Getting started
Apprenticeships and traineeships are a great way to build your career. You'll gain a recognised qualification while earning money and learning the job.

Before you start an apprenticeship or traineeship you’ll need to know:
- what apprenticeships and traineeships are available
- how you obtain an apprenticeship or traineeship
- who can help and what assistance is available to you
- whether you meet the citizenship and visa requirements for VET criteria
Find out more in our welcome guide for apprentices and trainees.
Pre-apprenticeship or pre-traineeship
If you’re not sure you want to do an apprenticeship or traineeship, or which apprenticeship or traineeship to do, you can undertake an introductory course called a pre-apprenticeship or pre-traineeship.
These are fee-free, and give you a taste of the trade or traineeship vocation you might be interested in. If you decide it's right for you, then you’re already on your way to doing an apprenticeship or traineeship.
Visit pre-apprenticeships and pre-traineeships for more information.
Choosing an apprenticeship or traineeship
There are over 500 apprenticeships or traineeships to choose from. Below are some online resources that can help you decide the one that's right for you.
- Use the Skills Compare search to find an apprenticeship or traineeship that matches your interests and skills.
- Your Career - Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
- My Future - Find career options, job descriptions and resources for career advisors.
- Visit our YouTube channel - Listen to apprentices and trainees tell you why they chose an apprenticeship or traineeship and see some of what they have learned.
Finding a job or workplace
Search for apprenticeship and traineeship vacancies through:
- Workforce Australia - Australian Government job vacancy site.
- Group Training Organisations - employs apprentices and trainees and places them with host employers.
- State Government organisations - current vacancies in the NSW Government.
- Don't forget online recruitment agencies.
- Ask larger organisations about how they recruit, and ask businesses in your local area what their needs are and what they look for in an apprentice or trainee.
The 7 steps to registration
Special assistance
Visit Support and services to find more programs and incentives supporting apprentices and trainees, including
Scholarships and placements
Australian Apprenticeship support network
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander assistance
Refugee and asylum seekers assistance
Retrenched worker assistance.
Assistance for people with a disability
If you have a disability you might be entitled to financial support to help you obtain and complete an apprenticeship or traineeship.
- There are employment agencies that specialise in providing assistance tailored to your circumstances.
- Your employer may be eligible for financial help when they employ a person with a disability:
- this can include wage subsidies through the financial support for Australian Apprentices with disability program, or
- assistance to modify or adjust your workplace through the Employment Assistance Fund.
Self-help and FAQs
You may need more help and information about your apprenticeship or traineeship or it isn't working out like you thought, for example:
- your employer isn’t training you on the job
- your training organisation isn’t delivering training like they said they would
- you are being bullied at work
- you want to leave your job
You'll find solutions to common help topics in our self help section that may prevent the issue becoming a problem.
Otherwise, there are people you can talk to who can help and advise you.
Contact Training Services on 13 28 11.
General support contacts
- Training Services on 13 28 11 to be directed to your nearest Centre
- Your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider
- If your are employed by a Group Training Organisations contact them if you are having problems with your host employer.
Remember, the earlier you raise an issue, the more likely it is to be sorted out.
Support contacts for employment conditions and wages
- The Australian Government FairWork Ombudsman provides information and advice about your workplace rights and obligations including pay, leave, entitlements, Awards and agreements. Visit Apprentices and Trainees Overview for more information.
- The NSW Department of Industrial Relations works with employers and employees to achieve fair, equitable and productive workplaces. NSW IR monitors and provides advice on long service leave, shop trading regulations and NSW public holidays.