About the reform

The NSW Curriculum Reform is a program to deliver a new curriculum for Kindergarten to Year 12 from 2024. The new curriculum is being developed by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).

The department is supporting teachers to implement and teach the new curriculum by providing professional learning and resources.

The reform follows the NSW Curriculum Review, conducted by Professor Geoff Masters for NESA, which found that:

  • the current curriculum contains too much clutter, with not enough time to focus on deep learning
  • some students are not getting the solid foundation in English and mathematics that they need and deserve
  • not all HSC subjects have clear links to further study and career pathways.

A plan for improvement

The new school curriculum will:

  • build strong foundations in literacy and numeracy with new English and mathematics syllabuses for Kindergarten to Year 2
  • give teachers more time to concentrate on deep learning by reducing the hours teachers spend on non-essential learning and compliance requirements
  • better prepare Year 11 and 12 students for future work and study with new learning areas and career pathways.

Teacher expert networks

The department has been collaborating with NESA to help develop statewide teacher expert networks (TENs). These will ensure that the new curriculum connects with practice and works well in the classroom. The network of more than 200 teachers will:

  • provide feedback and advice to NESA on the new curriculum
  • share knowledge about the new curriculum in their schools, regions and sectors.

See the NESA TENs for more information.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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