Leading curriculum networks
Network leaders provide access and equity to quality resources and professional learning.
Network leaders are:
- collaborative
- connected
- future-oriented
- driven by the success of the broader educational community
- committed to improving student learning outcomes.
Curriculum network leaders may be middle leaders in their school or aspiring leaders. Involvement in a curriculum network helps aspiring leaders demonstrate readiness for leadership roles.
Network leaders create the culture and structures to support high-impact professional learning by:
- creating an effective collaborative environment
- clearly communicating structures for meetings and governance
- fostering leadership capacity in others
- strengthening connections and impact between and across schools.
Our commitment to network leaders
We will:
- support network leaders with leading or starting a network
- promote networks, including advertising meetings in our statewide staffroom
- keep leaders updated about crucial curriculum information
- organise leader meetings twice a year
- coordinate KLA teams from the department to present at events as required.
The Leading a curriculum network guide (DOCX 2.12 MB) provides information and resources to support you in planning, organising, delivering and evaluating sustainable networks.
More information
For advice on middle leadership and leading effective curriculum implementation:
- visit the School Leadership Institute
- complete professional learning at the highly accomplished level through Leading effective curriculum implementation
- explore the elements of High impact professional learning.