Academy for Enterprising Girls

Academy for Enterprising Girls encourages girls and young women to pursue STEM and entrepreneurship careers with interactive workshops and eLearning.

Academy for Enterprising Girls offer free resources that help teachers develop the next generation of female entrepreneurs.

One of these resources is Online Classroom – a one-stop-shop for teachers leading online entrepreneurial education in Australia. Teachers create virtual classrooms where they can view students’ progress through the Academy eLearning modules and give real-time feedback to students.

The system also provides educators with Teacher Tips and easy access to curriculum-aligned documentation. Developed by experienced STEM and Enterprise educators, all resources make it easy to deliver entrepreneurship education – in person or virtually. Sign up and get started today at Academy for Enterprising Girls

Watch 'Discover – The Academy for Enterprising Girls' (7:07)

Laura Dawson

(Duration: 7 minutes 7 seconds)


[Red and blue logo revealed reading ‘STEM 2022 on demand’.

Screen reads, ‘Academy of Enterprising Girls’. Screen shows four students and one adult huddled around a laptop.]

Laura Dawson:

[Screen reads, ‘Laura Dawson, Academy of Enterprising Girls’. Screen shows Laura wearing an Enterprising Girls pink t-shirt, standing inside a classroom.]

Hi, I'm Laura from the Academy for Enterprising Girls, and we're on a mission to help girls dream big and take their first steps towards one day being a business owner.

[Screen shows a classroom with students sitting at their desks, wearing either pink or black Enterprising Girls t-shirts and raising their hands. At the front of the classroom stands Laura in a pink t-short and another adult in a black t-shirt, holding up a piece of butcher’s paper.]

We're funded by the Australian Government, so everything we have on offer is free to Australian educators.

Now let's get into it.

Did you know that in Australia, only 12% of people running their own businesses are women? Only 12%, we want to change this by helping the girls at your school become Enterprising Girls.

Student one:

[Screen shows students interacting. One student in a pink t-shirt is speaking to camera.]

I'm a huge feminist. I'm excited that there's been a course made, especially for girls to learn these skills.

Student 2:

[Screen shows students interacting. One student in a black t-shirt is speaking to camera.]

Well, I definitely want to make a change that will help everyone as much as possible, like economically, environmentally, socially.

Student 3:

[Screen shows students interacting. One student in a pink t-shirt is speaking to camera.]

I want to, oh, this is very big, but I want to have a huge business with stores all around the globe.

Laura Dawson:

[Screen shows Laura wearing an Enterprising Girls pink t-shirt, standing inside a classroom.]

We all know that girls want to make positive changes in our world.

[Screen shows various shots of students inside a classroom interacting with each other and with Enterprising Girls’ facilitators.]

They're smart, creative, ambitious, and best of all, ready to get to work. Here at Enterprising Girls, we want to help them get inspired and get started. But we need your help. With teachers like you on team Enterprising Girls, we can spread the message far and wide that girls can do anything.

[Screen shows Laura wearing an Enterprising Girls pink t-shirt, standing outside a classroom.]

We know how time poor you are as teachers, and we want to help. We have three fun and free ways you can easily incorporate Enterprising Girls into your school.

[Screen reads, ‘1. A one day workshop’.]

One, a free one-day workshop. One of the Enterprising Girls workshop facilitators will come to your school for a day, taking your students step by steps through the program. This is a great way to get started and learn the foundational skills and mindsets of what it takes to create a business idea.

[Screen shows various shots of students working in groups, writing notes on butcher’s paper, and standing at the front of the classroom presenting too the class.]

Your students will learn how to see problems as business opportunities, work in groups to brainstorm solutions, name and brand their idea, taking it from a solution to a business, and then pitch it, "Shark Tank" style, at the end of the day.

[Screen reads, ‘2. The Girl Founder Club].

Two, the Girl Founder Club.

[Screen shows students in a classroom being given either pink or black Enterprising Girls t-shirts, along with various shots of students and teachers interacting inside a classroom.]

The Girl Founder Club is designed to be run as a co-curricular activity or even as a lunchtime club. Teachers will love the Girl Founder Club because the club takes the guesswork out of entrepreneurship education. The snack-sized activities are fully planned and ready to go, which means there's no extra work required. And best of all, it's free.

Your students will love the Girl Founder Club because they'll develop valuable new skills to help them think and act like an entrepreneur. Working in a team, they'll have the support of their girlfriends to take on the world. And they'll earn a shiny badge to display on their uniform.

[Screen shows a booklet titled, ‘Girl Founder Club Toolkit’. Pages are flicked through, showing lessons and activities inside the booklet]

While the club is what we like to call snack-sized, it contains all the knowledge and fun you've come to expect from the Academy for Enterprising Girls. And it incorporates the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. You can download the club activities for free from our website right now. Just go to and visit our Teacher Hub.

Student 4:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I would love to be a business owner. Because that way, you can work on your own times, and you can be flexible with anything that you want to do. And you can just achieve your dreams.

Student 5:

[Screen shows a student in a pink t-shirt speaking.]

Because the ideas are limitless. You can be your own boss. The design is yours. The creativity, it's just your own thing.

Student 6:

[Screen shows a student in a pink t-shirt speaking.]

