Program guidelines
These guidelines provide an overview of the Business Capability Development Program trial and detail the program’s objectives, activities, expected outcomes, reporting and evaluation approaches.
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Business Capability Development Program trial
The broad objective of the Business Capability and Development Program is to boost the viability and sustainability of small and standalone early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers in NSW.
The program is to be delivered from the Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund (the Fund). It is designed as a 2-year test and trial program (2024-2026) with a total grant value of $5.3 million.
These program guidelines may be amended or replaced. Program participants and partners should comply with the version of the guidelines on this website.
Policy context for the program
The Fund seeks to address the challenges related to access and affordability of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services for NSW families.
The Business Capability Development Program aims to support the NSW ECEC sector by responding to some of the complex challenges faced by service providers associated with business viability. These include:
Business acumen varies across the ECEC sector, particularly for services run by small providers.
The ECEC sector is highly complex and regulated, resulting in high administrative burden.
Business support is not readily available and accessible to ECEC services.
Business acumen gaps are exacerbating the critical workforce shortages in ECEC sector.
Strengthening the operational viability and business management practices of services will support the sustainability of ECEC in local communities and enhance services’ capacity to meet diverse family needs. It also aligns with one of the aims of the Fund to provide support for the ECEC sector workforce.
Program overview
The core objective of the program is to enhance the viability and sustainability of NSW ECEC services by uplifting workforce business leadership and management capabilities to better support NSW families, children and the ECEC workforce.
For this program, the term ‘viability’ refers to the ability of ECEC services to exist, sustain and grow their operations over time, and the term ‘sustainability’ refers to the ability of ECEC services to continually provide quality services that meet the needs of the community in which they operate.
For the purposes of this program, ‘business leadership and management’ refers to the skillsets, capabilities and behaviours that lead to the effective, sustainable and high-quality administration and operations of an ECEC service.
More information is available in the scope and program components and delivery sections. The program goals are to:
increase ECEC service viability and sustainability
improve ECEC service workforce capability, and broader workforce satisfaction and retention
increase insights into needs and identify opportunities to strengthen sector viability.
By enhancing the business viability of small ECEC businesses the program also aims to maintain or improve access to quality and affordable ECEC in NSW – an essential service.
One of the intended benefits of the program is for services to redirect time savings, efficiencies or increased profits back into quality service delivery, as well as to avoid service failures. This will enable families to continue to access quality and affordable education and care for their children, and support parents’ ability to participate in the workforce. By contributing to increased workforce satisfaction, the program aims to positively impact ECEC workforce attraction and retention.
Guiding principles
A set of principles guides the program’s approach to supporting ECEC services. These principles are fundamental to shaping the program’s activities.
The trial’s operations are guided by the following principles:
Evidence informed – activities are to be developed based on service needs, evidence available, and designed to be measurable, contributing to the evidence base for what works to strengthen service viability.
Workforce aware – activities are to be informed by the current ECEC workforce context and designed to best support the workforce to achieve good outcomes.
Culturally safe – program activities are to be culturally responsive, safe and inclusive for staff, children and families who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and/or culturally and linguistically diverse.
Responsive and inclusive – activities are to be tailored to meet identified local community and service needs and must aim to provide equitable opportunities to access support. Program activities are to be safe and inclusive for staff, children and families who may experience, or care for those experiencing, disability.
Outcomes focused – quality of service provision is to be maintained, and outcomes are to be measured, while minimising the burden on providers, services, staff and families as a result of their program participation.
Program logic
To illustrate the relationship between the program’s activities and intended outcomes, a Business Capability Development Program logic model has been developed.
Program description
The program is designed as a 2-year test and trial grant program (2024-2026) to support NSW ECEC services run by small providers (that is, NSW ECEC providers with between 1-6 services) in the following Statistical Area 3 trial locations (as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)):

Coffs Harbour


The program will be delivered by contracted external partners (program partners) who will support services through 2 program stages and a range of activities to uplift service-level business leadership and management capabilities:
Stage 1: Discover and plan
Program partner/s support services through:
undertaking a collaborative business review to identify service-level opportunities to strengthen business leadership and service management
planning supports to develop an action plan.
