Continuity of learning

Early childhood educators and school teachers have a shared responsibility to plan for and strengthen continuity of learning.

What are our professional responsibilities?

Standards of excellence defined in key documents express common requirements in relation to continuity and transitions, including:

  • ongoing collaborative relationships
  • the sharing of information about children
  • planning informed by data.

How do key documents refer to continuity and transitions?

Applicable to teachers in both early childhood and school settings, the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers require that proficient teachers ‘know students and how they learn’ (Standard 1). This refers to using teaching strategies that are differentiated and responsive, based on knowledge of how students learn best, their learning strengths and needs.

Relevant to early childhood education settings, the National Quality Standard element 6.2.1 requires that, ‘continuity of learning and transitions for each child be supported by sharing information and clarifying responsibilities’ (Guide to the National Quality Framework p.271).

The Belonging, Being & Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) describes educators’ ‘commitment to sharing information about each child’s knowledge and skills so learning can build on foundations of earlier learning’ (p.19). It also notes that educators promote learning by providing for continuity in experiences and enabling children to transition to school successfully (p.16).

The NSW Education Standards Authority K–6 syllabuses each note that transition from an early childhood education setting into school should be seen as a continuum of learning and planned for appropriately (English K–10 Syllabus (2022), p.7).

The School Excellence Framework includes the theme of ‘Transitions and continuity of learning’, noting that ‘Every child brings a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills with them to school’ (p.1).


  • Early childhood education

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  • Curriculum
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