Program guidelines

These guidelines provide an overview of the Ninganah No More program and detail its objectives, outcomes, eligibility and reporting approaches.

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1. Program overview

1.1 Overview

The Ninganah No More Aboriginal language program was established in 2018 with the aim of increasing the level of Aboriginal languages being taught in early childhood services in NSW. The program provides an opportunity for Aboriginal culture and identity to be developed and nurtured in the earliest stage of formal education, and provides a basis for the ongoing development of Aboriginal language skills at higher levels of education.

In July 2021, the NSW Government released the First Steps Aboriginal Children’s Early Childhood Education Strategy. The strategy is the outcome of a process of co-design with the Aboriginal Advisory Group for Early Childhood Education, and places a strong emphasis on Aboriginal family and community engagement, child-centred services and the promotion of Aboriginal culture and identity in early childhood settings. The provision of Aboriginal language instruction is a specific objective of the Strategy, and the Ninganah No More program has been redesigned to support the delivery of the Strategy’s goals.

1.2 Background

Ninganah No More was established to provide grants to early childhood services in NSW for the provision of Aboriginal language instruction in collaboration with local language teachers. In 2019-20, a review of the program examined the operation of the program and made the following recommendations:

  • A longer program timeframe and more time at each stage.
  • Two funding streams, one for areas with stronger Aboriginal languages and another where teachers and language resources are not so readily available, or language groups cover a smaller geographical location.
  • A more collaborative approach to enable providers to share information, strategies and best practice, where appropriate.

These suggestions have informed the revised program approach outlined here.

1.3 Why teaching language is important

It is accepted that attendance in a formal preschool education setting in the year before school has significant positive long-term outcomes for all children. NSW Government policy is that all children should have at least 600 hours of formal preschool education before they enter primary school.

Evidence also supports the proposition that there are significant benefits for Aboriginal children derived through learning their own language and culture in an early childhood education and care (ECEC) setting. This begins with improving the cultural safety of ECEC services for Aboriginal parents and children, which results in improved participation rates. But Aboriginal children who access language and culture at this age also generally show better outcomes in life-long learning. Learning one’s own language and culture strengthens identity, self-worth and increases engagement leading to better educational outcomes.

1.4 Purpose

The Ninganah No More Aboriginal language program aims to increase the level of Aboriginal languages being taught in early childhood services across NSW. The teaching of languages in ECEC settings not only promotes language acquisition among children, but also underlines the importance of older language speakers who act as teachers and mentors in language. Supporting language teaching in early childhood therefore supports broader language revitalisation objectives.

The teaching of Aboriginal languages also provides an opportunity for Aboriginal culture and identity to be developed and nurtured in the earliest stage of formal education across NSW. Language is critical to the transmission of culture as it is through language that key cultural concepts are known, understood and transmitted across populations and generations. Language teaching at ECEC services can also have a positive impact on boarder culture and identity aspirations of Aboriginal peoples in NSW, and when delivered in ECEC settings makes that level of education more appealing to Aboriginal parents.

1.5 Program approach

To support the establishment and delivery of Aboriginal language tuition in ECEC settings, Ninganah No More will be delivered in two streams. The grants program stream provides direct financial support to ECEC services and/or Aboriginal organisations to support the delivery of Aboriginal language programs at the ECEC service level. Grants will be available in three categories, as outlined in Table 1, in Section 5. Each category has expectations of the level of service being delivered in terms of the number of children being engaged and the amount of language being taught.

The second stream of Ninganah No More funding is for the establishment of six Aboriginal ECEC language nests (four in 2021-22 and two in 2024), the objective of which is to support the provision of Aboriginal language instruction at a regional level. The Aboriginal ECEC language nests will be established by way of expression of interest by qualified Aboriginal organisations by way of a direct procurement under the NSW Aboriginal Procurement Policy.

Ninganah No More is a four-year program, covering 2022-25, with an annual grant budget of $500,000. A single grant round will open in mid-September 2021 and successful applicants will be funded for four years, with annual performance reviews. The ECEC Language Nest element of the program has an annual budget of $250,000 per nest.