Stage 2: Implement
Based on a service’s context, available resources and comparative merit and need, services are supported through:
capability development activities to upskill staff in identified priority areas
embedding skills and processes within a service and team
implementing a sustainable exit strategy from the program.
Participants will receive varying levels of financial and business support depending on their unique circumstances.
Participants may also receive on-the-ground assistance from the department’s Local Operations regional teams who will support services to fully participate in the program, assist with the reporting and data collection process on behalf of the Board, and provide an opportunity for services to give feedback about the program.
Participating services will be eligible for access payments to supplement the cost of backfilling while staff engage in direct program delivery, or to supplement activities undertaken outside of work hours. The grant value of the access payments, hours of support allocated and types of activities will be determined through an assessment process during program delivery.
Financial support to access program activities
Program participants will be eligible for access payments to supplement the cost of backfilling while staff engage in direct approved program activity, or to supplement approved activities undertaken outside of work hours. The access payment will be a flat-fee hourly participation rate, based on the Early Childhood Teacher minimum casual award rate as outlined by the Fair Work Ombudsman. Participants will receive varying levels of financial and business support depending on their unique circumstances.
Program participants will be eligible for 12 hours of access payments to participate in Stage 1 activities. Stage 2 access payments will be determined by an assessment panel following completion of Stage 1. The Stage 2 payment may be for up to an additional 158 hours per service based on comparative merit and need (see the Stage 2 section for details) including information from the Stage 1 business review, and recommendations from the program partners.
Program participants wishing to access these payments in either Stage 1 or 2 will need to complete an agreement to receive financial support, which will include requirements around financial reporting and acquittals. Specific payment timings and milestones will be defined in an individual funding agreement and any agreement variations. Payments will be subject to meeting all conditions outlined in the individual funding agreement and these Program Guidelines
Additional participation hours outside the above funding allocation or for additional participants will be funded directly by the service.
Access payments will be paid to successful applicants through the Early Childhood Contract Management System (ECCMS). Payments will be made in accordance with the milestones specified in individual funding agreements and variations.
Funding amounts and conditions
Applicants that receive grant funding in the form of access payments must meet the following conditions:
Agree to the requirements outlined in these guidelines. Failure to do so may result in funding being withheld or an offer of funding being withdrawn.
Enter into a funding agreement. Funding agreements must be signed by an authorised officer of the applicant no later than 4 weeks after receipt.
Submit progress reports and required supporting evidence for approval upon completion of agreed milestones and completion of the project, in accordance with the funding agreement terms and conditions.
Program participants are required to be familiar with and comply with both the terms and conditions within their funding agreement and these Business Capability Development Program guidelines.
More information about program activities is outlined in the Program activities section.
Program eligibility
The program offers support to NSW ECEC services run by small ECEC providers (that is, NSW ECEC providers with between 1-6 services) in priority locations (see the eligibility section).
The program encourages the engagement of staff in a range of roles within participating services. This may include:
approved providers (for example, persons with management or control (PMCs) under or as part of the approved provider, officers of a body corporate, persons in management positions, members of management committees)
service workforce – directors, early childhood teachers, ECEC educators
support and administrative staff
community or volunteer service support such as voluntary members of management committees, community Elders.
Participants will be supported by the program partner/s who will provide – where possible – face-to-face, localised program delivery that is tailored to their needs.
To be eligible for the program, a service must meet all the eligibility criteria. This must be demonstrated in the relevant sections in the application, including through provision of any relevant documents or attachments.
The department’s Local Operations team may outreach to services who are potentially suitable for the program to provide support for applicants. This may include assistance with understanding the program guidelines and eligibility criteria and other program queries.
An assessment panel (comprised of NSW Department of Education representatives) will be formed to review applications. The assessment panel will review applications for eligibility and ensure compliance with the program guidelines. It is important to note that submitting an application does not guarantee funding. If a service is identified as eligible, their application may then progress to a further assessment if the number of eligible applications exceeds budgeted places (see Stage 1 assessment criteria).
