ATSO payments

Assisted Travel Support Officers (ATSOs) are paid fortnightly with the pay fortnight finishing on a Thursday. Learn how to complete and submit an ATSO pay claim form and find answers to commonly asked questions.

Changes to ATSO payroll and leave 2024

From 22 July 2024, ATSOs joined all NSW Department of Education employees in being paid through the SAP payroll system.

From Term 4 2024, ATSOs can view their leave entitlements via ASTP Online for ATSOs.

For more information, including frequently asked questions, please refer to the Changes to ATSO payroll and leave 2024 webpage.

Online pay claims

All ATSOs are strongly encouraged to use ASTP Online for ATSOs to submit their pay claims.

ATSOs are paid fortnightly with the pay fortnight finishing on a Thursday. To be paid the following week, ATSOs must submit their pay claim online (after the PM run has been completed) by Thursday midnight (of the pay period end).

Once submitted, ATSO pay claims will be available for the contractor to review and certify them. Contractors are requested to complete certification of ATSO pay claims by Friday midnight (of the pay period end), to enable ASTP to process the ATSO pay claim on time.

If ASTP receives your certified pay claim on time, you will be paid the following Thursday.

Learn more about ASTP Online for ATSOs.

Manual pay claim forms

IMPORTANT: Manual pay claim forms will only be available to submit until the end of 2023. Starting from 2024, all ATSOs must submit their pay claims using ASTP Online for ATSOs.

ATSOs are paid fortnightly with the pay fortnight finishing on a Thursday. To be paid the following week, ATSOs must email their completed ATSO pay claim form to the ASTP by midnight on the Friday (the next day after pay period ends).

If ASTP receives your certified pay claim email on time, you will be paid the following Thursday.

ATSO pay claim FAQs

From 22 July 2024, ATSOs joined all NSW Department of Education employees in being paid through the SAP payroll system.

From Term 4 2024, ATSOs can view their leave entitlements via ASTP Online for ATSOs.

For more information, including frequently asked questions, please refer to the Changes to ATSO payroll and leave 2024 webpage.

ATSOs are employed by the NSW Department of Education on a temporary basis during the school year.

ATSOs are employed under two categories:

Long Term Temporary (LTT) – ATSOs who are engaged on a temporary contract to provide services during school term time (up to four school terms a year). LTTs working in the morning and the afternoon on the same day are paid an additional 15% to the normal LTT daily rate.

Short Term Temporary (STT) – Relief ATSOs who can be placed on a run when the LTT ATSO is unavailable.

Learn more about types of employment.

Please refer to the ASTP Online for ATSOs User Guide (PDF 2.92MB) for step by step instructions on how to submit your ATSO pay claim for the pay period ending.

The ASTP checks all information for accuracy. This process requires a number of steps before funds can be released to your bank account.

  • Delays in submitting and certifying claims
  • Missing or incorrect information including:
    • student absences
    • run number
    • employee number
    • hours or minutes worked
    • leave or overtime

Please include details of any extra time you have claimed from your regular hours worked (e.g. road closures, training, 'home alone' incidents).

Not all courses attract a payment and ATSOs will be advised by the ASTP when relevant training is to be undertaken and how they can claim, or how payments are to be made.

The ATSO training framework outlines the applicable payment arrangements for certain courses.

If additional training is required for students with higher level needs (e.g. specialised health care), the school is required to make arrangements with the ASTP. The ATSO will be advised of the amount they can claim.

  • Training during school holidays is paid at STTs rate for all ATSOs
  • Travel time to and from training is not claimable

Long Term Temporary employees (LTTs) are entitled to payment for up to five (5) consecutive days the student is absent from the run. LTTs who job share are only entitled to claim for student absences for the days normally worked.

Short Term Temporary employees (STTs) are not entitled to payment for student absences.

An exception may occur if you were not notified before the journey started. In this situation, please provide additional information with your pay claim.

  • School Development Days (no students attending school) are not paid to ATSOs.
  • LTTs are paid for public holidays, strike days, emergency school closures such as fire and flooding, during your contracted period. You need to record this on your pay claim form.
  • STTs are not entitled to be paid for these days.

The start time you put on your claim form should be the time the driver picks you up from the mutually agreed pickup/drop off point. The finish time is when the driver drops you back at the agreed pickup/drop off point.

  • Leave requests made outside the pay claim process, for example parental leave and extended leave, will continue to be made using the department‘s standard Application for Leave form, which is processed separately by EDConnect.
  • Overtime and timesheet absences, for example sick leave, is paid in the current pay period.
  • Training completed when students are absent, or during school holidays, does not attract overtime.

Drivers can work as an ATSO. Approval from ASTP is required for a driver to be a relief ATSO on a run. Drivers must submit an ATSO pay claim to be paid for an ATSO run.


For expressions of interest, engagements, payment and training enquiries, or technical issues with ASTP Online for ATSOs, call ASTP on 1300 338 278 (select option 4).

For salary packaging, accessing your fortnightly pay advice/pay slips, updating your banking and or personal contact details, and how tax is determined across two pay periods, or technical issues with the SAP payroll system, call EDConnect on 1300 32 32 32 (select option 3, then option 1, then option 3).

For resetting your Department password, call EDConnect on 1300 32 32 32 (select option 5, then option 1).


  • Student Support and Specialist Programs

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  • Student Support and Specialist Programs
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