2024 Mobile Preschool Funding program guidelines
The Mobile Preschool Funding Program recognises the costs and unique challenges of delivering mobile preschool education in areas where access to centre-based preschools can be limited.
This funding program commenced 1 July 2022.
1. Purpose
The Mobile Preschool Funding program provides funding for the provision of preschool education delivered for the 2 years before school to children enrolled in mobile preschools in regional and remote NSW, where access to centre-based preschools can be limited. Mobile Preschool Funding aims to increase the number of children participating for a minimum of 600 hours in a quality early childhood education program in the 2 years before school.
From 2023, fee relief for families will be integrated into Start Strong and the Mobile Preschool Funding Program to provide community and mobile preschools with sustainable long-term funding to deliver at least 600 hours of low, or no cost preschool to eligible children.
These initiatives aim to support sustainable and improved service delivery and recognise the additional costs and unique challenges associated with achieving universal access in regional and remote NSW.
Mobile Preschool Funding program funding is targeted to 3, 4 and 5 year old children in the 2 years before school, particularly children aged 3 and above from low income families, children with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background, and children with disability and additional needs.
2. Eligibility criteria
The following eligibility criteria must be satisfied by a mobile preschool to obtain Mobile Preschool Funding:
- Service eligibility criteria; and
- Child eligibility criteria.
A mobile preschool must meet each of the following criteria to be considered for Mobile Preschool Funding:
be an approved early childhood education and care service under either the Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010 (NSW) or the Children (Education and Care Services) Supplementary Provisions Act 2011 (NSW) and the related regulations;
deliver an early childhood education program designed by a degree qualified early childhood teacher in accordance with The Early Years Learning Framework under the National Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education);
execute and comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Early Childhood Education Grants Program;
operate predominantly in Inner Regional, Outer Regional, Remote and Very Remote areas of NSW as measured using the 2011 Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA +) Remoteness Classifications;
operate from venue(s) that are not purpose built centre based preschools, or operate as a ‘pack away' service at one or more venue(s);
operate in areas where centre based preschools and long day cares with preschool programs are not readily available.
Mobile preschools must exercise best efforts to reach a minimum of five funded children enrolled at each venue. Refer to section ‘Child Eligibility Criteria’ for more information.
Mobile preschools which operate solely or predominantly in Major Cities of NSW are not eligible to be funded under this program. Mobile preschools in these areas can receive funding under the Start Strong for Community Preschools program, subject to Start Strong eligibility being met.
For a mobile preschool to be eligible for Mobile Preschool Funding for a child, the child will need to be:
at least 3 years old on or before 31 July in that preschool year and not in compulsory schooling; and
attending an early childhood education program provided by the mobile preschool during that preschool year.
Although all children aged 3 years and above are eligible for funding, please consider priority of access guidelines when making enrolment decisions. See ‘Priority of access’ for further information.
Children who are 6 years old will be eligible for funding. Where required, a Certificate of Exemption (PDF 1.22MB) from compulsory schooling must be in place.
Citizenship and residency status are not taken into consideration for child eligibility for funding.
Mobile Preschool Funding will not be provided for enrolments that are receiving an approved child care service under the Child Care Subsidy provided by the Australian Government.
3. Funding
3.1 Calculation of funding
Mobile Preschool Funding will provide program funding (Program Payment) and fee relief funding (Fee Relief Payment).
Mobile Preschool Funding promotes universal access and sustainable and improved service delivery by providing:
a funding floor component to provide a level of funding certainty;
loadings for services provided in Outer Regional, Remote and Very Remote areas of NSW;
loadings to assist with certain venue and travel costs;
funding to support the additional costs associated with growth in enrolments;
operational adjustments to ensure increased provision of services is met with greater levels of funding;
higher base funding rates based on Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) score of disadvantage; and
- additional equity funding for children aged 3 years and above from low income families, children with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background and children with disability and additional needs.
The Program Payment and Fee Relief Payment are both calculated based on the data entered in the Annual Preschool Census, including the number and hours of enrolment, and the number and characteristics of children enrolled.
3.2 Program Payment
The Program Payment component of Mobile Preschool Funding is determined for each preschool year through calculation of three components:
Base Funding
Operational Adjustment
- Equity Adjustment.
Operational Adjustment and Equity Adjustment are applied to a mobile preschool’s Base Funding, which means that Base Funding may increase or decrease depending on operational settings and the characteristics of the children enrolled by that mobile preschool.