The Board, or its nominated delegate/s may, at their discretion, request information from other NSW Government agencies or other third parties, such as probity advisors, to assist in assessing applications. Consideration may also be given to information gathered through regular operations, including publicly available regulatory performance and compliance history.
The following eligibility criteria will apply to all applications:
1. Service type
The service must be one of the following approved service types operating in NSW:
- centre-based services (education and care for children up to school age)
- long day care
- community preschool
- mobile preschool.
2. Service location
The service must operate in one of the following Statistical Area 3 trial locations (as defined by the ABS):

Visit the ABS website to view the detailed map for the Dubbo area.
3. Service and provider size
The approved provider of the eligible service must be a small approved ECEC service provider. A small provider is defined as an approved provider with between 1-6 NSW ECEC services.
As identified by the National Quality Agenda IT System, providers must be approved under the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW) and Education and Care Services National Regulations and/or the Children (Education and Care Services) Supplementary Provisions Act 2011.
Multiple services under a small provider may apply through separate applications if all eligibility criteria are met. Participation will be at a service-level, with the aim to meet the unique needs of each participating service and the opportunity to coordinate activities across action plans where relevant. Acceptance of one service under an approved provider does not guarantee acceptance of other services under that approved provider into the program.
4. Educational program
The service must deliver an early childhood education program designed by a degree qualified early childhood teacher in accordance with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and relevant legislation.
5. Self-assessment
Applicants must demonstrate in their application that their goals, opportunities, and challenges align with program objectives and activities. This is done through a simple self-assessment activity that is part of the application form.
6. Approved provider endorsement
Applicants will be required to provide endorsement of their application by the approved provider.
7. Early Childhood Contract Management System (ECCMS) registration
Be registered, or willing and able to register, with the Department of Education’s Early Childhood Contract Management System (ECCMS).
8. Terms and Conditions compliance
Enter into and comply with a funding agreement and these Business Capability Development program guidelines.
9. Program Intent
Agree to participate in eligible program activities and funding uses outlined in these program guidelines.
10. Service Application
Satisfactory completion of the application form and self-assessment via SmartyGrants by an Authorised Officer from the applicant service organisation who confirms the accuracy of the application’s content.
Eligibility exclusions
Public preschools, family day care services and out of school hours care (OSHC) services are not eligible for this program.
Services participating in the Australian Government, Department of Education Business support for Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) grant recipients are not eligible for this program.
Services participating in the NSW Government, Department of Education Sector Strengthening Partnership are not eligible for this program.
Services cannot use the Australian Government Department of Education Professional development subsidy for this program.
Stage 1 - Application and assessment
The Business Capability Development Program has a targeted competitive assessment process. To be considered, applicants need to meet and demonstrate eligibility requirements in their application and, in addition, provide a self-assessment that covers the criteria detailed in the below assessment criteria. These criteria will be used to evaluate applications for program participation and funding approval for Stage 1.
The level of funding and activities provided in Stage 2 will be determined following completion of the Stage 1 and the Stage 2 assessment as outlined below. Note there is no application assessment for Stage 2.
Eligibility assessment
The assessment panel will firstly perform an eligibility check. Eligible applications will then progress to Stage 1 Assessment if the number of applications is greater than the budgeted places. If further assessment is not required, the assessment panel will recommend eligible applications for funding to the Board or delegate. The Board or delegate is the final decision-maker, and, in all circumstances, the Board’s or delegate’s decision is final.
Stage 1 Assessment criteria
If the number of applications is greater than the budgeted places, eligible applications will be evaluated by the assessment panel (comprised of NSW Department of Education representatives) against the following criteria:
- Comparative assessment of relative need for capability uplift in key areas based on certain self-assessment information which will be identified in the application form.
- Weighting that might include priority location, service, service provider and population data with a defined region.
Following its assessment, the assessment panel will recommend suitable applications for funding to the Board or delegate based on their comparative merit and need. The Board or delegate is the final decision-maker, and, in all circumstances, the Board’s or delegate’s decision is final.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application to participate in the program.