'Cause I would be able to work on my own terms and have my own rules.

Student 5:

[Screen shows a student in a pink t-shirt speaking.]

I know I can be an Enterprising Girl because I'm smart and creative. I always listen, and I have a good heart.

Student 6:

[Screen shows a student in a pink t-shirt speaking.]

So I am organised, and I am smart.

Student 7:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I would love to be a business owner because I love to make people happy.

Student 8:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I know I'm smart. I love to talk to people.

Student 9:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I am open minded, and I am smart and a problem solver.

Student 6:

[Screen shows a student in a pink t-shirt speaking.]

A successful business owner to me is someone who sticks to their ideas that they want to do.

Student 5:

[Screen shows a student in a pink t-shirt speaking.]

It's someone who is bold with leadership, who has a good community behind them.

Student 8:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I've already had an idea for a business. It's skincare and also fashion.

Student 9:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I'm inspired to start a business when I see lots of other small businesses growing, just like mine could be someday.

Laura Dawson:

[Screen shows Laura wearing an Enterprising Girls pink t-shirt, standing outside a classroom. Screen reads, ‘3. The Online Classroom’.]

And three, the online classroom. Now, this is the part I am most excited to tell you about.

[Screen shows a computer screen scrolling through a webpage that is titled, ‘Online Classroom’. It shows sections below the title that read, ‘Modules’, ‘Curriculum’ and ‘FAQs’, with text and images below.]

The online classroom is a one-stop shop for teachers leading entrepreneurial education. The online classroom allows you to incorporate the Academy for Enterprising Girls' E-learning into the terms worth of work.

[Screen shows handouts titled, ‘Teacher Hub Lesson Plan, Module 1: Girl Founders’. Below this is text and curriculum links.]

Receive 10 complete lesson plans and supporting resources all mapped to the Australian Curriculum. It's designed and developed by STEM and entrepreneurship teachers for teachers. This is all valued at $2,500 but is free to Australian educators.


[Screen shows a television screen superimposed onto a white and pink background. On the screen a speaker is dressed in various costumes relating to the jobs described.]

Are you excited? So am I. So, what does a children's entertainer, head of a payment app, head of a startup accelerator, a fashion editor, and a virtual reality tech pioneer have in common? One, they're all women, and two, they all started with no more than an ID, ah, hmm.

Laura Dawson:

[Screen shows Laura wearing an Enterprising Girls pink t-shirt, standing inside a classroom.]

Now to how it works. Each student creates an online login to the Enterprising Girls' E-learning, where they can go step by step through the lessons. It's a mixture of self-led learning and group learning all assisted by you, their teacher.

[Screen shows students working on a laptop. The webpage is titled, ‘National Workshop Program’. Screen then shows a teacher presenting the Online Classroom webpage on an interactive whiteboard.]

As their teacher, you get an Umbrella login where you can monitor your entire classes' progress and see their work and even give them real-time assessment and feedback. At the end of the term, you can print out all of this information, which will hopefully make reporting time that tiny bit easier for you. And students graduate as an Enterprising Girl with their very own business portfolio.

Nikyetta Pencheff:

[Screen reads, ‘Nikyetta Pencheff, Central Coast Academy of STEM Excellence’. Screen shows Nikyetta in a classroom with the Enterprising Girls website presented on an interactive whiteboard, behind her.]

I would love to see all schools engage in all of the programs that the Academy for Enterprising Girls offers. It's important because it gives students autonomy. It gives students agency around how they manage themselves through life, as well as being self-sufficient in the community and also contributing to that community positively.

It's created by teachers for teachers. So, therefore it becomes easy when the resource is there, and they're easily used by teachers in the classroom. It makes everyone's heart feel full and warm that their students have gone on to successes based around their achievements and self-driven, I guess, ideas and business.

Laura Dawson:

[Screen shows a slide show of various shots of students participating in the Enterprising Girls programs.]

We have already delivered the Academy for Enterprising Girls in one of these many forms to over 8,800 girls Australia-wide. Make sure your students are graduates of the Academy for Enterprising Girls and set them on the path to being business owners, girl bosses, and future CEOs.

[Screen shows Laura wearing an Enterprising Girls pink t-shirt, standing inside a classroom. Screen shows items Laura mentions.]

If you incorporate the Academy for Enterprising Girls into your school, please let us know. We'd love to send you a free T-shirt, Girl Founder badges, tote bags, and stickers. Get in touch via our website,, or follow us on social media at Enterprising Girls.

Student 4:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I'm an Enterprising Girl.

Student 7:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I'm going to be an Enterprising Girl.

Student 6:

[Screen shows a student in a pink t-shirt speaking.]

I'm an Enterprising Girl.

Student 9:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I can be an Enterprising Girl.

Student 5:

[Screen shows a student in a pink t-shirt speaking.]

I'm an Enterprising Girl.

Student 8:

[Screen shows a student in a black t-shirt speaking.]

I'm an Enterprising Girl too.

[Screen shows the Academy for Enterprising Girls logo. Beneath this screen reads, ‘’. Video concludes by displaying the NSW Government logo.]

[End of transcript]


  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5
  • Stage 6

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum and Reform
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