Personal induction planner

The Strong start great teachers (SSGT) personal induction planner (PIP) is a resource for beginning teachers. It's a way to record what is happening during induction and can be used in many ways.

The personal induction planner can be used to plan and record ongoing processes, reflect on experiences, celebrate successes and consider any emerging needs and challenges.

Open the following planner and use it to record your ongoing and emerging needs and to reflect on your induction processes as a beginning teacher.

Personal induction planner (PIP)

There are 4 key elements to ensure a smooth orientation to your new school. As you start your first teaching position, you can use the PIP either on your own or working in collaboration with a mentor, supervisor or experienced teacher at your school:

  • Initial contact
  • Initial visit
  • First weeks and first term
  • Gaining confidence.
Visit the department's Beginning Teacher Information Hub
Join the department's Beginning Teacher Support Network
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