Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) – information for school leaders

Learn about the Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) – what has changed and where to get further support.

This syllabus replaces content in the Mathematics Standard Stage 6 Syllabus (2017). Planning and preparation will commence from 2025 with implementation in 2026.

The Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) recognises the critical importance that working mathematically plays across all areas of mathematics and reflects the strengthened connections between concepts.

This syllabus focuses on enabling students to use mathematics effectively, efficiently and critically to make informed decisions in their daily lives. It provides students with opportunities to develop an understanding of, and competence in, aspects of mathematics through real-world applications.

What you need to know

  • In 2025, teachers engage with the syllabus and plan and prepare for implementation of the Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024).
  • In Term 1 2026, implementation of Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) commences in schools for Year 11.
  • In Term 4 2026, implementation of Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) commences in schools for Year 12.
  • In 2027, the Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) will be first examined in the HSC.
  • Mathematics Standard Year 11 provides a pathway for students who progress through the Core outcomes of the Mathematics 7–10 Syllabus (2022).
  • In Year 12, Mathematics Standard 1 provides an opportunity for students to continue to develop their mathematical knowledge and understanding through applications and modelling.
  • Mathematics Standard 2 provides a pathway for students to extend their mathematical thinking through examining more complex content, and through applications and modelling.
  • The Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) aligns with the Mathematics Life Skills 11–12 Syllabus (2024) to provide opportunities for integrated delivery.
  • The NSW Department of Education will be providing support materials to schools to assist and guide the implementation process on Planning, programming and assessing Mathematics 11–12.

The Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) includes:

  • updated school-based assessment requirements for Years 11 and 12
  • a single, overarching working mathematically outcome
  • the embedding of working mathematically in the outcomes, content and examples of the syllabus
  • the embedding of technology in the content and examples of the syllabus
  • increased clarity of content points and clear syllabus structure
  • removal of common content with Mathematics Advanced in the HSC examination
  • minor content changes including additions, exclusions and relocation of content.
Five rows represent the areas of study for Mathematics Standard 11-12. Each row is divided into thirds, showing the focus areas for Year 11, Year 12 Mathematics Standard 1 or Year 12 Mathematics Standard 2. The Algebra area of study includes Year 11 focus areas Formulas and equations and Linear relationships the Year 12 Standard 1 focus area Algebraic relationships and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus area Algebraic relationships. The Financial mathematics area of study includes the Year 11 focus areas Earning money, and Managing money the Year 12 Standard 1 focus areas Investment, and Depreciation and loans and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus areas Investment and loans, and Annuities. The Measurement area of study includes the Year 11 focus areas Applications of measurement, and Time and location the Year 12 Standard 1 focus areas Right-angled triangles, and Ratios and rates and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus areas Trigonometry, and Ratios and rates. The Networks area of study includes the Year 11 focus area Networks, paths and trees and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus areas Network flow, and Critical path analysis. The Statistics area of study includes the Year 11 focus area Data analysis the Year 12 Standard 1 focus areas Bivariate data analysis, and Relative frequency and probability and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus areas Bivariate data analysis, Relative frequency and probability, and The normal distribution. All content is surrounded by a box labelled with the phrase, Working mathematically through communicating reasoning, understanding and fluency, and problem solving. Five rows represent the areas of study for Mathematics Standard 11-12. Each row is divided into thirds, showing the focus areas for Year 11, Year 12 Mathematics Standard 1 or Year 12 Mathematics Standard 2. The Algebra area of study includes Year 11 focus areas Formulas and equations and Linear relationships the Year 12 Standard 1 focus area Algebraic relationships and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus area Algebraic relationships. The Financial mathematics area of study includes the Year 11 focus areas Earning money, and Managing money the Year 12 Standard 1 focus areas Investment, and Depreciation and loans and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus areas Investment and loans, and Annuities. The Measurement area of study includes the Year 11 focus areas Applications of measurement, and Time and location the Year 12 Standard 1 focus areas Right-angled triangles, and Ratios and rates and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus areas Trigonometry, and Ratios and rates. The Networks area of study includes the Year 11 focus area Networks, paths and trees and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus areas Network flow, and Critical path analysis. The Statistics area of study includes the Year 11 focus area Data analysis the Year 12 Standard 1 focus areas Bivariate data analysis, and Relative frequency and probability and the Year 12 Standard 2 focus areas Bivariate data analysis, Relative frequency and probability, and The normal distribution. All content is surrounded by a box labelled with the phrase, Working mathematically through communicating reasoning, understanding and fluency, and problem solving.
Image: The image shows the overview of the Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) structure.

Overview image is from the Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.

Prior to implementing the Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024), leaders will need to consider the following:

  • supporting teachers’ understanding of the changes to the syllabus structure and familiarisation with NESA’s digital curriculum platform to ensure the syllabus is taught as intended
  • resource and budget implications, including adequate release days for professional learning and collaboration, and the purchase of updated learning materials
  • collaboration with staff and learning support teams to ensure appropriate curriculum planning
  • complexities for staff working to implement multiple new syllabuses and curriculum
  • exploring ways to adopt and adapt the sample materials provided by the department and curriculum materials developed in school to support the consistency of syllabus enactment.

The Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) is based on evidence summarised in the bibliography published by NESA.

Mathematics Standard 11–12 Syllabus (2024) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.

  • What processes are in place to support beginning teachers and teachers delivering this syllabus for the first time?
  • Does the school have enough qualified mathematics teachers?
    • What processes are in place to support out-of-field teaching if this is not the case?
  • What evidence is there that staff have understood syllabus changes and familiarised themselves with the new syllabus, including the research it is based upon?
  • What evidence is there that staff understand how to embed the working mathematically processes into their teaching and learning programs?
  • What school practices and systems are in place to support teacher professional learning?
    • How are these evaluated to maximise support for teachers?
  • How is the school preparing students in Years 7–10 to study Mathematics in Stage 6?

Further support


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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