Literacy and Numeracy Precursors

The Literacy and Numeracy Precursors (L&N Precursors) are a set of indicators intended to be precursors to the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions.

What are the Literacy and Numeracy Precursors?

The Literacy and Numeracy Precursors indicators describe the skills students may need to establish strong language skills and access the later literacy and numeracy skills described in the National Literacy and Numeracy Progressions.

This video outlines the main features of the Literacy and Numeracy Precursors.

About the Literacy and Numeracy Precursors

For many of our students, tools like NAPLAN and the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions, also known as the progressions, may be less inclusive and relevant because they assume early language skills not covered by these tools. In order to provide effective support. The Inclusive Assessment Program aims to understand and describe what learning looks like for students who need help establishing a strong first language.

The Literacy and Numeracy Precursors are a set of indicators that were developed to be precursors to the progressions. These indicators describe the skills students may need to establish a strong first language and access the literacy and numeracy skills described in the progressions. Developed in collaboration between NSW schools, Centre for Education, Statistics and Evaluation, Inclusion and Wellbeing, Educational Standards and other parts of the department.

These indicators are for students who need support, developing their early language and learning skills, particularly those who may be non-verbal and or pre intentional in their communication, have language skills below their expected age, be working towards level 1 of the progressions. A broad cross-section of students can be supported by the Literacy and Numeracy Precursors, ranging from students entering school needing support with language skills, those in SSPs or support classes and even primary and high school students in a mainstream class.

The department has developed and trialled the Literacy and Numeracy Precursors to support educators to understand where their students are at and what their next steps should be. Research and validate their Literacy and Numeracy Precursors as a way to track learning outcomes and progress made by students for whom other assessment tools may not be appropriate. The purpose of this assessment tool is for educators to assess their relevant students using the Literacy and Numeracy Precursors and the early levels of the progressions.

Educators will be supported to assess students via an online data collection app. The Literacy and Numeracy Precursors app an online learning module containing short professional learning videos, student vignettes, demonstrating different indicators and how to observe students’ skills for these indicators. The Literacy and Numeracy Precursors app will include the newly developed precursor indicator, indicators from the progressions. Version 3 early levels E1A, E1B, and E1C, indicators from the progressions version 3, levels 1, 2 and 3.

The indicators from the progressions have been included to help educators see when a student progresses from the precursors to the progressions. Support research to validate the literacy and numeracy precursors and ensure they link to the progressions.

Thank you for interest in this program and your continued commitment and passion to making a difference for all learners in your school and across the state.

The Literacy and Numeracy Precursors tool is available to department schools in 2 stages:

  • Term 2, 2024 - Schools for Specific Purposes and schools with support units
  • Term 1, 2025 - all other schools.

Online tool

Teachers administer the assessment using the online tool for entering student responses. The online tool is available via ALAN.

The ALAN helpdesk has solutions for all ‘How to' questions for administering the assessment.


Professional learning


Visit Inclusive Assessment Program for information on the purpose of the assessment.

See the ALAN Help desk articles for technical support.

For technical assistance with assessments in the ALAN tool , log on online support request .

Literacy and Numeracy Precursors channel in Inclusive Assessment Program (IAP) MS Teams.

For more information, email


  • Literacy and numeracy


  • Schools for specific purposes
  • Student assessment

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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