Acceleration support package

The Acceleration support package contains a process, guide and tool for acceleration. It also contains a range of resources that can assist school leaders and teachers through all phases of the acceleration process.


The acceleration support package has been developed to assist school leaders and teachers with effective implementation of acceleration in the best interests of the student.

Research strongly supports the use of acceleration for students in the gifted and highly gifted range across one or more domains of potential. When implemented well, acceleration is a highly effective practice with positive social outcomes. However, acceleration remains under-utilised to meet the needs of students from all backgrounds.

The acceleration process

A five phase acceleration process has been developed informed by research. It is recommended that schools work through the process to guide their decision making in the best interest of students.

There are five phases in the process.

Nomination and knowledge building involves the nomination of a student for acceleration and the formation of a team to explore options.

In this phase the actions are nomination and consultation.

The student’s learning needs are identified using a range of formative assessment evidence and data in order to inform potential acceleration.

In this phase the action is assessment of learning needs.

Possible acceleration and/or non acceleration options are determined and recommended. It is a consultative phase that makes recommendations based on student's needs, support and talent development.

In this phase the actions are determination of options and recommendation.

A transition and monitoring plan is collaboratively developed that ensures procedures, programs and practices meet the learning and wellbeing needs of the accelerated student.

In this phase the action is transition and monitoring plan.

The acceleration process is evaluated, monitored and adjusted on an ongoing basis, through consultation with the student and parent/carer.

In this phase the actions are ongoing review as well as evaluation and transition management.

The acceleration process is typically followed in sequence. However, schools can access the phases at any point based on the student needs.

Most phases will be repeated and/or revisited throughout the student's acceleration journey to make necessary changes.

Effective acceleration

The acceleration process is implemented most effectively when:

  • all stakeholders such as the Learning and Support Team, teacher, LaST, counsellor, psychologist and parent/carer are involved
  • ongoing communication of the learning and wellbeing needs of the student takes place
  • both the acceleration process and guide are utilised
  • continuity is ensured with appropriate documentation, communication and management of transitions.

Use of the package

Guidance and resources contained in the package are designed to be used with students whose:

  • potential significantly or vastly exceeds that of their same age peers in one or more domains of potential
  • learning and wellbeing needs are not adequately being met by current procedures, programs and practices.

This package also includes advice on adapting the acceleration process to whole school procedures, programs and practices.

Using the package with three layers of support

The package has been designed to provide three layers of support depending on:

  • the experience, confidence or expertise of the person or team managing the acceleration process
  • the school context
  • the complexity of the students' needs.
The first layer starts with the HPGE acceleration process overview (PDF 146 KB) that introduces the recommended acceleration process, and outlines the decision making into 5 organised phases and 8 actions.
  1. Start by watching the overview video from start to finish.
  2. Then visit the process section of the Acceleration support package.

The second layer of support is the guide section that explores the five phases and decision making in greater detail.

For each phase, the guide provides descriptions of the actions to take, guiding questions, and supporting research. There are also examples of acceleration across domains, and downloads to support you.

    The third level of support is the acceleration tool.

    This is a writable PDF that takes a team/leader through the entire acceleration process, detailed advice and guidance for each phase, and the opportunity to document it.

    The acceleration tool can be downloaded in full, or as individual PDF phases. There are worked examples of the acceleration tool available in the package that model its use.

    Best use of the tool

    The tool is particularly helpful if you are:

    • accelerating for the first time
    • accelerating a student with complex needs.
    The tool can be used as a learning and support record that can be retained for future reference, reviews and/or or managing transitions.

    Additional supports

    The package includes the following support for schools:

    • what acceleration is and the different types
    • downloads such as an acceleration process poster, worked examples, a nomination form, and a parent flyer
    • examples across domains
    • answers to common questions
    • supporting research.

    Designed for diversity

    The package has also been designed to meet the diverse needs of students across NSW public schools such as:

    • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
    • students with disability
    • students from low socio-economic backgrounds
    • students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds
    • rural and remote students
    • students at risk.

    Advice and support is embedded into all the phase advice so that diversity is not treated as a separate or optional extra, but a necessary part of the five phase process.

    Additionally, the diversity of needs in school leaders and teachers is accommodated. All schools are unique, so the package has been designed to provide various access points, allowing you to get as much or as little as you need.

    Wherever possible, suggestions have been included on how to adapt phases and actions to the needs of the student and your specific context.

    Contents of the package

    The advice and materials contained in the package are:

    Flexible use by schools

    With the layers of support provided in this package, from general to specific, a school can be flexible about which part or parts they use to implement acceleration for an individual student or group of students.

    For example, for a group of students undergoing subject acceleration (see adapting for school programs and processes), the school may only use the process to inform and streamline their decision making.

    For an individual student with ‘complex’ needs a school may need to use all aspects of the support package. In this instance, the acceleration package will be invaluable for the principal and learning and support team to document their considered process in the best interests of the student.

    Image: Illustration of the process for accelerating gifted and highly gifted students.


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