The Base Funding component of Mobile Preschool Funding is made up of three components:
- funding floor;
- cost loadings; and
- enrolment funding.
Each eligible mobile preschool will receive a core funding floor. The funding floor intends to provide mobile preschools with funding certainty, and is not impacted by changes in enrolments.
The funding floor aims to address the minimum operational costs for mobile preschools for up to 10 average daily enrolments, and considers costs such as minimum staffing requirements (i.e., salary and wages), vehicle costs, venue costs and other essential expenditure (such as resources and professional development).
The funding floor amount of $216,638 (ex. GST) is based on the median operations of a mobile preschool for 960 hours in a calendar year. A mobile preschool’s funding floor may increase or decrease depending on operational settings above or below 960 hours.
Cost loadings aim to ensure that the unique demands and needs of mobile preschools and the communities they service are met.
Table 1: Cost loadings
Loading | Rate (ex. GST) | Detail |
Regional loading | $12,875 | Mobile preschools will receive an additional loading based on the most remote venue classified using the 2011 ARIA+ Remoteness Classifications. |
Venue loading | $4,416 | Mobile preschools will receive a loading to support the higher cost of venues operating from non-school sites based on the proportion of venues that operate from a non-school site. |
Vehicle loading | $37 per kilometre | Funding for additional costs of vehicle travel for mobile preschools with significant travel distances. Loading is calculated as the total kilometres between a mobile preschool’s base and its venues, multiplied by $37. |
Enrolment funding acknowledges that some costs, particularly staffing, are influenced by the number of enrolments. This component aims to support mobile preschools where on average there are more than 10 enrolments per day at a venue. Enrolment funding is only payable for average daily enrolments above 10. For example, where a mobile preschool has an average of 12 daily enrolments, the service will receive enrolment funding for two enrolments.
The rate of enrolment funding for average daily enrolments above 10 will be determined based on the mobile preschool’s Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) band, and the proportion of equity enrolments at the mobile preschool. Refer to section ‘Equity Adjustment’ for more information.
Equity enrolments are eligible for the highest rate of funding. Children who are part of multiple equity groups will only be eligible for one amount of equity loading per child.
Table 2: Enrolment funding rate per SEIFA band
SEIFA Funding Band (2011) | Funding rate (ex GST) |
SEIFA bands 1 to 8 | $7,896 |
SEIFA band 9 | $7,673 |
SEIFA band 10 | $7,134 |
SEIFA band 11 | $7,050 |
SEIFA band 12 | $6,815 |
SEIFA band 13 | $6,372 |
SEIFA band 14 | $5,998 |
SEIFA band 15 | $5,695 |
SEIFA band 16 | $5,367 |
SEIFA band 17 | $5,085 |
SEIFA band 18 | $5,085 |
Table 3: Equity enrolment funding
Priority cohorts eligible for equity loading | Rate per child | Detail |
Children with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds | $7,896 | Children from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds receive the highest base rate funding across all locations. Services must record that the child identifies as being from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background on the child’s enrolment form. No other form of documentation is required. The information on the enrolment form may have been obtained verbally from the child’s parent or guardian. |
Children from low income backgrounds | $7,896 | Children from a family holding a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card (where the child is a named dependent on the card), or a Veteran Card, issued by the Australian government receive the highest base rate funding across all locations. The Federal Government has confirmed that Health Care Cards issued in the child's name only are not means tested. Therefore, children with their own Health Care Card will not be eligible. This includes Foster Care Health Care Cards and Health Care Cards for children with disability. Where the relevant card expired during the preschool year, the service should engage with the family to obtain a copy of the new card, if available. Where the relevant card expired and has not been replaced, it is at the discretion of the service to determine the fee structure for families. The daily equity fee (see current fee guidelines below) must be charged where a child is recorded as low income in the census and therefore receives the highest base rate funding. |
Children with disability or additional needs | $7,896 | One of the following must be kept on record as evidence of the child’s disability or additional needs:
Services must keep a copy of this documentation on the child’s preschool file to show proof that they were valid at the time of the preschool census or for a prior period during that school year. Relevant professionals are:
Operational adjustment
Base Funding is adjusted in line with a mobile preschool’s operating hours to ensure that greater provision of service is met with greater levels of funding. Where a mobile preschool expands its operations between one year and the next, its funding will be adjusted in the subsequent year to reflect this. Operational Adjustment aims to support mobile preschools to deliver and maintain expanded operational hours, particularly 600 hours of service delivery for each child per year, and is designed to ensure that funding provision is tailored to the unique costs of each mobile preschool.
