Our Plan for NSW Public Education

Our plan is built on the power of public education to provide opportunities for all and transform lives through learning.

About our plan

Our plan sets our direction and priorities for the coming years, and harnesses the commitment of our teachers and schools to provide an outstanding education for every learner.

We believe in every student and support them to achieve their potential by enabling lifelong learning. Students will be prepared for life as informed, critical thinkers with a love of learning – ready to contribute to the world as active citizens.

Our commitment to equity and excellence means every student can learn, grow and belong at school. They do this in a safe and inclusive environment that celebrates the strength of our vibrant, diverse and multicultural community.

We are committed to improving the status of the teaching profession as well as the wellbeing of our teachers and staff – by addressing workload concerns and supporting teachers to do their core job of teaching and leading students.

Our Plan for NSW Public Education outlines how we will create an equitable and outstanding education system, and strengthen trust and respect for the teaching profession. Our approach has been informed by evidence and insights from engagement with our education community.

Our focus areas

Our agreed actions

  • foster a culture that values diversity by advancing reconciliation and eliminating barriers
  • ensure schools have access to the staff and specialists they need
  • prioritise resources where they are needed most
  • develop targeted, differentiated, evidence-informed initiatives and supports
  • embed diverse learner, family and staff voices in decision-making
  • provide broad, inclusive and rich curriculum with strong co-curricular activities

Our goal

Every learner receives a high-quality education that enables them to excel

Our agreed actions

  • address staffing shortages
  • attract and retain more high-quality teachers, especially in high-need locations and specialist subject areas
  • ensure initial teacher education is fit-for-purpose by partnering with the university sector
  • improve staff wellbeing
  • address workload pressures to ensure a manageable workload for all staff
  • support staff development through high-quality and accessible professional learning
  • make public education a more attractive career with more quality career pathways
  • strengthen development for leaders at all stages of their careers

Our goal

Our teachers and staff feel valued, included and supported to perform at their best

Our agreed actions

  • increase enrolment and participation in preschool for all children
  • build new public preschools co-located with public primary schools
  • create better transitions between early education and primary school
  • deliver the NSW Aboriginal Children’s Early Childhood Education Strategy

Our goal

All children have the best start in life

Our agreed actions

  • support schools to deliver school excellence through continuous improvement
  • deliver effective teaching practices including explicit teaching and effective feedback underpinned by high expectations
  • strengthen educational and instructional leadership
  • provide high-quality, evidence-based curriculum resources
  • increase student literacy and numeracy
  • strengthen high-quality assessment
  • improve how data is used to inform teaching

Our goal

Every student achieves ambitious learning goals every year

Our agreed actions

  • implement evidence-informed whole-school wellbeing approaches
  • create positive school cultures that value student voice
  • build partnerships with students and families to connect them with the support they need
  • provide equitable access to services by building partnerships across agencies
  • expand counselling services in schools
  • improve support for students through all school transitions
  • ensure schools are inclusive and safe

Our goal

Every student is known, valued and cared for

Our agreed actions

  • enhance access to high-quality vocational education and training (VET) in schools, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, and HSC pathways
  • support, inform and inspire all students to choose post-school pathway options aligned to their goals
  • improve access, opportunities and choice across post-school pathways including university, training and work for all students

Our goal

Every student finishes school ready to succeed in their chosen pathway as an informed, responsible citizen


The department aims to deliver efficient and effective support services for our schools to allow them to run smoothly.

Our agreed actions

  • Improve staff satisfaction with support services
  • Resolve enquiries more quickly
  • Reduce the number of transfers per service request

Our goal

Our support services are efficient, effective and easy to access.

Across NSW, we are delivering new and upgraded facilities to ensure every student has access to high quality, inclusive, sustainable learning environments at their local public school.

Our agreed actions

    • Ensure infrastructure investments are data-driven and informed by improved educational outcomes
    • Improve school maintenance response times and efficiency


    Our school infrastructure meets the needs of a growing population and supports improved student outcomes.

    Our values

    Our departmental values guide how we go about our work and make decisions on a daily basis. They form the foundation of what it is like to work for Education and what we expect of one another.

    Strive for the best together

    • We have high expectations and we continually seek to improve ourselves and our work.
    • We strive to excel and invite the best ideas from everyone in and outside the department.
    • We use and share evidence, research and data to underpin policy and practice.
    • We welcome collaboration and learning with others.

    Do what’s right, every day

    • We act professionally with honesty and consistency.
    • We communicate clear expectations.
    • We are transparent with information and our decisions.

    Lift people up

    • We ensure that every student has access to high-quality public education.
    • We respect diversity and the views and contributions of others.
    • We treat people fairly.

    It’s up to every one of us

    • We take responsibility for decisions and outcomes.
    • We allocate and use resources efficiently and effectively.
    • We monitor and review performance to drive improvement.

    Be what you say

    • We build relationships based on transparency, honesty and mutual respect.
    • We support one another.
    • We respect others’ expertise, experience and points of view, and listen with an open mind.

    Students at the centre

    • We are flexible, innovative, responsive and reliable.
    • We provide coordinated and aligned services to enhance teaching and learning.
    • We work openly in partnership with parents, communities and organisations.

    Previous plans for the department

    View the previous departmental strategic plans to see where we've come from.


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    • Reform and External Relations
    • School operations
    • Web page

    Business Unit:

    • Education and Skills Reform
    • Reform and External Relations
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