Stage 2 - Assessment to determine program activities and funding
Following satisfactory completion of Stage 1 of the program, existing participants who wish to continue into Stage 2 will be evaluated by the assessment panel (comprised of Department of Education representatives) against the following criteria. This assessment will determine the extent (as an allocation of hours) and types of capability development activities, as well as the value of access payments to support participation. The assessment panel will be informed by recommendations from the Stage 1 program partner/s based on comparative merit and need for services to receive support in at least one capability focus area for Stage 2. Note there is no application required by existing participants for assessment for Stage 2.
- Satisfactory completion of Stage 1.
- Comparative assessment of relative need based on the business review and action plan completed with their program partner in Stage 1.
- Service preferences outlined in the service action plan.
- Availability of program partner offerings.
The Board or delegate is the final decision-maker, and, in all circumstances, the Board’s or delegate’s decision is final.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the Stage 2 assessment.
Program scope
The core objective of the program is to enhance the viability and sustainability of NSW ECEC services by uplifting workforce business leadership and management capabilities. The focus is on capability uplift, not on achieving regulatory compliance, providing recommendations for operational changes, nor provision of ongoing business support services. At all times, services and approved providers maintain responsibility for compliance with relevant legislation and standard policies.
In scope
The program could include the following business leadership and management capabilities:
- governance processes and oversight
- for example, volunteer board onboarding and operations
- community, family and staff engagement
- for example, relationship management, conflict management, cultural competency and excellence
- change management
- for example, implementing and communicating change related to new programs
- staff management
- for example, staff induction, rostering, recruitment
- administration processes
- for example, record keeping, reporting
- processes and procedures for operational management, work health and safety, property and asset management, financial management and information technology
- for example, risk management, budgeting
- strategy/business planning
- for example, project management, disaster management planning
- other.
Out of scope
The program does not support:
- quality uplift and compliance with the National Quality Standards (NQS), regulatory compliance, educational leadership and/or educational program management
- the provision of business advice and development of capabilities which are not targeted towards creating affordable, accessible, or quality ECEC services (for example, profit maximisation)
- recommendations of specific operations, systems or processes, such as IT software recommendations.
- The program will not provide recommendations, resourcing or funding for service-level implementation supports, such as IT equipment, software, other physical resources or funding for additional staff positions.
Trial locations
In 2024-2026, the program will be trialled in 3 priority locations which have been selected based on an assessment of service, service provider and population data to ensure the program will be accessible to communities and services with the greatest need, and to enable the provision of on-the-ground support for participants from the department’s Local Operations teams. At the discretion of the Board or delegate of the Board, a further priority location may be identified for a targeted secondary application round.
Campbelltown – Statistical Area 3 as defined by the ABS.

Coffs Harbour – Statistical Area 3 as defined by the ABS.

Dubbo – Statistical Area 3 as defined by the ABS.

The following datasets were used to select the trial locations:
2021 NSW census data – to examine population dynamics.
2021 Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) – to examine relative location advantage and disadvantage.
Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia+ (ARIA+) – to examine relative geographic access to services.
Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority (ACECQA) service supply data from Q1 2023 – to examine the quantity and types of services operating in given areas.
The boundaries of the priority locations are based on the 2021 ABS Australian Statistical Geography Standard Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3). Read more about SA3 areas on the ABS website.
Key dates
Indicative Program dates for the Business Capability Development Program are outlined below.
Activity | Round 1 |
Applications open | 29 April 2024 |
Applications close | 24 May 2024 |
Application outcomes advised by | 2 August 2024 |
Stage 1 – Needs and opportunities analysis | August – September 2024 |
Stage 1 – Action plans development | September – November 2024 |
Stage 2 – Full grant value outcome advised | 31 January 2025 |
Stage 2 – Capability Development activities (including exit strategy) | February 2025 – March 2026 |
Program ends | March 2026 |
Post-program activities | April – June 2026 |
Program activities
Program stages
Participating services will be supported to engage with the program activities across 2 stages.
Stage 1: Discover and plan
Collaborative business review
Participants will be supported with up to 12 hours engagement with the program partner/s in sessions to undertake a business review, analyse their service support needs and identify opportunities to strengthen their service’s business leadership and management.
Participants will be expected to share and discuss information about their service, which may include:
business leadership and management practices
existing relevant processes, policies and procedures
financial information
community context.
