Consultative committee

The NSW Department of Education Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics Consultative Committee provides advice to the department about special religious education and special education in ethics in NSW public schools. The committee provides an opportunity for the department and key stakeholders to engage in dialogue regarding matters relating to special religious education and special education in ethics in NSW public schools.

SRE and SEE Consultative Committee

Organisation Representative
NSW Department of Education Dr Paul Wood (Chair)
NSW Department of Education Ms Nell Lynes
NSW Department of Education Mr Joshua Chenery
All Faiths SRE Mr John Donnelly
Anglican Diocese of Sydney Mr Andy Stevenson
Anglican Diocese of Sydney The Rev Canon Craig Roberts
Baha’i Council for NSW and the ACT Mrs Niloofar Ashjari
Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT Ms Shelley Ashton
Better Balanced Futures Mr Murray Norman
Buddhist Association of Australia Venerable Zhi Li Shi
Catholic Church of Australia Ms Nicola Graham
Catholic Church of Australia Ms Caitlin Douglas
Chinmaya Mission Australia Mr Swami Shrikarananda
Ethics Centre Dr Simon Longstaff
Federation of Parents and Citizens' Associations of NSW Mr Wade Marionneaux
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Mrs Sotiria Pagones
Islamic Council of NSW Mrs Ayesha Ahmad
Inter-Church Commission on Religious Education in Schools Mr Tom Eastlake
NSW Board of Jewish Education Mr Ronnen Grauman
Presbyterian Church of Australia Ms Lynda Mulder
Primary Ethics Mr Evan Hannah
Primary Principals’ Association Ms Norma Petrocco
Secondary Principals’ Council Mr Michael Spora
Teachers Federation NSW Mr Jack Galvin Waight
Uniting Church of Australia Rev Andrew Parkinson


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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