The Operational Adjustment to the Base Funding for a mobile preschool is based on how many hours the mobile preschool is operational in a calendar year, as compared to the median operational hours of mobile in contract preschools, which was 960 hours of operation for a calendar year. A mobile preschool’s operational hours for a calendar year will be calculated by multiplying the number of hours it is open per week by the number of weeks it is open per year. A percentage adjustment will be made to the extent the mobile preschool’s hours of operation for a calendar year are above or below the median operational hours.
For example, a mobile preschool which operates for 1,440 hours per year (1.5 x 960 = 1440 hours) will have its Base Funding multiplied by 1.5 as the mobile preschool operates for 50% more than the median operational hours. Similarly, a mobile preschool which operates for 864 hours per year (0.9 x 960 = 864 hours) will have its Base Funding multiplied by 0.9, as the mobile preschool operates for 90% of the median operational hours.
The application of an Equity Adjustment aims to support services operating in lower SEIFA band areas to reduce barriers to participation for children, including fees. The Equity Adjustment is applied through an adjustment to a mobile preschool’s allocated funding floor and loadings, and through an adjustment to the funding rate applied for enrolment funding.
The Equity Adjustment to the Funding Floor and Loadings for a mobile preschool is based on the proportion of equity enrolments at the mobile preschool.
The rate of enrolment funding per child will be determined based on the mobile preschool’s Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) band, and the proportion of equity enrolments at the mobile preschool. Where a mobile preschool’s SEIFA band is 9 or above, the rate of enrolment funding for the service will be between the equity funding rate and the relevant SEIFA band funding rate.
3.3 Fee Relief Payment
Children enrolled for 600 hours or more will receive the full rate of fee relief, with children enrolled for fewer hours attracting a proportionate amount according to Table 4.
Table 4: Fee Relief Payment - calculation for hours of enrolment
Per child hours of enrolment per year | Indicative average hours per week, based on a 40-week year | Percentage of per child base rate received | Per child funding rate |
600 hours or more | 15 hours or more | 100% | $4,220 |
480 to less than 600 hours | 12 to less than 15 hours | 80% | $3,376 |
400 to less than 480 hours | 10 to less than 12 hours | 70% | $2,954 |
320 to less than 400 hours | 8 to less than 10 hours | 60% | $2,532 |
Greater than 240 to less than 320 hours | Greater than 6 to less than 8 hours | 50% | $2,110 |
240 hours or fewer | 6 hours or fewer | 40% | $1,688 |
3.4 Indexation
Decisions regarding the application of indexation under Mobile Preschool Funding are made annually by the department. If indexation is applied, the department will be guided by a NSW Treasury-mandated percentage applicable to all Government agencies.
3.5 Funding payments
Funding is based on information provided by services in the Annual Preschool Census. For this purpose, mobile preschools must ensure that the data entered via the Preschool Census is correct, true and not misleading in any respect, and that consent forms have been completed for each staff member and for each child enrolled.
Mobile preschools that receive Mobile Preschool Funding may be audited to confirm consent has been received to enter personal information and the accuracy of data entered in the Preschool Census or any other data collection.
Mobile preschools need to complete 2 types of consent forms, one for each staff member and one for each child upon enrolment and prior to completing the Annual Preschool Census. Refer to section ‘Completing consent forms’ section for further information.
Typically, funding under Mobile Preschool Program funding is paid quarterly in advance according to the schedule below:
- December (Quarter 1) for period January - March.
- April (Quarter 2) for period April – June.
- July (Quarter 3) for period July - September.
- October (Quarter 4) for period October - December.
Fee Relief Payments will follow Program Payments. Fee relief funding should be distributed as fee relief to families on a per term basis.
4. Spending rules
4.1 Program Payment
Mobile Preschool Funding Program Payment is to be used for the purposes detailed below:
- operating expenses of the mobile preschool, for example:
- staffing costs, including salary and wages, and professional development
- educational resources
- vehicle costs, including usage and maintenance
- other operating costs including leasing arrangements.
The funds need to be expended in line with the individual mobile preschool’s reporting period (calendar or financial year).
Under the Grants Programs Funding Agreement (Terms and Conditions), service providers are required to return unspent funds as well as maintaining financial viability. The department is currently exploring options to provide further clarity on this matter. In the interim, service providers are encouraged to use funds based on the spending rules of the program and if applicable, refer to guidance provided by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission for the retention of appropriate level of reserve.