This information will be used as the basis for a co-designed, tailored action plan to maximise support for the participating service.
Participants may be required to obtain consent forms to enable sharing of any personal information. Participants are expected not to share any personal information during these sessions without obtaining the relevant consent.
Action plan
Participants and program partner/s will co-design an action plan centred around the service-level opportunities identified during their business review. The action plan will focus on service-level uplift, including staff capability development.
The action plan will guide ongoing program participation in Stage 2. Participants will receive support from program partner/s to:
develop an action plan that identifies goals and prioritises opportunities to strengthen business leadership and service management
identify initial implementation strategies, tools and support required to achieve identified goals and opportunities
nominate proposed Stage 2 activities
regularly reflect on the implementation of the action plan and adapt in consultation with program partners as required.
Stage 2: Implement
Stage 1 program partner/s will make recommendations to the assessment panel for services to receive support in at least one capability focus area for Stage 2. This will be based on service preferences, nominated in their action plan, available resources and an evaluation of comparative need.
Capability development activities
Up to 150 hours (and up to 8 hours of Stage 1 program partner support) will be available for capability development activities for each participating service, to be informed by:
consultation, research, and the examination of evidence on relevant needs undertaken by the department in collaboration with the NSW ECEC sector
the findings of the business review
the opportunities and goals prioritised in the participant’s action plan.
Capability development activities will, where practical and feasible, be offered flexibly to participants to best suit their availability and needs. Depending on the action plan, capability development support may include (but not be limited to):
streamlining grants, funding and subsidy administration
training in payroll and staff management
establishing a workforce professional development planning process
participating in a webinar series on grant writing with follow-up support to develop project management processes
peer mentoring or the creation of communities of practice
digitising family enrolment processes and digital literacy professional development
reviewing contract management and revising supplier management arrangements
induction training in governance and financial management for voluntary committee members.
These activities could include training, participation in communities of practice, referrals to other programs, embedding enhanced practices and other support for business improvement of processes.
A 3-month post program health check will be scheduled with services following their last Stage 2 activity.
Program outcomes
The intended outcomes of the program are directly linked to the Program logic. These outcomes will be tracked through program data collection and other evaluation activities.
Please note, these outcomes are predictions based on the test and trial nature of the program. Participating services should expect to see the benefit of realising at least one or more of the following outcomes at a service-level:
Reduced administrative burden for ECEC providers.
Increased educator-child interaction time.
Increase in employee engagement and retention across the ECEC sector.
Increase in the leadership, business management and technological skills of the ECEC workforce.
Increase in the responsiveness and adaptability of ECEC operating models that meet the needs of the community (medium- and long-term outcomes).
Supply of ECEC is maintained across NSW (medium- and long-term outcome).
Increased operational sustainability and service viability (short- and medium-term outcome).
Increased accessibility of ECEC services, particularly in areas of low supply (long-term outcome).
Uplift in service operational sustainability and service viability (long-term outcome).
Strengthened service viability and sustainability, particularly in areas of low supply (long-term outcome).
Increase in evidence base to inform resource allocation decisions across government.
Reporting and data collection
Program participants are required to comply with all financial data collection, reporting and acquittal requirements as specified in individual funding agreements. Program participants must have systems in place to allow them to meet these obligations.
Who and When
Program participants will be asked for data about their service by their program partner/s and/or the department on behalf of the Board at key program stages.
Data collection will be used to support program activities, measure program outcomes and acquit grant payments. The types of data to be collected may include:
service and provider details
participant information (subject to relevant consent being obtained)
mandatory funding acquittal information
data required to report against program outcomes and objectives.
Services will be expected to provide operational details as part of the program activities to gain the full benefits of the program, as activities will be based on service context and needs including enhancing existing processes.
Participants must ensure they complete the application, including the self-assessment, and any consent forms accurately prior to program commencement. Participants will be expected to share requested information, and obtain relevant consent where needed, as part of program activities and evaluation to get the most benefit from the program offerings and meet intended program outcomes as outlined in the Program activities section. Financial acquittal of grant funding, paid in the form of access payments, is mandatory for participation in the program and required information will be contained within individual funding agreements.
