Fraud and corruption control


Fraud and Corruption Control Framework

The Code of Conduct. and Fraud and Corruption Control Policy underpin the department's Fraud and Corruption Control Framework and our zero tolerance of fraud and corruption. The framework is supported by people, processes and systems which aim to prevent, detect and respond to fraud and corruption.

The Code of Conduct prohibits our employees from acting dishonestly, with partiality or accepting any form or bribe or inducement. Breaches of the code are reported to Professional and Ethical Standards and where appropriate to the NSW Police.

Our commercial partners must comply with our Statement of Business Ethics (PDF 415KB).

Report fraud or corruption

We strongly support the public and employees reporting actual or suspected fraud or corruption in the department.

Reports should be made to Professional and Ethical Standards (PES) see Making a report to PES.

Additionally, reports can be made to:

Employees can make a Public Interest Disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994. and if made in good faith are provided protections from reprisals.

Contact the Fraud and Corruption Control team

The department’s dedicated Fraud and Corruption Control team supports managers and employees to meet their obligations to prevent and respond to fraud and corruption. The team reviews procedures, systems and practices to ensure they remain effective in preventing, detecting and responding to fraud and corruption.

Gifts, benefits and hospitality

The department is committed to managing gifts, benefits and hospitality in a transparent manner to ensure the integrity of the department and our employees. While gifts, benefits and hospitality may be offered with goodwill or as a thank you, they may also be offered as an inducement or a form of influence and present a corruption risk.

The values and culture of the department establish an expectation that employees refuse any offer of a gift, benefit or hospitality that is not token in nature.

The department's Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Procedures (PDF 721.16KB) mandate strict procedures. Any gifts, benefits or hospitality offered to an employee must be:

  • if valued at more than $50, be declared and reported to a manager before it can be accepted
  • regardless of value, be declined and declared if it presents a conflict of interest or intends to influence the exercise of the employee’s official duties

Each school and work area maintain a workplace Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality register for the recording of declarations and approvals.

The declarations made by the department’s Public Service Senior Executive officers and nominated employees are maintained in a central register which is published on the department's website (see below).

Gifts, benefits and hospitality register


  • Education support operations
  • Human resources


  • Accountability
  • Educational accountability
  • Reporting

Business Unit:

  • Legal Services
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