Literacy and numeracy in the Universal Resources Hub

Evidence-based resources and tools are accessible to all schools via the Universal Resources Hub.

How to use the resources

Teachers can use these resources to support integration of reading, writing and numeracy instruction into teaching and learning programs. The resources can be modified to meet individual needs and include:

  • links to professional learning, related resources, syllabus outcomes and the learning progressions.
  • tools for assessment, feedback, targeted teaching, and monitoring in the context of the teaching and learning cycle across learning areas
  • a search function, allowing teachers to find content quickly and easily. Find relevant resources by searching for keywords, phrases or NSW syllabus outcomes.

More resources are to be delivered to schools on an ongoing basis.

How do I access the resources?


  • Literacy and numeracy


  • Numeracy
  • Reading
  • Writing

Business Unit:

  • Educational Standards
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