AEDC reports

Reports at a school, community, state and national level, show the number and percentage of children considered to be developmentally vulnerable, at risk or on track across the 5 developmental domains.

School profile

To request access to your school profile, contact

AEDC on Scout

AEDC NSW has now added school profiles and addendums to SCOUT to allow easy and ongoing access for all school staff, leaders and DELs. Details on how to access this information for your school is also available on Quick Reference Guide SCOUT overview (PDF 734KB) . Refer to this document on how to access SCOUT and search for AEDC within the app.

More information on accessing AEDC on SCOUT on the AEDC School Profile.

Community-level results

Community-level AEDC results and other demographic information are publicly available through the AEDC National data explorer.

AEDC NSW data report

The AEDC 2021 NSW data report provides a summary of NSW AEDC data and explains data outcomes for children from various equity backgrounds. This report can be used by families, stakeholders and communities to plan, develop initiatives and measure the impact of these initiatives on developmental outcomes.

You can download and view the AEDC NSW 2021 data report (PDF 21.6 MB).

Contact the AEDC NSW project team for support and AEDC data workshop requests.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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