Centenary of Anzac

To help schools commemorate the centenary of World War I the NSW Department of Education has created a number of Anzac resources that cover a range of key learning areas and Stages.

The following video highlights some of the resources created for the Centenary of Anzac.

NSW Department of Education resources for the Centenary of Anzac (3:26 mins)

NSW Department of Education resources for the Centenary of Anzac


Narrator: The Department of Education, through its schools and offices, has been a cornerstone of NSW communities since 1880. The First World War had a great impact on all aspects of Australian life. As part of the NSW Centenary of ANZAC Commemoration Program, the Department has developed a range of learning resources to engage students and teachers in all NSW schools.

Students deepen their understanding of the First World War and what it means to remember. Our Anzac Perspective series helps students learn about different aspects of war and the home front. In ‘Lest we forget’ and ‘Anzac symbols’, students learn about the symbols and ceremonies associated with remembrance. ‘Research and adopt a Veteran’ brings communities together by encouraging all school communities to learn about and embrace their local war veterans.

‘We Commemorate’ is a series of project based challenges where school students of all ages create digital multimedia works using 21st century skills. Glendore Public School met one challenge by writing and recording a diary that explored the point of view of a soldier’s wife left at home with a young family. This digital work emphasises the impact on the home front.

Student 1: … as I write my entry. Today’s another day without my loved ones. I still dream of how life will be when they come back. I don’t want to think about them not coming back.

Narrator: ‘We will remember them’, a video by talented visual arts students from Macquarie Fields High School, uses digital technologies to highlight Australian involvement in the war and the many struggles faced by the soldiers. Students emulated a First World War news broadcast using puppets they’d made as the characters.

Student 2: Good evening Australia, in tonight’s news I’ll begin by confirming Australia is at war. We have joined Great Britain, France and Russia in declaring war against Germany.

Student 3: It’s taken us two weeks to break the German …

Student 4: I don’t know how we survived, over twelve thousand Australians haven’t survived. How is this victory?

Narrator: Students from Miranda Public School, in collaboration with Port Hacking High School and Miranda RSL sub-branch created the short film ‘Jack & Tom’ to commemorate the Centenary of Anzac. The film tells the story of two childhood friends who go to war together but tragically, only one comes home.

Man: Over the top Jack, over the top.

Student 6: I’ll race you Tom. Let’s see who’s first.


End transcript

Professional learning resource

Research and adopt a veteran guides teachers through the process of researching the historical records of a World War I (WWI) to identify and connect with a local veteran. The aim of this project is to strengthen ties between school and community.

Student generated content

Students from Miranda Public School, Caringbah Public School and Port Hacking High School collaborated to develop two short films for the NSW Public Schools film festival:

The films commemorate the centenary of Anzac through parallel stories about friends, Jack and Tom, who enlist in World War I and their sister Kate.


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