The 7 steps for starting your apprenticeship or traineeship
A timeline for registering for your first apprenticeship or traineeship.
Before you start
One of the first things you and your employer need to do is contact an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (ACAP) for advice on the qualification best suited to the workplace and to find an appropriate Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
The ACAP will help you and your employer complete a Training Plan Proposal and a Training Contract. Click on the headings below to learn more about these two important documents.

This document is lodged with your Training Contract, contains information such as:
- your vocation, qualification title and level
- mode of training delivery (classroom, one-to-one, block release etc)
- training arrangements
- who will train you.
Within 12 weeks of the approval of your apprenticeship or traineeship, your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider and RTO will sit down with you and your employer to develop your Training Plan, which details:
- units of competencies to be undertaken
- critical dates
- mode of delivery (classroom, one-to-one, block release etc)
- assessment details
- training materials to be provided.
Make sure you are given a copy of the Training Contract, the Training Plan Proposal and the Training Plan. Keep them safe.
This is a legal agreement which officially establishes your apprenticeship or traineeship. It tells you:
what qualification you are doing
how long your apprenticeship or traineeship will go for
the industrial instrument or award you're employed under, employment conditions, pay, leave
who your RTO is.
Steps to sign up
1. Choose the right qualification
You and your employer should agree on the appropriate qualification that will meet your career goals and be suitable for the workplace.
2. Sign a contract
Once you’ve started work, an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider will help you and your employer complete a Training Contract.
3. Prepare a Training Plan Proposal
Your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider and your Registered Training Organisation (RTO) will help you and your employer develop a Training Plan Proposal which is lodged with your Training Contract.
4. Training Contract is lodged
Your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider will lodge your Training Contract and Training Plan Proposal with Training Services for approval.
5. Contract is approved
Once it’s approved, you’ll receive a confirmation letter and a Training Contract ID number or TC ID ( a very important number - don't lose it!).
6. Training plan is completed
A full Training Plan must be developed within 12 weeks from the date of approval. This is done by the RTO in consultation with you and your employer.
7. You are registered
When your probation period is complete (1-3 months after your employment commences) your apprenticeship or traineeship is considered 'registered'.
Important documents to keep
When you start your apprenticeship it’s important to keep copies of your:
- Training Contract
- Approval letter
- Training Contract ID number (TC ID)
- Training Plan
These contain all the information you need about your Apprenticeship or Traineeship and they’re also important when seeking support or advice.