Developing key practices

There are several areas of professional practice that have been identified in the research, and the standards at the proficient stage, as key to effective teaching.

The following table identifies some of these areas of professional practice, the standard descriptors and where to find support to develop the practice.

Area of practice Standard descriptors Where to find support

Managing the classroom

4.1.2 Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities.

4.2.2 Establish and maintain orderly and workable routines to create an environment where student time is spent on learning tasks.

4.3.2 Manage challenging behaviour by establishing and negotiating clear expectations with students and address discipline issues promptly, fairly and respectfully.

Strong start great teachers (SSGT):

  • Managing the classroom: Advice, tips and practical strategies for creating a safe, learning environment through proactive teaching and effective classroom and behaviour management.

Teaching standards in action (TSA) courses:

Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE):

  • What works best (opens in a new window): Theme 5 of this publication focuses on what the evidence says about classroom management and what effective management looks like in practice.
  • What works best reflection guide (opens in a new window): Provides a useful scaffold for self-reflection about classroom management practice.

Assessing student learning

2.3.2 Design and implement learning and teaching programs using knowledge of curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements.

5.1.2 Develop, select and use informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies to assess student learning.

5.4.2 Use student assessment data to analyse and evaluate student understanding of subject/content, identifying interventions and modifying teaching practice.


  • Aspects of assessment: Advice, tips and practical strategies for adopting effective formative and summative assessment practices.
  • Peer and self-assessment for students: Advice, tips and practical strategies for helping students monitor their own learning, ask questions, and decide what they know and can do.

TSA courses:

  • Understanding quality teaching - RG00315: 8 hours of NESA registered professional development in which participants learn how to use the Quality Teaching Model to guide their planning of and reflection on assessment practice.
  • Designing quality lessons - RG00317: 18 hours of NESA registered professional development in which participants learn how to provide quality feedback to move student learning forward.

Using effective questioning techniques

5.1.2 Develop, select and use informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies to assess student learning.


  • Teacher questioning: Advice, tips and practical strategies for planning and implementing effective questioning techniques in the classroom to promote engagement and higher levels of academic achievement.

TSA courses:

  • Designing quality lessons - RG00317: 18 hours of NESA registered professional development to learn how to use questioning, multi-student response systems and peer assessment to inform them of what students need to learn next.
  • Implementing quality lessons - RG00318: 10 hours of NESA registered professional development. Participants learn how to determine what students know through effective questioning techniques, multi-student response systems and peer assessment. They then learn how to give feedback that can be used by students to improve performance.

Giving feedback to students

5.2.2 Provide timely, effective and appropriate feedback to students about their achievement relative to their learning goals.


  • Feedback to students: Advice, tips and practical strategies for implementing effective feedback practices in the classroom.

TSA courses:

  • Designing quality lessons - RG00317: 18 hours of NESA registered professional development to learn how to use questioning, multi-student response systems and peer assessment to inform them of what students need to learn next.
  • Implementing quality lessons - RG00318: 10 hours of NESA registered professional development to learn how to give feedback that can be used by students to improve performance.


  • What works best (opens in a new window): Theme 3 of this publication focuses on what the evidence says about effective feedback and what it looks like in practice.
  • What works best reflection guide (opens in a new window): CESE's companion reflection guide provides a useful scaffold for self-reflection about student feedback practice.


  • Feedback (opens in a new window): This resource provides evidence-based, practical tools to

Differentiating teaching across the full range of needs and abilities

1.1.2 Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students' physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning.

1.3.2 Design and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socio-economic backgrounds.

1.5.2 Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.


  • Differentiating learning: Advice, tips and practical strategies for establishing a differentiated classroom, equipping beginning teachers to adjust aspects of content, process and product in response to the learning needs of their students.

TSA courses:

Planning, structuring and sequencing lessons

2.2.2 Organise content into coherent, well-sequenced learning and teaching programs.

3.1.2 Set explicit, challenging and achievable learning goals for all students.

3.2.2 Plan and implement well-structured learning and teaching programs or lesson sequences that engage students and promote learning.

3.6.2 Evaluate personal teaching and learning programs using evidence, including feedback from students and student assessment data, to inform planning.


  • Planning a lesson: Advice, tips and practical strategies for designing a well-structured lesson.
  • Planning a sequence of lessons: Advice, tips and practical strategies for designing a series of lessons using backward mapping to plan towards particular learning objectives.

TSA courses:

  • Understanding Quality Teaching - RG00315: 8 hours of NESA registered professional development in which participants learn how to use the Quality Teaching Model to guide their planning of and reflection on classroom practice.
  • Planning lesson sequences - RG00316: 12 hours of NESA registered professional development to learn how to use the Backward Design approach to sequence increasingly sophisticated, coherent lessons and space practice across a lesson sequence by chunking a central idea.
  • Designing quality lessons - RG00317: 18 hours of NESA registered professional development to learn how to use the Quality Teaching Model to guide the design of lessons and assessments, and use different lesson structures to achieve different educational purposes.
  • Implementing quality lessons - RG00318: 10 hours of NESA registered professional development to learn how to break learning into manageable parts by chunking and sequencing lesson content.

Collaborating with colleagues

6.1.2 Use the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and advice from colleagues to identify and plan professional learning needs.

6.3.2 Contribute to collegial discussions and apply constructive feedback from colleagues to improve professional knowledge and practice.


  • Reflective practice: Advice, tips and practical strategies for reflective practice, including reflection through the lens of collegial mentoring, advice and feedback.
  • Introduction > Who is involved in teacher induction? This section defines the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in school-based induction, emphasising the importance of whole-school collaboration in supporting beginning teachers.

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