2. Program objectives

2.1 Objectives

Ninganah No More has five core objectives:

  1. Embed Aboriginal language and culture into ECEC programs.
  2. Increase the number of Aboriginal children learning an Aboriginal language.
  3. Ensure Aboriginal children remain connected to culture and grow their cultural identity through language.
  4. Develop stronger links between ECEC services and their local Aboriginal communities.
  5. Create inclusive learning environments and encourage all children to learn an Aboriginal language.

2.2 Outcomes

2.2.1 Short-term outcomes include:

  • increased number of Aboriginal children receiving language tuition
  • increased family and community engagement with ECEC services.

2.2.2 Medium-term outcomes include:

  • the number of Aboriginal children learning an Aboriginal language has increased
  • the number of non-Aboriginal children learning Aboriginal language and culture has increased
  • ECEC services are an accepted part of Aboriginal communities
  • inclusive learning environments are established that encourage all children to learn an Aboriginal language
  • communities of practice and monitoring and reporting result in improved practice.

2.2.3 Longer-term outcomes include:

  • all children in ECEC have the opportunity to learn about Aboriginal language and culture in NSW
  • aboriginal children remain connected to culture and grow their cultural identity through language
  • aboriginal language and culture is standard in ECEC programs in NSW
  • aboriginal parents view ECEC as valuable and relevant and is supportive of their worldview.

3. Eligibility criteria

3.1 Eligibility

Applications for Ninganah No More must be lodged by an organisation. Organisations who are eligible to apply include:

  • ECEC providers
  • recognised Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisations/businesses/consultants.

In order to be considered, applications must satisfy all of the following eligibility criteria:

  • The application is not for the delivery of services within one or more of the proposed ECEC language nest regions.
  • The program must be delivered to at least one mobile or centre-based community preschool, non-for-profit long day care service or non-for-profit ECEC service with a valid service approval.
  • The program must be co-developed by a certificate III, diploma, or early childhood teacher qualified educator employed at participating services.
  • The language component of the program must be co-developed and delivered by an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person who has support to deliver a local Aboriginal language program. Documented support will be required as part of the application process and includes:
    • proof that the organisation responsible for the language component of the program is recognised as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation (e.g., ORIC registration, documentation showing 51% Aboriginal ownership, or any other relevant documentation), or
    • documentation confirming support for an individual to deliver a local Aboriginal language program (e.g., a letter of support from the NSW AECG or their local AECG, NSW Land Council, NSW Aboriginal Regional Alliance or other relevant local Aboriginal organisation).
  • Providers of language services must also consider any requirements under the NSW Aboriginal Languages Act 2017, including notification to the Aboriginal Languages Trust of the establishment and operation of their service.

The application can relate to the delivery of the program across more than one service, provided all eligibility requirements are met. Participation of all nominated services must be confirmed as part of the application process. Eligible services include mobile or centre-based community preschools, and long day care services.

3.2 Prioritisation of applicants

Where possible, the Ninganah No More program will seek to prioritise Aboriginal community-controlled applicants over non-Aboriginal applicants. This aligns with the NSW Government’s commitment to priority reform two of the national agreement on closing the gap to build the Aboriginal community-controlled sector. Assessment of applications will apply the following hierarchy in prioritising applications:

  1. Aboriginal community-controlled ECEC services
  2. Aboriginal community-controlled organisations partnering with ECEC services
  3. eligible ECEC services delivering to a significant number of Aboriginal children
  4. existing providers who meet the current requirements for the program.

4. Priority of access

Aboriginal children should have priority of access to the services funded by this program. However, all children in a service should be provided with an opportunity to learn an Aboriginal language, and to gain a deeper understanding of the rich Aboriginal culture in the area in which they live. While a key priority of the program is to support Aboriginal children to learn their language, the program also seeks to support Aboriginal language and culture more generally, and this includes providing an improved understanding of Aboriginal culture for non-Aboriginal children also. Providers of the program will be required to report on the numbers of both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children their program delivers to.

