Curriculum learning on demand

These courses focus on building teachers’ skills and capacity to support teaching and learning at home with an emphasis on teaching and learning pedagogy. Most sessions take from 30 minutes to an hour to complete.

Literacy and numeracy

30 minutes

This session will explore challenging tasks and questioning and how they can be achieved in a remote learning context.

Challenging tasks and questioning – teaching strategies to support number sense on MyPL.

30 minutes

The session supports teachers in how they can assist parents to use the Helping your children at home with literacy and numeracy at home booklet.

How to support parents with their child’s literacy and numeracy learning on MyPL.

Learning across the curriculum (all stages)

30 minutes

Review of NESA Principles and Protocols for the successful implementation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures content in all syllabuses.

Introduction to the self-paced online learning program; Deadly Dialects, designed to support the teaching and learning of Aboriginal students.

Strategies to support Aboriginal students on MyPL.

45 minutes

A guide for classroom, subject and EAL/D specialist teachers to identify and meet the needs of all EAL/D students in a remote learning context.

Strategies to support EAL/D students on MyPL.

30 minutes

This professional learning will support educators working with children with disability in preschool, early intervention and the early years of school. It includes specific strategies and resources to ensure learning is tailored, relevant and inclusive of all children.

Supporting young students with disability on MyPL

Duration: 13:46

This interview between English advisors and 'Film By...' discusses the limitless benefits of incorporating film into your English program.

Using film in English video

Early learning

30 minutes

This professional learning will support educators to use family-centered and strengths-based practice to provide Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for young children with a disability and their families while working face to face and/or working remotely.

Learners will:

  • explore step by step processes for the development of individual education plans for young children with disability
  • apply this process to support ongoing learning for young children with a disability including when children are learning from home.

Individualised planning for young children with disability on MyPL.

30 minutes

This professional learning will assist learners to:

  • unpack what cultural competence looks like in relation to Aboriginal families and children in an early childhood setting
  • develop an understanding of the relationship between cultural competence and early years curriculum
  • develop knowledge of practical strategies that can be implemented to support Aboriginal children and families in the early childhood setting.

Culturally responsive practice: supporting Aboriginal children and families on My PL

Primary curriculum

1 hour

This session has been designed in response to questions and comments from our colleagues in the field. The maths team will share strategies for retaining a focus on working mathematically and rich, engaging mathematics in this different, and changeable, context. We will also explore how teachers can support their communities in achieving the same aspirations.

Becoming, and remaining, mathematicians on MyPL.

30 minutes

Target audience: Stage 2 – Stage 3 teachers

Guidance for teachers in developing a sequence of learning to support Stage 2 - Stage 3 students.

Building English knowledge on MyPL

30 minutes

Target audience: Early stage 1 - Stage 1 teachers

Guidance for teachers in developing their own English sequence of learning to support Early stage 1 - Stage 1 students.

English essentials ES1-S1 on MyPL.

30 minutes

An overview of the Early stage 1 to Stage 3 learning from home resources and guidance on how to develop a learning sequence.

How to develop a learning sequence on MyPL.

30-40 minutes

Policy requirements and advice with regards to assessment. A guide for Primary teachers about how to assess and provide feedback online to students. Providing advice to support parents and carers of primary students with assessment and feedback.

Strategies for assessment and feedback on MyPL.

Secondary curriculum

Strategies and tools for effective assessment in PDHPE

30 minutes

This professional learning session will guide teachers on strategies for online and offline assessment of PDHPE. We will look at what works well and what can be used to gather evidence of student learning. Where possible we have provided examples of assessment strategies which can be used for synchronous online teaching and learning, asynchronous online teaching and learning and offline teaching and learning.

Strategies and tools for effective assessment in PDHPE on MyPL.

Feedback and evidence: Quality assessment in PDHPE in the virtual world

30 minutes

This professional learning session will guide teachers on how to collect evidence of learning and provide feedback to students when assessing PDHPE in a virtual world.

Feedback and evidence: Quality assessment in PDHPE in the virtual world on MyPL.

Formative assessment opportunities in your existing teaching and learning sequences

30 minutes

This professional learning session uses a learning sequence to demonstrate how teachers can identify opportunities for formative assessment in their existing teaching and learning. It also models how evidence can be collected at various points to create a holistic picture of student achievement towards a syllabus outcome.

Formative assessment opportunities in your existing teaching and learning sequences on MyPL.

30 minutes

Using technology for improving student learning outcomes in VET.

  • Overview
  • What are the resources and where are they?
  • How do I use them?
  • Delivering flexibly in VET
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Q and A

Using technology for improving student learning outcomes in VET on MyPL.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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