Sexuality education in PDHPE K–6 fact sheet
‘Sexuality and sexual health’ is one of the 14 contexts for learning embedded in the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) K–10 Syllabus.
Sexuality education forms part of learning in the PDHPE key learning area from Kindergarten to Year 6. Sexual health content is addressed in Years 7 to 10.

What do students learn in K–6 sexuality education?
In NSW, we do not refer to this learning as ‘sex education’. This term can send incorrect messages about the focus of student learning. Sexuality education content in K-6 is not about sex. Learning about sexual behaviour, including sexual intercourse, is explicitly addressed in Stages 4 and 5.
There are some common concepts addressed in both sexuality education and mandatory child protection education such as private body parts and consent. However, sexuality education should be explicitly taught as part of a whole-school PDHPE K–6 program.
In sexuality education students learn:
- in an age and developmentally appropriate way in each stage of learning
- the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, identity, gender, human sexuality and respectful relationships including consent
- correct names for parts of the body, basic principles of human reproduction, family and interpersonal relationships, and safety
- knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to have safe, fulfilling and enjoyable relationships
- to think critically and communicate effectively to make responsible and safe choices
- to recognise pressures from other people and be able to seek help from trusted adults and support networks.
Teaching consent in K–6 sexuality education
The teaching of consent in all NSW public schools is mandatory. Consent is a concept embedded in sexuality and sexual health education and mandatory child protection education. Sexual consent is explicitly addressed in Stages 4 and 5.
From Kindergarten to Year 6, learning about consent is:
- developed through learning about respectful relationships
- not taught in isolation but explored through different online and offline environments that promote the development of skills such as decision-making, problem-solving and help-seeking.
The Consent as part of the PDHPE K–10 syllabus document identifies where the concept of consent is addressed in resources developed by the department.
Delivering quality sexuality education in Kindergarten to Year 6
Sexuality education should form part of the whole-school scope and sequence.
A school-based decision can be made to determine:
- whether schools teach aspects within each year of each stage
- the number of sexuality education lessons programmed as part of PDHPE.
To ensure an inclusive and culturally sensitive learning environment, schools may consider a range of options for structuring classroom delivery of sexuality education such as:
- All students participate in learning activities within the same classroom.
- Single-sex delivery. Male and female students are separated into different classrooms while they learn the same content about both sexes.
- A combination of both approaches. Students are introduced to content in single-sex groups. Students are then combined to further discuss and reinforce knowledge and skills.
For learning to be effective, teachers need to create a supportive learning environment, so students feel safe to learn and ask questions. This includes preventing public disclosures from students.

Developing and selecting resources to deliver sexuality education

Schools may use the resource review flowchart to help make decisions about the suitability of teaching and learning resources.
Schools may choose to use the department's sample units. Use of these resources is not mandatory. There is no expectation that all units and activities in the sexuality and sexual health education curriculum support materials are to be taught.
Department policies and legislation
Policies and legislation relevant to sexuality education in Kindergarten to Year 6:
Download 'Sexuality education in PDHPE Kindergarten to Year 6 fact sheet (PDF 2.44 MB). This contains the information on this page.