HPGE Implementation Strategy

The High Potential and Gifted Education Implementation Strategy aims to support all NSW schools in implementing and delivering the HPGE Policy.


High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) opportunities are already offered across the state to develop student talent across the four domains of potential. These opportunities include:

The strategy

The HPGE Implementation Strategy:

  • supports equity in access to HPGE talent development opportunities for our students
  • underscores our commitment to achieving excellence in teaching and learning as outlined in the Plan for Public Education
  • will clarify the department’s expectations of schools regarding HPGE, including the requirement that all schools offer quality HPGE provisions and, or programs starting January 2026.

The department is developing resources and guidance for schools to support an HPGE-focussed school development day (SDD) in 2025. More information will be provided later in 2024 and early 2025.

The strategy timeline


  • March 2024 The Deputy Premier announced her intent at the Sydney Morning Herald Summit for every NSW public school to offer high-quality HPGE opportunities and programs.
  • March 2024 The NSW Department of Education Secretary announced a dedicated HPGE SDD in 2025 to support the implementation of the strategy.
  • Mid-2024 – The department’s HPGE taskforce is assembled to deliver the implementation strategy, including support for schools for the SDD.
  • Late 2024 The department updates the HPGE Policy to include the HPGE Implementation Strategy


  • Early Term 1 2025 All schools will receive guidance for the SDD in Term 2.
  • Term 1 2025 – Schools incorporate an HPGE self-assessment into their school planning cycles in preparation for the SDD in Term 2.
  • Term 2 2025 – Schools hold their HPGE-dedicated SDDs.
  • Before 2026 – Schools communicate their HPGE offerings to their communities.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum and Reform
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