Services may be required to obtain consent from participating staff and/or families to share personal information with the Board and the department. If consent is required, services will be provided with appropriate consent forms and disclosure information. Consent forms must be completed prior to collecting and recording personal information.
Participating services may also have access to a department representative in the Local Operations team to support them through the reporting and data collection process.
Reporting and data collection provide information required to ensure the program’s activities can be delivered and measured to achieve intended outcomes. Any personal information will be held and managed by the department in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). Services may be required to obtain consent from participating families to collect and use personal information.
Program management
The program will be managed by the System Stewardship directorate in the department ’s Early Childhood Outcomes division, on behalf of the Board.
Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund governance
The Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund Board, which was established under the primary legislation underpinning the program (the Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund Act 2022), is the decision-maker for the program. The Board provides final approval of program partner/s, participants and program governance. The Business Capability Development Program is one of the Board’s initial test and trial programs under the Fund.
Program-level governance
A Business Capability Development Steering Committee will provide support, guidance and oversight to the Board, and to the department’s oversight committees as required, on the progress of the program, and ensure that outcomes are delivered according to the program’s guidelines. The steering committee will manage program level dependencies, risks, scope, and timelines, and provide updates and escalate issues to the Board and to the department’s oversight committees as required.
Participants can expect the program partner/s to deliver the program according to relevant legal and regulatory requirements as specified by these guidelines. Program partner/s will meet regularly with the department to ensure high quality program delivery. Staff of program partner/s must also hold a valid working with children check and comply with associated child protection regulations.
Participating services must abide by legal and regulatory requirements as specified in individual agreements, including the terms and conditions and guidelines, and in addition to any pre-existing requirements.
If, during the course of the program, it becomes apparent that the service is not complying with relevant obligations, the Board may terminate the service’s participation in the program.
Please note that the program guidelines on this website may be amended from time to time. Program partner/s and services must refer the most up to date version.
Legislative context
The program aligns with the objectives of the Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund Act 2022. The source agency and decision maker for the Business Capability Development Program is the Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund Board. The Board may delegate its functions to the staff of the Department of Education who are officers of the Board.
Feedback and complaints
We like to hear when things have gone well so we can continue to provide more positive experiences. Services and providers can provide suggestions, concerns or feedback about us to the regulatory authority, including complaints about the conduct of our staff, by following one of the steps below:
Complete the Department of Education Complaint, compliment or suggestion form.
Call 1800 619 113.
Review and evaluation
Evaluation will be conducted at relevant time points, including at the end of the trial to support the continuous improvement of the program’s implementation and examine its outcomes.
Participants may be required to obtain consent from participating staff members and/or families of the service to share personal information with the Board and the department for the purposes of the evaluation. If consent is required, services will be provided with appropriate consent forms and disclosure information. Consent forms must be completed prior to collecting and recording personal information.
How to apply
Step 1: Read these program guidelines together with the example scenarios
Step 2: Check the eligibility conditions and prepare supporting documentation:
Is your service eligible?
Has your approved provider endorsed your service involvement?
Does your service have capacity to participate?
Step 3: Prepare your application
Applications must be submitted through the SmartyGrants website, where you can access an application form. The link for submission will be provided on 29 April.
You will need to register to use the SmartyGrants application system. Registration is a free and straightforward process.
In the application form, services will be required to:
demonstrate eligibility
complete a simple self-assessment.
Step 4: Ensure all sections have been completed, and the online application form has been submitted to be considered for the program.
Changes can be made to an application at any time until it is submitted. Once the application has been submitted, no further changes can be made.
Applications close at midnight on 24 May 2024.
Get help or advice
For questions about:
program activities or requirements
any of the eligibility criteria
how to apply for the Business Capability Development Program
service ratings, regulatory enquiries and/or compliance
please contact:
Early Childhood Education Information Enquiries
1800 619 113
The Early Childhood Education Information Enquiries team can also put you in contact with your local Department of Education team (Local Operations representative).
For assistance with the online application system, please contact:
Smarty Grants Support Desk
03 3920 6888 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday