.

The RAW Program supports recently arrived students from refugee backgrounds to:

  • develop their employment related skills
  • participate in work experience and industry visits
  • experience hand-on activities and skills to build their capacity to learn work related skills and
  • develop a greater understanding of the changing nature of the Australian workforce.

The FRUIT (fun, realistic, unbiased, industry, teaching) careers day aims to connect students with providers of education pathways.

TAFE NSW, local Universities, NSW Police, Health NSW, apprenticeship, local community services and traineeship representatives, will present to students, and participate in one-on-one question time. The location is subject to availability but is always a fun and informative day for students.

Explore further information:

Civics Days are organised to expose students to one iconic Sydney venue such as the Opera House, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Gallery of NSW, Parliament of NSW, Field of Mars Environmental School and Taronga Zoo.

Students expand their understanding of employment and job roles within Australian companies during a full day program engaging with a variety of people who hold different positions within an organisation. Civics days take place the same week (usually) as your RAW program but can also be scheduled after your program.

Industry visists are coordinated by the South-Sydney Business Education Network of NSW.

Students are given the opportunity to visit 2 workplaces within Sydney CBD where they can

  • meet employees from 2-3 companies
  • see what that job entails
  • ask questions and
  • discuss education requirements to achieve a job in that chosen field.

Teacher relief payment is provided for the school, as well as bus hire. These take place after your RAW program in the following weeks.

Ready Arrive Work program is supported by the following partners:

  • Sydney Zoo
  • Sydney Opera House
  • Bankstown Sports Club
  • Taronga Zoo
  • Parliament NSW
  • Galleries NSW
  • Field of Mars
  • Park Royal Parramatta
  • South Sydney Business Education Network
Ready Arrive Work video

RAW is delivered at your school during term time and is tailored to the needs of schools and students. The coordinating teacher can choose:

  • a 3-day block option where the program is delivered intensely for 3 consecutive days from 9am-3pm, or
  • a weekly option where the program is delivered in one period/ session of class time consecutively for 10 weeks (1 full-term)

Trained and experienced JobQuest facilitators deliver the RAW program modules at your school and they are assisted by an EAL/D teacher, a Careers Adviser and/or a Transition Adviser. Students participate in a range of industry visits and where possible, enjoy a CIVICS visit to an iconic Australian location and where possible, supported work experience. Student participation in FRUIT SALAD day is a compulsory requirement of the program.

There is no cost to the school for the Ready Arrive Work Program but there is a requirement that participating schools support JobQuest trainers in the delivery of the RAW program by monitoring behaviour, providing an appropriate space to work and any other assistance that may be required. The RAW program will also cover teacher relief for RAW excursions and bus hire or public transport costs to and from locations.

The program is open to all high schools in New South Wales with refugee enrolments and can be delivered in regional NSW. If you are interested in running the program at your school in 2024, please complete the expression of interest form. If you would like to discuss whether the program is suitable for your school please send all correspondence to:

Adriano Doong, Senior Project Officer, Work Placement Coordination



  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Education and Skills Reform
  • Skills and Workforce Programs
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