Program overview

The Welcome Program contains 8 different student sessions. Each session will cover a different topic and involve different activities.

1. Orientation to high school

Introduction session where you meet key staff members and buddies, who provide peer support. Activities led by buddies will familiarise you with the physical layout of the school and who to go to if you need help.

2. High school expectations

Outlines the expectations at high school regarding behaviour, learning in the classroom and homework. Includes activities to learn about the school’s rules, your timetable, homework and assessment.

3. Getting organised

Focuses on time management and organising school equipment. You will learn how to use a diary and a study planner and how to organise school books/folders. A short homework survey will help you think about the way you use your time.

4. Study and assessment

Looks at good study habits and how to prepare and study for assessment tasks and exams. You may meet the librarian and become familiar with some of the resources available to help with your learning.

5. Choices and pathways

Helps you to reflect on and identify your personal strengths, examine you short and long term goals and think about possible educational and vocational pathways. You may meet the school’s Careers or Transition Advisor.

6. Challenges at high school

An opportunity to identify challenges that you may be facing and discuss possible solutions. Topics such as bullying and racism are addressed. You may meet the Head Teacher Welfare and the Anti-Racism Contact Officer.

7. My journey so far

Reflect on your experiences and the skills acquired before arriving in Australia and your resilience and strengths. Develop an understanding of the process of recovery and resettlement and learn about strategies to support your emotional wellbeing.

8. Follow-up session

The final session provides you with an opportunity to follow up with staff and other new students. You will have an opportunity to discuss your experiences at school and provide feedback on the value of The Welcome Program.


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