4.2 Fee Relief Payment
The Fee Relief Payment aims to reduce the cost of early childhood education and care to families in the form of fee pass-through. The funding is provided for the purposes detailed below:
- reduce the daily fees as much as possible for 600 hours per year of enrolment for eligible children.
Where there are surplus funds following the reduction of daily fees as much as possible for 600 hours per year of preschool to eligible children, Approved Providers must:
reduce the cost of additional charges to families. Additional charges may include, but are not limited to, charges for enrolment/administration, resources, excursions/incursions, building/garden maintenance.
If any funds remain after all fees and/or charges are eliminated, Approved Providers may then choose to allocate any surplus funding to:
- reduce the cost of enrolment above 600 hours per year (for instance 'third day' fees); or
- reducing the daily fee for 600 hours per year of enrolment for eligible children not accessing fee relief at the service, for example children of families with greatest need; or
- the operating expense of the service per the Program Payment spending rules.
The Fee Relief Payments should be apportioned to families across the preschool year in line with funding payments (i.e. quarterly).
The service must demonstrate and communicate the fee reduction to families through regular invoices or statements. Where no invoice or statement is issued, services should provide fee reduction information through newsletters, website, or letters to families.
The fee pass through must also be demonstrated as part of the annual reporting process.
The funds need to be expended in line with the individual services reporting period (calendar or financial year).
Top-up payments
Submitting fee relief data is a voluntary process. Providers only need to complete a fee relief data submission if their enrolments claiming fee relief were higher than their 2024 fee relief funding allocation, and a top-up payment is required.
Providers can submit a fee relief top-up data submission for their service/s via SmartyGrants. The collection will be available from 24 February to 7 March 2025.
No action is required if you received enough fee relief funding in 2024, and do not need a fee relief top-up payment. The department will use data obtained from the fee relief data collection as well as the information submitted by the provider in the 2024 Census to improve accuracy of funding figures.
Services that do not submit fee relief data, or submit inaccurate data, will be ineligible for a top-up payment.
For more information on understanding fee relief expenditure, please refer to the department’s website.
Reserved fee relief funds
Providers will not be required to complete a mandatory fee relief data collection to identify reserved fee relief funds. The process of identifying and managing reserved fee relief funds will occur through the annual financial accountability process. The department will review financial accountabilities and may issue invoices for repayment of reserved fee relief funds.
4.3 Priority of access
Services are required to, when operating at capacity in any preschool year, give equal priority of access to:
- children who are at least 4 years old on or before the 31 July in that preschool year and not enrolled or registered at a school
- children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 July in that preschool year and are:
- children from low-income families
- children with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background
children with disability and/or additional needs
children with English language needs
- children who are at risk of significant harm (from a child protection perspective).
There is no order of priority assigned to the list of points above. Priority must be given to the groups outlined above before any other groups, including non-equity 3 year old children.
The guidelines are intended to assist mobile preschools with making enrolment decisions in a way that seeks to allocate places to those in the greatest need. However, the particular community needs of the preschool will also be relevant. Mobile preschools may consider the hours children are enrolled at other funded services when making enrolment decisions.
The department will compare data collected through the August 2023 Preschool Census to the service’s reported enrolment in the August 2022 Preschool Census to review priority of access. The department periodically conducts reviews of preschool services and may request a funding compliance review in these or other circumstances.
4.4 Applying for funding
Enquiries for funding through the Mobile Preschool Funding program are to be made in writing to the Department at the contact details on this page. Interested Service Providers will need to demonstrate their eligibility for funding, analysis of local need and demand, capability to deliver on the objectives and outcomes of Mobile Preschool Funding, and suitability of mobile service delivery as preferred operating model.
5. Program requirements
5.1 Obligations
The Terms and Conditions of Funding must be accepted in ECCMS prior to receipt of funding. These Terms and Conditions set out annual accountability and compliance requirements. Mobile preschool providers are required to certify that funds have been spent in accordance with the Funding Agreement of the Early Childhood Education Grants Program. Performance and financial acquittals may be done either on a calendar or financial year basis.
The department is focused on supporting participation for key equity/priority of access groups. Accordingly, children from Aboriginal families, children with disability and additional needs and children from low income families must have access to lower daily fees than for non-equity children.
The fee for non-equity 3 year olds must not be lower than the fee for non-equity children in the year before school.
