Animal Research Authority

Every school that uses animals for educational purposes must hold a completed Animal Research Authority. This must be retained by the school.

Each year the Schools Animal Care and Ethics Committee (SACEC) issues an Animal Research Authority, on behalf of the respective school sector, to schools in NSW that are accredited with the Department of Primary Industries.

This authorises those staff who sign the authority, to use animals for the purposes of teaching and research, provided that the activities are in accordance with the advice provided within this website.

This authorisation is for:

  • student participation for activities in categories 1-3
  • teacher demonstration only, for activities in category 4
  • student participation for collection, observation and release of tadpoles (frogs)
  • student participation with the five nominated species of native animals.

Written approval must be sought in advance from the SACEC for:

  • students to carry out category 4 or 5 activities
  • teachers to demonstrate a category 5 activity
  • teachers or students to carry out any activities that are not on the approved list
  • approval for an Office of Environment and Heritage scientific licence.

The Animal Research Authority is issued to schools at the beginning of term two each year. It must be completed by the staff who use animals for the purposes of teaching and research, and then retained by the school.

The information on page two of the Authority must be updated when changes in personnel occur at the school. The Authority must be retained at the school and made available for inspection by appropriately authorised people including officers from the NSW Department of Education Education, Catholic Schools NSW and Association of Independent Schools, inspectors from the Department of Primary Industry’s Animal Welfare Unit and officers involved with, and members of, the SACEC.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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