Inclusion and differentiation advice 7–10

Advice on inclusive practice and differentiation when considering planning and programming.

All students need to be challenged and engaged to fully develop their potential. A culture of high expectations needs to be supported by strategies that both challenge and support student learning needs, such as through appropriate curriculum differentiation. CESE What works best update 2020

When planning and programming, considering all students is inclusive practice. This allows all students to access and engage with the curriculum. Differentiated learning should be enabled through both planned and contingent adjustments to the teaching approach for content, process, product and learning environment. For more on inclusive curriculum planning strategies and resources to optimise learning for every student, enrol in Curriculum planning for every student in every classroom (AC00180).

For more information on differentiation, visit Differentiating learning and Differentiation.

Planning for all students in the class is important. When planning for every student in our classroom consider the following.

Aboriginal and, or Torres Strait Islander students

Targeted strategies can be used to achieve improved outcomes for Aboriginal and, or Torres Strait Islander students and increase knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and, or Torres Strait Islander histories, knowledge and cultures.

Strong strides together can support teachers and school leaders to create high-quality learning environments and meet the educational goals for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students. Teachers should use students’ Personalised Learning Pathways to support individual student needs and goals.

EAL/D learners

Explicit English language support and scaffolding is needed for EAL/D learners. This should be informed by the EAL/D enhanced teaching and learning cycle and the student’s phase on the EAL/D Learning Progression. These links provide information about supporting EAL/D learners, including Assessing English language proficiency.

Students with additional learning needs

Learning adjustments enable students with disability and additional learning needs to access syllabus outcomes and content on the same basis as their peers. Teachers can use a range of adjustments to ensure a personalised approach to student learning. Additionally, curriculum considerations to support students with disability and additional learning needs can be found on the Inclusive Practice Hub.

High potential and gifted learners

Assessing and identifying high potential and gifted learners will help teachers decide which students may benefit from extension and additional challenges. Effective strategies and contributors to achievement for high potential and gifted learners help teachers to target areas for growth. The Differentiation adjustment tool can be used to support the specific learning needs of high-potential and gifted students. The High Potential and Gifted Education resources support school leaders and teachers to effectively implement the High Potential and Gifted Education Policy in their contexts.

Implementation of inclusive practices in planning, programming and assessing supports learning for the full range of students and is aligned with the department’s goals and strategic policies, including:


  • Teaching and learning


  • All high schools
  • Classroom teachers
  • Curriculum
  • English
  • School executive
  • Teaching and learning
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  • Year 10
  • Year 11
  • Year 12
  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9

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