Supporting your child to learn from home

When helping your child to learn from home it is important to continue to provide support and encouragement. Remember that no one expects you to be the teacher or have all the subject knowledge.

Ready for the day

Setting up a routine for your child is helpful.

  • On Monday to Friday set the same time each morning to get up and prepare for the day.
  • Get dressed into day clothes - some children are wearing their school uniforms.
  • Serve the same sort of food your child would have in a school day for breakfast, morning tea and lunch.
  • Set a morning tea and lunch break, to avoid extra snacking.
  • Have these breaks outside or away from where your child has been completing school work.
  • Try to establish a similar routine for each day. Give yourself permission to change the plans if they aren’t working. Be flexible – some days routines won’t go according to plan and that’s OK

Ready for learning

Set a daily timetable so your child or children knows what they are expected to do each day. Include:

  • start and finish times
  • morning tea and lunch breaks
  • the learning timetable
  • the lessons and activities to be completed for the day. Teachers will usually provide this for your child.

Older children may like to plan their own timetables.

Plan the timetable to suit your child and family needs. It is a good idea to:

  • Schedule the timing of lessons to match your child’s interest and attention span. For example, if your child works best in the morning plan subjects like literacy, maths and science before lunch and easier or favourite activities after lunch.
  • Plan when each family member will have access to the internet and computer during the day. This will assist with sharing and help prevent the overuse of technology.
  • Have times each day when your child can complete set tasks on their own so you can help other children or have time for your own jobs.
  • Have a learning space where your child can complete their school work with easy access to what they need for the day.

Keep the lesson or learning activity fun and interesting. For example:

  • Talk to your child about what they are expected to do during each activity. It helps to give clear instructions and examples.
  • Give clear direction about tasks rather than asking, “What would you like to do?” For example, “We are starting maths now” rather than, “Would you like to start Maths now?”
  • Check-in with how they are going and help them to stay on task.
  • Encourage their effort and progress rather than focus on unhelpful behaviours. For example, “Wow you have done five, only two to go”.
  • Have 5-minute fun breaks between lessons, for example 5-minute exercise, card game or favourite story or music.
  • Look for other learning opportunities that apply to everyday activities. For example, cooking and gardening activities link well to maths and science.
  • Celebrate you and your child’s success, for example share “what went well” today or a highlight of the week.

Ready to connect

  • Keep connected with your child’s school and teachers. Find out the best way to make contact – phone or email and times the teachers are available.
  • The school will maintain regular communication via the school’s website, Facebook page or phone calls to support learning at home. Check the school’s website or Facebook page regularly for updates. 
  • Your child may have times to connect with their teacher and classmates in online lessons.

  • Plan some time when your child or children can catch up with friends. This might be via phone call, email, social media or video conferencing. 
  • Think about how you can connect with other family friends, cousins and grandparents. For example, set up weekly times to phone or meet on social media; write letters and if they live locally they could be hand delivered to the letter box.

Plan to do something every day that is fun and recharges your batteries. For example:

  • Journal
  • Write a collaborative story
  • Bake or cook a meal
  • Order take out
  • Drink warm beverages
  • Just play!
  • Watch music videos on YouTube
  • Diffuse essential oils
  • Draw, paint, or craft
  • Blow bubbles
  • Have a dance
  • Play a game like UNO
  • Unplug and read a book
  • Exercise
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Go for a walk
  • Cuddle up and watch a movie
  • Paint your nails
  • Tell jokes
  • Meditate
  • Do yoga

If you have concerns about your child’s learning or wellbeing contact your child’s teacher, year advisor or school learning support team.

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