Planning, programming and assessing work studies

Resources to help you plan, program and assess work studies in Years 11–12.

New technology, social change, and economic factors mean that work is always changing. Work studies will assist students to move to further study or employment with success.

It will help students to:

  • learn how work and traditional jobs are changing
  • build skills to adjust to changing workplace demands
  • discover options for further education, training, and employment.

Work Studies Stage 6 Syllabus (2012) contains the syllabus, support materials and assessment information for this content endorsed course (CEC).


Sample resource for teaching and learning programs.

Module 2: Preparing job applications

In this unit of work, EAL/D students will develop their knowledge and understanding of employment and skills for the workplace.

Module 2: Preparing job applications (PDF 2.7 MB)


  • Stage 6
  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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