Determine acceptable evidence template

When planning a sequence of lessons, use this table template to determine acceptable evidence.

Performance task/s Coding T/M/A goal Criteria

Prompts for consideration:

1. How will students demonstrate their understanding (meaning-making and transfer)?

2. Consider the 6 facets when developing assessments of understanding (explain, interpret, apply, perspective, empathy, self-knowledge).

3. Optional: use the GRASPS elements to frame an authentic context for the task/s (goal, role, audience, situation, product/performance and purpose, standards and criteria for success).


4. What other evidence will you collect to determine whether Stage 1 learning intentions/goals were achieved?

Are all the desired results (of T= transfer, M = meaning and A = acquisition) being appropriately assessed?

What criteria (content, process, quality, result) will be used in each assessment to judge achievement of the desired results?

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