Evaluating teaching and learning programs for HSIE 7–12

Support for leaders, aspiring leaders and teachers of HSIE 7–12 in evaluating teaching and learning programs.

Collating ongoing evaluations and reflecting on the strengths and areas for development within the program creates opportunities to enhance student outcomes. The following prompts can be used to support your evaluation of the program:

  • Did the program assist all students to improve in their learning?
  • How could the sequencing of the program be improved?
  • What did the student evaluations of the program indicate? How can these be actioned to improve the program?
  • The strategies and resources that were most effective for student learning were ...
  • Teaching strategies and resources that would benefit from review and refinement are ...

Capturing student voice when evaluating a program

Student voice is useful in the evaluation process for programs. The statements below could be useful as a starting point when asking students to provide feedback on their learning experiences. These statements are derived from some of the themes from What works best 2020 update (CESE 2020) and could be useful in teacher reflection on how these themes could be incorporated into a teaching program. The statements could also prompt student reflection on their metacognitive processes while learning.

Please rate how much you agree with these statements:

  • My teacher had confidence that I could achieve and improve in my learning. (CESE 2020b Chapter 1: High expectations)
  • I had a clear idea of what I was learning and why. (CESE 2020b Chapter 2: Explicit teaching)
  • I used the feedback provided to improve my performance. (CESE 2020b Chapter 3: Effective feedback)
  • I understood the feedback on the assessment task. (CESE 2020b Chapter 3: Effective feedback)
  • I was able to predict the marks I achieved in the assessment tasks. (CESE 2020b Chapter 5: Assessment)
  • The activities in the unit prepared me for the assessment task. (CESE 2020b Chapter 5: Assessment)
  • I found the activities in the lessons interesting to me. (CESE 2020b Chapter 7: Wellbeing)
  • I made valuable contributions to the class during this unit. (CESE 2020b Chapter 7: Wellbeing)
  • I ask questions in class when I don’t understand yet. (CESE 2020b Chapter 7: Wellbeing)

Optional open-ended prompts:

  • The lessons and/or activities that I most enjoyed were when we … because …
  • When the learning was difficult, the strategy I used was …
  • If I was giving advice to a student who was starting this unit I would tell them to …
  • If I was giving advice to a teacher who was teaching this unit I would tell them to …


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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