Sickness and allergies
Schools, parents and cares work together to keep children well and safe at school.

If your child is sick at school
If your child gets sick or injured at school, the school will contact you. If your child is ill, they will go to an area where they can lie down and be monitored. You will be called to come and collect your child if they are too sick to go back to the classroom. For this reason, it is important to keep your contact details up to date with the school, including an alternative contact – such as a relative or neighbour – who the school can call if you are unavailable.
If your child is sick at home
From time to time your child may get sick. If they display any of the following symptoms, they should stay at home and see a doctor:
a fever of 38°C or above
vomiting or diarrhoea
cough or respiratory symptoms
cold or flu symptoms
rashes of an unknown origin.
Head lice
Head lice spread when children are in close contact. They are easily treated and are not harmful to your child. Having head lice is not a reflection on the level of your child’s personal hygiene. NSW Health advises that there is no need for students to be sent home or excluded from school because of head lice.
Preventing head lice
Check your child’s hair regularly.
Keep long hair tied back, plaited or braided.
Keep a fine-toothed comb in the bathroom and encourage your family to use it when they wash their hair.
Treating head lice
Daily combing with a white hair conditioner (to help see) using a fine-toothed comb will help get rid of head lice and their eggs (nits). If your child has head lice, let the school know so they can ask other families to check their children’s hair. Your child will not be identified.
Allergies and asthma
It is important for you to inform the principal and the school if your child has asthma or allergies – not just those diagnosed as severe or food allergies. Anaphylaxis is a severe and sudden allergic reaction to allergens such as nuts or shellfish, or insect bites. If your child is diagnosed with asthma or at risk of an anaphylactic reaction, you must provide the school with information from your child’s doctor, including an Action Plan for Anaphylaxis in accordance with theAustralasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA).
The school will develop an individual health care plan to describe your child’s needs and how the school plans to meet them during the school day, on excursions and in other school activities such as sport.
Schools,parents and carers work together to put arrangements in place for health care support. Information from the child’s doctor that you provide will inform the planning process.
For more information about allergies and anaphylaxis visit:
- Allergy Aware, a hub for allergy aware resources and support for schools and children’s education and care services to prevent and manage anaphylaxis.
- Allergy Facts - a support organisation helping individuals and carers in managing allergy and the risk of anaphylaxis.
- The National Allergy Strategy, a partnership between the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA).