Mathematics K–10 (2022) Syllabus (Years 3–6) – information for school leaders

The Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) includes outcomes and content for Years 3–10.

The Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) recognises the critical importance of developing an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts, and fluency with mathematical processes, to help students interpret and solve problems. Through the study of mathematics, students develop essential concepts and skills and apply them to deepen their understanding of the world. In Years 3–6, students:

  • develop essential numeracy skills and mathematical fluency, while nurturing the ability to think logically, critically and creatively
  • identify, describe and apply patterns and relationships
  • develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills to solve routine and non-routine problems
  • apply their knowledge and understanding in practical situations and make informed decisions.

What you need to know

  • In 2023, teachers engage with the syllabus, and plan and prepare for implementation of the curriculum.
  • In 2024, implementation commences in schools for Years 3–6.
  • Streamlined content makes clear the essential knowledge, skills, and understandings for mathematics.
  • There is an explicit, appropriate and clear progression of outcomes and content from K–10.
  • An overarching working mathematically outcome highlights interrelated processes of reasoning, communicating, problem-solving, understanding and fluency.
  • The syllabus recognises the importance of reasoning in strengthening mathematical skills.
  • The outcomes have been organised to reflect the connections across and within the mathematics concepts of number and algebra; measurement and space; statistics and probability.
  • The content in focus areas has been separated into 2 parts, A and B. Part A typically focuses on early concept development and Part B builds on these early concepts.
  • There is a greater focus on the language used in mathematics to better support learning and understanding.
  • The Statement of Equity Principles underpins the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022), ensuring inclusivity of every student.
  • NESA have confirmed links to the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions will be activated before the start of school 2023.

Mathematics Years 3–6 outcomes and content include:

  • a more explicit focus on working mathematically, with reasoning embedded within the content and examples. Mathematical reasoning is identified as the essence of working mathematically
  • a new streamlined structure with focus areas and content groups. In addition, content points are clustered within content groups to identify essential knowledge and skills
  • a focus on making explicit connections between mathematical concepts by highlighting related outcomes and content that can be taught in parallel
  • greater emphasis on the structure of place value
  • stronger connections between shape, transformations and areas
  • consistent representations of mathematical models and structures across focus areas
  • the embedding of patterns and algebra in additive and multiplicative relations, and in two-dimensional spatial structure
  • the separation of fractions into two focus areas:
    • Partitioned fractions (Stage 2)
    • Representing quantity fractions (Stage 3)
  • the separation of whole number into two focus areas:
    • Representing numbers using place value (Stage 2)
    • Representing numbers (Stage 3)
  • The embedding of decimals and percentages in:
    • Representing numbers using place value (Stage 2)
    • Representing numbers (Stage 3)
  • strong examples that make clear what is syllabus content and what is provided as support
  • the removal of stage statements. Teaching advice has been provided that strengthens understanding of syllabus content, which supports teachers to make informed pedagogical decisions.
Image: The diagram shows the organisation of the outcomes and content for mathematics 3–6.

Overview image is from the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, (2022).

Prior to implementation, leaders should consider the following:

  • Complexities for staff using 2 different syllabuses to teach mathematics in 2023 – with K–2 using the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) and 3–6 using the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2012). Differences in these syllabuses, including structure and language, will impact planning, programming, assessment and reporting across the school. For further information see Syllabus implementation advice K–6 for 2023.
  • 2023 is considered a year of planning and preparation for the Years 3–6 outcomes and content within the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022). Schools are strongly recommended to delay teaching of the Years 3–6 outcomes and content from the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) until 2024. The support package for Years 3–6 will be made available in phases throughout 2023. This includes
    • microlearning
    • sample scope and sequences
    • sample units
    • annotated work samples
    • other syllabus-specific resources.
  • Building teacher understanding in relation to the overarching working mathematically outcome. The outcome highlights interrelated processes of reasoning, communicating, problem-solving, understanding and fluency. These processes should be embedded within the concepts being taught.
  • Supporting teachers’ understanding that focus areas are separated into Part A and Part B to
    • provide flexibility in planning teaching and learning programs based on the needs and abilities of students
    • illustrate the progression and growth of concepts within a stage of learning
    • highlight how content builds to support deep understanding in each focus area.
  • Resource and budget implications including
    • identifying teacher strengths and expertise to support curriculum implementation schools
    • professional learning to build staff capability
    • equipment and materials that may be useful to support learning.
  • What practices and processes were implemented in K–2 that can be leveraged for Years 3–6?

The Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) is based on evidence summarised in the support document: Bibliography: Mathematics K–10 published by NESA.

  • To what extent do staff understand the syllabus and the evidence underpinning it? How has this been fostered and understanding evaluated?
  • How will the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) affect classroom practice? What is in place to support and evaluate this practice?
  • What school practices and systems are in place to support teacher professional learning? How are these evaluated to maximise support for teachers?
  • How will the current skills and understanding of staff enable collaborative curriculum implementation? What explicit systems are in place to foster collaboration?
  • How has the school engaged with departmental resources and support for curriculum implementation, for example, Curriculum Reform Communities, curriculum resources, professional learning, and DEL network initiatives?
  • How is the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) being used to lift teaching practice? How does the plan for curriculum implementation measure the impact of this?


  • Teaching and learning


  • Mathematics
  • Teaching and learning
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6

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  • Curriculum
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