Saying yes to health and wellbeing

Sample lessons for Stage 3 exploring the facts about vaping. Empower students to make safe choices and promote the health and wellbeing of their communities.

Consider the following questions when adapting or developing teaching and learning units:

  • What key messages do you want students to take away?
  • Why does this learn matter?

The following sample resource can be adapted by teachers to suit the individual needs of their students. Use these resources to plan and deliver PDHPE. They are suitable for the PDHPE K–10 Syllabus (2018).

Students will:

  • challenge their assumptions about vaping for young people
  • understand key health messages regarding vaping
  • recognise that many people overestimate how many young people use e-cigarettes
  • access reliable sources of health information
  • evaluate messages in the NSW health ‘Do you know what you’re vaping?’ and ‘Every vape is a hit to your health’ campaign materials and their influence on young people
  • describe how companies have targeted groups, including young people to market e-cigarettes
  • identify strategies that e-cigarette companies use to make vaping appealing to young people
  • predict outcomes for individuals in vaping situations
  • suggest strategies that may reduce the risk of a vaping situation
  • determine what protective strategy would be most effective in a vaping situation
  • apply refusal skills and assertiveness to role play a vaping situation
  • assess their ability to use refusal skills and assertiveness.


PDHPE K–10 Syllabus (2018) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


  • Drug education
  • Stage 3

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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