Physical wellbeing strategies
Physical wellbeing is associated with the extent to which we feel physically safe and healthy. It includes: physical activity, nutrition, physical safety and security, and preventative health care. Physical wellbeing enables positive health outcomes.
Promoting physical activity
- Promote and facilitate walking or riding bikes to school
- Provide structural enablers at school such as secure bike racks or lock-up areas for bicycles
- Support active play during recess / lunch / before school by providing sport equipment
- Create and promote co-curricular activities
- Movement breaks in all classes. Keep these short and manageable, 2-5 minutes each
Creating a safe environment
- Risk assessments communicated to staff and students in advance
- No soft drink machines
- Bubblers installed and regularly maintained
- Visible and active playground supervision by teachers
- Soap and hand sanitiser being available for students and staff
Good nutrition and sleep
- Breakfast clubs
- Parent information nights
- Student made posters around the school
- Classroom debates about nutrition and sleep
- School gardens – students grow fresh herbs and vegetables; learn about nature, nutrition and health; while developing a sense of ownership of the health promotion initiative
- Healthy school canteen – students learn to choose healthy options; canteens follow Healthy Canteen Policy
- Co-ordinated, cross-curricular approach using a deliberate focus on promotion of healthy eating habits
Whole school approach
- Live Life Well @ School assists primary schools to develop whole-school strategies that support physical activity and healthy eating
- The department's Road Safety Education Program encourages primary and secondary schools to develop a whole school approach to road safety by:
- improving quality teaching of the curriculum
- creating and maintaining a supportive culture, environment and policy
- engaging and liaising with parents, carers and the school community