The Department periodically conducts reviews of preschool services and may request a funding compliance review in these or other circumstances.
Where the relevant card expired and has not been replaced, it is at the discretion of the mobile preschool to determine the fee structure for families. The daily equity fee (see current fee guidelines above) must be charged where a child is recorded as low income in the Preschool Census and therefore receives the highest base rate funding.
5.2 Completing consent forms
Community preschools including mobile preschools need to complete 2 types of consent forms, one for each staff member and one for each child upon enrolment. This means on first enrolling. It is good practice to seek a renewal of the consent form every year a child attends. A new form should be completed if any of the details in the original consent form require update or adjustment.
Each form consents to the use and disclosure of personal information by the department to receive funding and other support to deliver an early childhood education program, and for the exercise of the department’s governmental functions. This may include monitoring the funding programs and reporting purposes
Data collected in the Annual Preschool Census is submitted to the Australian Bureau of Statistics for inclusion in the publication Preschool Education, Australia. De-identified data may be used for research and evaluation purposes.
5.3 Completing financial accountabilities
In accordance with the Terms and Conditions agreement, an Approved Provider must submit a statement of expenditure for each individual mobile preschool which has received funding, to provide assurance that public funds have been expended for their intended purpose.
Financial accountability is completed through the Early Childhood Contract Management System (ECCMS). Visit our ECCMS page for more information.
The department periodically conducts reviews of preschool services and may request a funding compliance review in these or other circumstances.
In accordance with the Early Childhood Education Grants Programs Terms and Conditions, an Approved Provider must submit a financial accountability for each individual service which has received funding, to provide assurance that public funds have been expended for their intended purpose.
Financial accountability is completed through ECCMS. Further information is available in the Financial Accountability Return Guide and on the Financial Accountability - Information for Services page.
Performance and financial accountabilities may be done either on a calendar or financial year basis.
5.4 Record keeping
The department periodically conducts reviews of preschool services and may request that supporting documentation be provided by the services to the department and its representatives.
Financial accountabilities and collections will capture fee information provided by services. Relevant records must be retained by Approved Providers for the purpose of the department undertaking funding compliance reviews. Examples of relevant records may include:
proof of expenditure in line with spending rules;
statements to families or other relevant documents demonstrating fee reduction and attributing fee relief to the NSW Government;
evidence to support any fee increases or new/increased additional charges for children eligible for fee relief;
parent/legal guardian declaration forms;
consent forms for data reporting;
individual Learning Plans (ILP) for children with disability or additional needs working towards 600 hours per year;
Transition to School Statements; and
Certificates of Exemption for any 6-year-old children enrolled in the service.
5.5 Children enrolled at multiple services
Under Start Strong, a child cannot access a Fee Relief Payment from more than one community preschool or long day care service. However, mobile preschools funded under the Mobile Preschool Funding Program are exempt from this requirement and are not required to gather declaration forms.
6. Resources
6.1 Mobile Preschool Funding Planning Tool
A Mobile Preschool Funding planning tool (XLSX 519.8 KB) for mobile preschools is available to assist services to understand how operational changes will impact on Mobile Preschool funding.
Services can use the information contained in their August Preschool Census Summary Report to estimate their funding.
The planning tool does not currently include the Fee Relief Payment. An updated planning tool including the Fee Relief Payment will be available soon.
The planning tool runs in Microsoft Excel 2010 and later. Users with earlier versions of Microsoft Excel may need to update Microsoft Office to avoid compatibility issues.
Please note: the amounts generated by the planning tool provide an estimate of funding based on the information entered and are not a guarantee of funding.
7. Service changes
7.1 Maintaining up to date details
It is the responsibility of Approved Providers to update provider and service details in ECCMS. An Approved Provider must ensure that the following information is always up to date:
all tabs on the Main Service Provider page, including Main Details, Contacts, Address, and Bank Account tabs
all tabs on each Funding Specification page, including Main, Contacts and Address tabs.
