Centre-based or family day care services

Provider approval applications and supporting documents for centre-based services (including long day care, preschool, out of school hours care and vacation care) and family day care services must be submitted online using the National Quality Agenda IT System (NQA IT System).

To access the NQA IT System you will need to create a PRODA account and obtain an individual Registration Authority number.

The provider approval guide (PDF 206 KB) lists the necessary application forms and supporting documents you must provide.

Mobile, occasional care and multifunctional Aboriginal children’s services

Provider approval applications and supporting documents for mobile and occasional care services must be emailed to assessments.ececd@det.nsw.edu.au.

Applicants looking to obtain provider approval for these service types can access the relevant application and notification forms on the Mobile, Occasional Care, Multifunctional Aboriginal Children's Services Application and Notification Forms page.

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