Supporting high potential and gifted students

All schools have high potential and gifted students. School leaders and teachers need to ensure that learning experiences meet the needs of these students across all domains of potential: intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical.

The High Potential and Gifted Education Policy (HPGE) was announced by the NSW Government on 4 June 2019. The policy promotes engagement and challenge for every student in every school across all domains of potential, while explicitly recognising and addressing the learning needs of high potential and gifted students.

Quality learning environments, including high expectations, evidence-based teaching and talent development support high potential and gifted students to achieve their educational potential. To optimise their growth, achievement, engagement and wellbeing, these students require challenging learning that extends them beyond their current level of mastery.

Catering for diverse backgrounds and needs

High potential, gifted and highly gifted students are represented in all communities. Those who may experience additional challenge in achieving their potential include:

Supporting schools to meet the needs of high potential and gifted students

The policy will be operating in all public schools in NSW from 27 January 2021. Implementation of the policy across the state is supported by an integrated professional learning program for leaders and teachers.

The Revisiting Gifted Education literature review provides a synthesis of the evidence base and research in gifted education. Professional learning is available for schools on the literature review.

Comprehensive implementation advice is available for schools to support implementation.

For specific enquiries related to the policy, please contact the HPGE team at


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