Unconscious bias awareness course

How to increase awareness of unconscious bias during the AEDC data collection process.

Participants will:

  • reflect on how unconscious bias can influence their practices
  • recognise where they hold assumptions about children’s learning behaviours and their capability for academic success which are tied to identities or backgrounds.

Target audience

Preschools, early years and primary school educators, supervisors, leaders, community-based professionals and allied health professionals.

Mode of delivery

This course is delivered on demand. There is a pre and post participation survey that is embedded as part of the course. Information captured through the surveys support the course developers to improve the course.

Accessing the course

  1. Complete the unconscious bias awareness course pre survey.
  2. Use the link provided at the end of the survey to access the course materials.

Duration: 30 minutes.


For information or support regarding the content of this course and any technical issues, please contact aedc@det.nsw.edu.au.

© State of Queensland (Department of Education)


  • AEDC

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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