5. Funding

5.1 Terms of funding

Ninganah No More utilises a tiered approach to the funding of services, dependent on the nominated level of language service that a provider nominates. There are three tiers as outlined in Table 1. Applicants will be required to nominate a level of service and describe how they will deliver this within their service. These will also be required to report regularly on the success, or otherwise, of their program in achieving these results.

Table 1: Ninganah No More grant categories

Category Funding amount Aim Funding expectations
Reawaken $10,000–$20,000 All Aboriginal children learn up to 20 words
  • Deliver program to min. 1–20 Aboriginal children
  • Min. of 1 hour of language lessons per week
Grow $20,000–$50,000 All Aboriginal children learn up to 50 words
  • Deliver program to min. 20 Aboriginal children
  • Min. of 2 hours of language lessons per week
Nurture $50,000–$100,000 All Aboriginal children learn up to 100 words
  • Deliver program to min. 30 Aboriginal children
  • Min. of 3 hours of language lessons per week

5.2 Funding agreements

Successful applicants must agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Ninganah No More Grants Program. Successful applicants will be expected to implement and report on programs between January 2022 and December 2025 according to the terms of their funding agreements.

5.3 Spending rules

Activities should primarily benefit children aged from three to five years of age.

Eligible services may apply for funding to support initiatives that deliver Aboriginal language tuition in an ECEC setting. Funding can only be used for the development and delivery of an Aboriginal language program.

Language classes can be in conjunction with other community language initiatives delivered by the NSW Government and/or other government agencies, however this funding is not available for applicants who receive funding to deliver Aboriginal language programs to ECEC services.

Activities need to commence in the 2022 calendar year. While the Ninganah No More program is funded for four years, approved funding must be spent by 31 December in the year in which it is provided. Applicants may be asked to return any unspent funding after this date.

The department must be notified of exceptional circumstances whereby approved funding cannot be expended by 31 December. Notification should include an explanation for why funding has not been expended and a timeline for spending the outstanding funds. Decisions regarding unspent funds will be made by the department on a case by case basis. Decisions will be confirmed by the department in writing.

Funding per service is limited to the three tiers of funding outlined in these guidelines. Applicants will be required to show in their application how they will deliver the level of service required for the funding level they are applying for.

The following items are excluded from Ninganah No More funding:

  • trampolines
  • general refurbishment solely for aesthetic reasons
  • landscape design or garden maintenance solely for aesthetic reasons
  • resources already funded by the department through another ECEC program, such as Start Strong Capital Works or Minor Capital Works as part of the Disability and Inclusion Program
  • IT equipment such as digital cameras, electronic white boards, video cameras, tablets, and computers
  • office equipment such as photocopiers and fax machines
  • staff resources such as kitchen appliances and parking spaces
  • upgrades to mobile preschool venues that are not owned by the provider.

6. Payments

Grants will be paid to successful applicants as one annual payment via ECCMS.

7. Reporting requirements

A formal reporting and acquittal process will be required throughout the term of the program. This will consist of an annual statement of expenditure and performance accountability statement. Continued funding will be dependent on the timely and satisfactory provision of reports.

Any services not meeting the terms under the funding agreement may be referred to Early childhood Sector Support program for support, to maintain their agreement.

Any funds that are unspent at 30 December 2025 may be required to be returned to the department, and will be decided with reference to the service’s individual circumstances.

A full and final acquittal of program funds will be required no longer than three months after the end of the financial year following the cessation of this round of program funding (i.e no later than 31 September 2026).

8. Risk management

Applicants will be required to provide a risk assessment for delivery of the program as it will relate to their service. This must include potential risks related to the current COVID-19 situation in NSW, including options for the continuation of the service should face-to-face delivery not be possible. Services that are unable to deliver the service for whatever reason may be required to return funds to the department.

9. Program monitoring and evaluation

The department will monitor and evaluate the implementation of programs through the acquittals, in order to assess the impact of the program. Program evaluation will involve qualitative and quantitative measures including feedback from funded organisations on the value of the educational opportunity to the organisation.

The department may commission a formal evaluation of the program during or after the delivery period. Program providers will be asked to support and provide input into this activity as required.

10. Contacts

For more information about the Ninganah No More program, please contact the Aboriginal Services team at

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