Work placement coordination program
Work Placement in NSW
Work placement is a planned opportunity in a quality host workplace that enables senior school students studying particular industry-based courses to practise and develop their industry competencies and their employability skills in a vibrant real work context.
Work placement is a mandatory component of industry-based vocational education and training (VET) courses that students can choose as part of their studies for the NSW Higher School Certificate.
Work Placement is coordinated across NSW by a network of Work Placement Service Providers. Work Placement Service Providers are non-government, not for profit organisations contracted to support and coordinate mandatory work placements for students undertaking HSC VET courses within a specified service region.
Work Placement Service Providers work with local schools with secondary enrolments, TAFE NSW colleges and EVET providers, and employers to coordinate HSC VET work placements for all eligible students within the service region.
The Work Placement Coordination Program is funded by the NSW Department of Education, Catholic Schools NSW and the Association of Independent Schools of NSW.
These guidelines have been developed to support the provision of Work Placement for students undertaking mandatory work placement as part of a NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC). This includes Industry Curriculum Framework (ICF) and Board Endosed Courses for vocational education and training (VET) delivered to secondary students.
Work Placement Coordination Program NSW Guidelines (PDF 159 KB)
Sydney Access provides opportunities for high achieving and motivated students enrolled in school or TAFE delivered HSC Industry Curriculum Framework courses.
Students must demonstrate initiative to be considered for their choice of placement from those available on the Sydney Access website. Their application also needs to be supported by their teacher.
About go2workplacement
Go2workplacement is an online program which assists students enrolled in HSC VET courses to get the most out of their work placement by identifying the skills and competencies they want to focus on during their time in the workplace.
Students must complete a mandatory module comprising Work Health and Safety, Personal Attributes, and Employment Related Skills and the Industry Competency to qualify for a Work Placement Ready Certificate. The Certificate informs a host employer that they have prepared for work placement and outlines the areas they want to explore during their placement.
Who is it for?
Go2workplacement is for students enrolled in HSC VET courses in NSW which have a mandatory work placement. It can be completed as part of class work or in your own time.
For teachers, Go2workplacement complements existing school based, work ready activities so that students get the maximum benefit from their time in the workplace.
The program also assists teachers and work placement service providers to identify when students are ready for their work placement.
Getting started
Students and teachers will need to register the first time that they visit the site.
To register you must have a valid email address.
We recommend the use of headphones for go2workplacement.
To register a new account
- Go to link
- Enter your First Name, Last Name, email and school
- On the next screen, you will create a password for your account
- You will be automatically logged into your new account.
Register a new accountExternal link
To log in to your account & search for courses
- Go to http://www.go2workplacement.comExternal link
- Enter your email in the username field and your password to login
- Click on the "Browse Learning" link
- Select and complete the Mandatory Items Unit. Once completed you can choose your Industry area from the Browse Learning
- All Modules are to be 100% completed before a Work Placement Ready Certificate can be issued.
Work Placement Service Providers (WPSPs) are given secure online access to reporting tools for the management of work placements & to stay informed about current developments.