7.2 Transferring service approval
If an Approved Provider is transferring a mobile preschool service to another Approved Provider, then the transferring Approved Provider must do the following:
contact the department at the contact details below prior to the transfer being initiated. This notice must be provided at least 42 days before the transfer is to occur. The department will advise on the steps required in addition to those listed below to conclude the Approved Provider’s responsibilities under the Mobile Preschool Funding Program
complete all outstanding financial accountabilities in ECCMS. The department will advise of any additional financial accountabilities that require completion by the transferring service for the period up to the transfer effective date. The financial accountability must be completed within 14 days of the date of the transfer of the service, unless otherwise agreed with the department
give written notice to the receiving Approved Provider of the amount of funds (1) expended and (2) unspent within 14 days of the date of the transfer of the service. The Approved Provider must also request that the receiving Approved Provider liaise with the department about this funding program
if directed by the department, transfer any unspent funds to the receiving Approved Provider within 21 days of the date the transfer of the service occurs. This may only occur if at the time of the transfer of funds either the receiving Approved Provider has entered into the Terms and Conditions or has otherwise provided an undertaking to the department, in the form required by it, regarding the expenditure of the unspent funds. Otherwise, the transferring Approved Provider must return any unspent funds to the department within the timeframe advised by the department.
cease expending funding from the transfer effective date unless otherwise agreed with the department.
comply with any direction by the department under the Terms and Conditions.
If an Approved Provider is receiving a service from another Approved Provider, then the receiving Approved Provider must do the following to be considered eligible to receive funding:
liaise with the department about this funding program.
enter into the Terms and Conditions with the department with the amount of funding to be determined by the department in its absolute discretion. There is no guarantee the receiving Approved Provider will receive further funding.
if there are Unexpended Funds, in order to receive a transfer of those Unexpended Funds the receiving Approved Provider must confirm in writing to the Department that the Unexpended Funds will be used in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
The department may take actions, if an Approved Provider transfers a service to another Approved Provider, including:
withholding funding for the transferring service from the receiving Approved Provider of the service, until the transfer is effective
- withholding funding for the transferred service from the transferring Approved Provider of the service, after the transfer is effective or when the department is notified of the transfer.
Note: Approved Providers must follow steps to comply with regulatory requirements under the National Law and Regulations, including submitting an application for service transfer to the NSW Regulatory Authority. See the Approvals process webpage.
7.3 Service ceasing to operate
If a service is to close/cease trading as a mobile preschool, prior to the date of closure, the Approved Provider must:
contact the department at the contact details below as soon as possible and prior to the surrender of service approval. The department will advise on the steps required to conclude the Approved Provider’s responsibilities under the Mobile Preschool Funding Program
log on to ECCMS and complete all outstanding financial accountabilities. The department will advise of any additional current year financial accountabilities that require completion by the closing service for the period up to the date of closure. The financial accountability must be completed within 30 days of the closure of the service, unless otherwise agreed with the department
cease expending all funds from the date of closure
return all unspent funds to the department by no later than 30 days of the date of the closure of the service
- comply with any direction by the department under the Funding Agreement.
The department may take actions if a service has notified the department that it proposes to close/cease trading, including:
- withholding funding for the service that is proposed to be closed/ceased trading from the Approved Provider, where that funding relates to a period after the proposed date of closure.
No funding will be provided by the department for a service that has closed/ceased trading, in relation to the period after the date of closure.
For temporary closures for 5 weeks or more, the department may seek information from funded services to confirm ongoing availability of funding.
8. Transition arrangements
- Services who have signed the Terms and Conditions will automatically receive Fee Relief funding under the Affordable Preschool initiative. Services that do not wish to receive Fee Relief funding through the Affordable Preschool initiative will be able to withdraw from the Mobile Preschool Funding Program.
- A transition period will operate between January – June 2023. During this period, services can continue to receive Mobile Preschool Funding Program funding without receiving Fee Relief funding through the Affordable Preschool initiative. This allows services additional time to assess their financial circumstances and their ongoing participation in the Mobile Preschool Funding program.
- The Mobile Preschool Funding program will transition from a financial year funding model to a calendar year funding model from 2024. Funding will continue to be paid on a quarterly basis, with allocations based on the Annual Preschool Census held in August.
- Funding is expected to follow the schedule below from 2024:
- December (Quarter 1) for period January – March 2024
- April (Quarter 2) for period April – June 2024
- July (Quarter 3) for period July – September 2024
- October (Quarter 4) for period October – December 2024.
- To continue to receive Mobile Preschool Funding Program funding an Approved Provider will need to agree to terminate its 2022 – 23 Terms and Conditions and enter into a Funding Agreement for the Mobile Preschool Funding Program for 2023, including the Affordable Preschool initiative.
9. Contact
To speak to someone about Mobile Preschool Funding, please contact the department by:
- calling 1800 619 113
- emailing ecec.funding@det.nsw.edu.au