Getting to and from school safely
Pick the safest way to school and practise travelling the route with your child, talking about and showing them how to be a safe road user.

Keep your child and school community safe
role modelling safe and responsible road user behaviour
holding your child’s hand when walking on the footpath, in the car park and when crossing the road
using the safest place to cross the road – sometimes walking further to use pedestrian crossings, refuges and traffic lights
keeping hold of your child’s hand in the carpark, as well as when entering and exiting the car
abiding by signage in and around your school
meeting and dropping your child on the school side of the road (never call your child from across the road)
getting your child in and out of the car via the ‘safety door’ (the rear left door closest to the footpath)
buckling your child up correctly in an approved child restraint or booster seat this is right for their age and size, even if you’re in a hurry
driving and parking legally, even if it means parking further away and walking the rest of the way to school.
Find out more about safe travel to school.
Saying goodbye
Let your child know who will pick them up from school at the end of the day and where they will meet. During the first few weeks of school, the meeting place is usually your child’s classroom or a central spot.
Check with your child’s teacher to find out when and where to pick them up, and let them know who will be picking them up.
Picking children up at the end of the day
During the first few weeks of the term when school finishes each day, your child’s teacher will wait with the class at a central spot until all children are picked up. If you’re running late, notify your child’s teacher by calling the school office. Children can get upset if the person picking them up isn’t on time.
Share this information with your child’s carers such as grandparents, nannies and friends who may be taking your child to or from school.
Next up ➜
Tips for packing snacks and lunch for your child to eat at school.